He is best known for the key role he played in the decipherment of the Maya script, the writing system of the Maya civilization of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica.
Knorozov listed his cat Asya as a co-author on his work, but the editors always removed her. He always used the photo with Asya (above) as his author photo, and got annoyed when editors cropped her out. Asya is featured on his monument in Mérida.
Mudder documentaries?
Have you never heard of the Hero of Canton?
Zapovednik is an established term on the territory of the former Soviet Union for a protected area which is kept "forever wild". It is the highest degree of environmental protection for the assigned areas, which are strictly protected. Access to the public is restricted.
I wonder what color mashed potatoes you'd get if you mashed all of them together.
Twilight phenomenon is produced when exhaust particles from missile or rocket propellant left in the vapor trail of a launch vehicle condense, freeze, and then expand in the less dense upper atmosphere.
Once reserved for hackers, crackers, and script kiddies, leet later entered the mainstream.[1] Some consider emoticons and ASCII art, like smiley faces, to be leet, while others maintain that leet consists of only symbolic word obfuscation. More obscure forms of leet, involving the use of symbol combinations and almost no letters or numbers, continue to be used for its original purpose of obfuscated communication.
I approve this message. It fits. No need to delete.
President JD Pee Pants would become the Supreme Leader. And then resign a month later, take his toys, and go home. Leaving us with Superfundamentalist Mike Johnson in charge. It's dicks all the way down.
Whether the Newport Jazz Festival was in Europe, because she knew it was in Europe, because that's the only time she'd been to Europe.
Difficulty rating: we were within 100 miles of Newport, Rhode Island, at the time. 2 hours in a car.
The Ijen volcano complex is a group of composite volcanoes located on the border between Banyuwangi Regency and Bondowoso Regency of East Java, Indonesia. It is known for its blue fire, acidic crater lake, and labour-intensive sulfur mining.
What about Leon: the Professional? I don't know if that has been posted yet. But I saw that when I was however old you are in seventh grade. 12? 13? There's some cop stuff for the bb cop.
The first and second Crow movies are good for the goth one.
It depends on the 9 and 11 year old, but I saw Interview With The Vampire when it came out when I was 10, and I read the book at 12...
Are the nieces interested in spooky shit, or scifi, or fantasy? That might help you refine your picks.
And his 6,000+ starlink pieces of trash in orbit have made earth based telescopes worse. They get in the way of the shot, and the emissions are something like 10x worse than promised.
Him and that tetraethyl lead guy. Just absolute stains.
Edit: no its 32 times the noise. It's a known issue, and it's been happening since the beginning.
I had one die on my toothbrush. They're usually pretty good roommates, but that day I was pissed at the whole genus.
The smell has been characterized as a "pungent odor that smells like coriander."
I'm strangely OK with this.
I started a physically demanding job after a period of inactivity. This post was inspired by real life events.
Fair. It's not going to be made mandatory, and it's not going to be every post, but I'll give it a go. Why not.