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Portable convenience [The Square Comics]
  • I love this animation style so much haha

  • TIL that Will Smith turned down the role of Neo in The Matrix to star in Wild, Wild West
  • <insert diety here> was definitely looking out for us. I'll celebrate this weekend at <insert place of worship here> and with a month-long <insert label for religious adherence to diet, clothing, and activities>

  • Riot: No confirmation LoL Vanguard is bricking PCs, only 0.03% of players have reported issues
  • When you have millions of players, .03% is 300 people per million. Consider the fact that the .03% of people in this figure are those who report this bug to Riot.

    Perhaps not included in the .03% are people who lost their install and:

    • are not tech savvy enough to even file a report or recover their computer
    • gave up or quit trying
    • haven't yet recovered their PC to file a report the usual way
    • stuck to reporting issues and seeking help elsewhere, such as on Reddit, perhaps even PC subreddits
    • quit when they realized how insane the Vanguard saga is

    Riot is has a colorful history and a future of misuing and abusing statistics across the board. It's practically their modus operandi.

  • Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling
  • They put some under-the-hood improvements in 10 that they didn't put in 7, such as a new display driver model and Directx 12.

    But that does not make a difference to most people. Industry desupporting of Windows 7 is the biggest con to it.

    Eventually, 10 will share 7's fate. So you'll have both 10's regressions and 11's and so forth to live with as long as you're on Windows. You can't stop Microsoft from desupporting and killing their software in the long run.

    Microsoft has a multi-decade history of enshitification when they do not perceive any major threats. Internet Explorer, DirectX, Windows Server, etc. all rotted. Some of these are still active and supported, yes, but they all peaked years ago and are aging poorly. Microsoft doesn't really do the labor of love thing much when customers are bagged.

    Linux may be able to dethrone them to an extent if it can reach an ease of access/UX that most people are comfy with. And it has made huge strides over the years. It can also run most Windows software very well.

    Mac is still priced very high and still feature-limited and a 2nd/3rd-class citizen when it comes to platform targeting. Offering lower priced conputers would make them a pretty big threat I think.

    I think ChromeOS is a decent threat to Windows but it loses tons of features vs all the other options. At least it is really cheap and easy to use.

  • Bazzite 3.0 has been released!
  • I've had a lot of experience with Linux and I use Nobara currently. My only catch with Bazzite is that I didn't know the first thing to do. It somehow felt as if most of my experience in Linux was just useless.

    Not saying it's a bad thing, I just decided I'd stick to Nobara for now and try learning Bazzite in the future to give it a fair shake.

    I'm also a tweaker. I like to play with ZRam and add other things to the OS, like a custom kernel with BCacheFS-Git to support my gaming darastores. I suspect some of my creature comforts may be harder to get.

  • Breaddie Mercury
  • Donut holes and icing very, very frightening me

  • "Rust" armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed sentenced to 18 months in prison over deadly 2021 shooting
  • She additionally lacked remorse. She was feeling sorry for herself and how this conviction would adversely affect her own modeling career.

    I think 18 months was very little all things considered.

  • Riot official response about League of Legends on Linux for Vanguard anti cheat
  • Yeah, but what if I want:

    • pre-2010 graphics
    • a free rootkit
    • a single ugly stagnant map with no skins
    • a single and unchangeable and uninspired drone of an announcer
    • a game whose bug-ridden, laggy client leaks memory and processes
    • a game whose client prevents you from spectating pro games, past and present
    • a pro scene rampant with match fixing and ads injected into the horrendous casting

    If not League of Legends, where else am I gonna get all of that from?

  • unused is wasted
  • Using swap isn't always a sign you need more RAM. Typically, if you use a computer for a while or have a lot of IO operations going on, Linux will decide to swap some things to make more room for cache.

    Sometimes Linux just finds that you have a bunch of inactive app memory and it can swap that out to cache way more stuff. That's just good memory management, but it's not worth buying more RAM over

  • unused is wasted
  • What is a cache file?

  • Republican who supported “Don’t Say Gay” law sues Pride parade for barring his participation
  • I'm not saying it's wrong if Fabián Basabe (R), (allegedly better known as the 'funnel-cake', and 'sea-men fairy' to his alleged, countless, male romantic partners) likes to save dinner till after sex. That's between him and the many men in his life to decide.

    And who are we to judge if he prefers body-building men who can carry him to bed and who can appreciate his wispy pillow-talk.

    I'm happy he gets to have these things in his life

  • Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads
  • TVs have a history of listening and collecting a lot more data than a smart device.

    With a TV device like an android or Linux box, you can prevent that as well as ad-injection because you can install whatever you want on the device and it's not as locked down as a TV. You can even disable or physically remove recording devices if you'd like, and many smart boxes do not even come with them.

    Also, a pihole does not guarantee you filtered out everything or prevented the TV from interfering with your experience.

    A TV can also change its policy on the fly and suddenly start injecting ads. Many TVs do this to add additional income after your purchase.

  • Ringleader of global monkey torture network, 'The Torture King', is charged
  • Not condoning prison vigilante/revenge behavior, but if this guy's fellow inmates find out what he did, and that is very easy to do, he may be in for a horrible time in prison. Not sure if he will be put into a 'special-cases' prison for his own safety or whether he'll just go straight to a general public prison.

    He has really bad paperwork and fellow prisoners always find out what your paperwork is as soon as you land in your new prison. Torture of animals is among the worst things one can do.

    Again, I'm not condoning any of this. It's just the reality this guy faces in American prisons

  • Kyle Rittenhouse storms off stage after being confronted by students
  • I had to look up that hand gesture because I'd never heard of it, and finding out what is pissed me off. Are they fucking serious? The O-K hand gesture??

    It's so evil and rotten to try to corrupt such a common, useful, and benign hand gesture and to try to turn that into a symbol of hate. Absolutely enraging

    If Rittenhouse hadn't even murdered or physically harmed anyone, I'd still say he's worth society's most energetic condemnation on his views alone.

  • Don't run out of memory
  • I wouldn't put swap on an SD card, no. Even if it had an NVME, it seems like putting up at least a double-digit percent would be more effective than 1%.

    Also, since 6.1, swap has been a lot better, with MGLRU. ChromeOS gets away with paltry amounts of RAM due to swapping. So classic overcommitting seems fine as long as you don't run into situations where more RAM is active at once than is available by hardware.

  • Don't run out of memory
  • I think the question is: if a person is going to make such a tiny swap, why even use swap?

    Such a small swap is unlikely to save a system from memory problems and it's does not seem likely to make a noticeable difference in performance when it's only able to swap out small amounts of memory.

    Why wouldn't one just put in larger ZRAM or a larger Swap with a reduced swapiness?

    If I have a raspberry pi with 1 GB ram, I don't think a 2 MB swap is worth bothering with.

  • Friends don't let friends buy HiDPI displays
  • If they go from the resolution they used to native 4k, they waste a lot of battery life. If they go the other way, you have low res. I think they happened to pick within a golden DPI range. Not too high or low.

    On KDE Wayland, I really don't really see any blurriness issues. I'm not even on KDE 6 yet.

  • Does anybody else put on pants with both legs at the same time?
  • Technology never ceases to amaze me. It's crazy to think about what ancient people must've had to do to get pants on

  • On Kernel 6.4+, is there a way to limit the clockspeed of my processor on AMD-Pstate-EPP? (amd_pstate=active)

    I'd like to set limits on the clockspeed of my laptop for efficiency and to reduce heat and fan usage. Is there some way I can do this in AMD's Pstate-EPP driver?

    Is there a CC, Debit, or other card I can use that's a little nicer to small businesses?

    I don't know if this is true, but I've heard Visa and other card compabies can sometimes be expensive and difficult to small businesses. Is there something else one could use that's not cash that would be better?

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