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Plasma Mobile is great
  • If you use the barebones one, then you're actually using Arch 😉


  • Plasma Mobile is great
  • The Danctnix thing I presume, not really Arch in the true sense 😉

    But good to hear! Make sure to report the bugs you encounter so they can be fixed!

  • Plasma Mobile is great
  • Nice, we don't encounter many people daily driving it. What distro do you use?

  • Blame the humidity!
  • You live in a climate that's not supposed to be that warm (not as long and as often as it is nowadays anyway), and is supposed to be rainy, windy and cold. Rather than hoping the climate will change I would recommend you look into moving somewhere south where the climate is naturally warmer.

    The current heat waves are a sign of climate change, and it's nothing to be celebrated even if you love the heat, somehow.

  • Update from Lemmy after the Reddit blackout
  • We also hope to migrate development to Gitea once federation is implemented.

    That is awesome to hear! Lemmy federating with the code forge it's hosted on sounds awesome!

  • Update from Lemmy after the Reddit blackout
  • Uh reading your third link, no they are not reluctant to discuss it. That whole discussion sadly was about how the original "proposal" was framed, and I have to agree with that person that it wasn't "proposed" but more stated as a demand.

  • 2006Scape is now availabale as a flatpak!
  • Huh, so this is like but for 2006? Interesting, I wonder which project is further along. I personally prefer the 2009 era at least so I don't think I'll play this.

  • So I recently deleted Linux because it was too addicting to me, and accidently locked 300gigs of my drive away.
  • That... Is interesting 🤔 Linux can be fun but it should foremost just be a way to run your apps, just "be an OS", nothing more. Choose some well-supported enterprise distro like Fedora or Ubuntu or whatever and just do what you do on a computer, minus customizing it.

    I know that's not how addiction works, but I'm sure there is some way for you to run Linux without having addiction problems. Now you're resorting to an OS that spies on you and fills you with ads, is that really what you want?

  • I'm having an issue installing Runescape using Flatpak on Manjaro
  • Unrelated to your question, but honestly is there any reason not to prefer RuneLite? It's objectively the better client, even if you turn on all the extras it gives you, with the enhanced GPU rendering.

  • Is there a way to create Super Communities?
  • Also I’ll be honest I have no idea what mastodon is.

    Mastodon is to Twitter what Lemmy is to Reddit: a decentralized alternative built on the ActivityPub protocol for the fediverse.

  • My thoughts on Flatpak (that nobody asked for)
  • But tons of libraries used out there are not in those runtimes, and this scenario still applies to them.

  • What OS do you use on your pc and why?
  • Better to just not use Windows at all at that point tbh. Go join us on the light side and use some Linux distro!

  • Abonneren op communities van andere lemmy-instances
  • Pfoe, dat mag wel echt makkelijker gemaakt worden zeg. Ik zie ook via dat deze post best wel wat comments heeft maar vanaf is dat niet te zien. Bij Mastodon is het ook zo dat als je server voor het eerst een post ziet het niet de reacties kan laten zien maar dat vind ik persoonlijk wel echt een flink nadeel.

  • A GNU+linux based competitor to Apple Vision Pro could bring the year of the GNU+Linux desktop if it comes before the other evil companies release similar things
  • I'm sure it's nice, but it shouldn't be forced upon me by some random software project. I don't use Nix, I don't have a need for Nix. But if I want to install this project, for some reason I suddenly need to edit my root system to install some package manager I'm never using.

  • A GNU+linux based competitor to Apple Vision Pro could bring the year of the GNU+Linux desktop if it comes before the other evil companies release similar things
  • I wish they focused more on passthrough, windows projected in real life (so AR) rather than the black space you now have in the background.

    Also, it for some reason uses Nix as it's build/install system. I've read through their issues talking about it and I get their reasoning, but there is no way I'm installing this in my system if I have to use Nix and install it as root...

    They should upstream their forked stuff and make it compilable with system dependencies 🤔

  • A GNU+linux based competitor to Apple Vision Pro could bring the year of the GNU+Linux desktop if it comes before the other evil companies release similar things
  • I see benefit in both tbh. Connected as a fancy monitor to your more powerful PC at home, a thing on it's own on the road. Although I suppose I rather see it use my phone as the rendering/computing device and just be another screen for that.

  • Users from before the current wave of Reddit refugees, how do you feel about the incoming monsoon of refugees?
  • Can give you some examples? That is definitely not my experience, the few subreddits I visit often only have memes every once and while and they often get removed quickly by the mods redirecting them to dedicated meme subreddits.

  • Which distro has the best GUI in your opinion?
  • Tbh the various DE's should work just fine out of the box without additional distro work done outside of packaging. That's the case on Arch Linux, Gentoo Linux and Alpine Linux at least, not sure why it would be different on distros like Ubuntu or Fedora.

  • In an effort to promote the use of open and FOSS platforms rather than proprietary and locked down ones, as postmarketOS we created our own community on Lemmy postmarketOS - Lemmy

    postmarketOS [] - a real Linux distribution for phones and other mobile devices 🐧 📱 👩‍💻 Rules: * Be nice, follow CoC [] * Don’t ask for device ports, consider DIY [] * Report bugs in th...

    postmarketOS - Lemmy

    ! , please join and help it make more awesome and bigger than the Reddit one :winking face:

    I'm one of the core pmOS devs and although the other core devs aren't Lemmy users yet, I'll make sure to hang around, answer questions, moderate, etc.

    For the people that don't know about postmarketOS yet:

    postmarketOS is a real Linux distribution for phones. We are sick of not receiving updates shortly after buying new phones. Sick of the walled gardens deeply integrated into Android and iOS. That's why we are developing a sustainable, privacy and security focused free software mobile OS that is modeled after traditional Linux distributions. With privilege separation in mind. Let's keep our devices useful and safe until they physically break!

    Have a look at our website and join us on Matrix!

    PureTryOut PureTryOut
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