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That erratic pulsating sensation on your legs after a brisk walk- what is it? And more questions
  • Why do you think it isn't dehydration? I was told muscle spasms were due to dehydration and lack of body salts like magnesium. I'm no doctor, but I might suggest you drink more water.

  • This is what we used to worry about in the 80s. This and global thermonuclear war.
  • This picture looks like the basis for 1/4 of the Kids In The Hall's skits.

  • loss rule
  • You're right he's old, he probably knows a Rick-roll as the new and improved Goatse.

  • We'll settle for homes we own, but that's too much apparently 🙄
  • Sure as shit not going to let you have an Airstream.

  • Alberta's left-leaning opposition picks former Calgary mayor as party leader
  • Have you heard Wab Kinew speak? He's got my vote. First politician I've ever heard speaking real shit. Maybe he's full of shit and will fuck it all up, but I have hope. I agree that Jagmeet shouldn't get a 10th chance.

  • I don't mind paying taxes for services. I mind very much billionaires not paying taxes.
  • Hmmm, this might be what I need to remember which is net and which is gross!

  • Greece introduces the six-day work week
  • Fuck me. Now billionaires are coming for the surplus value of our days off.

  • Christopher Poole
  • I miss canvas so much 😢

  • The Ethnic Cleansing of California and the Midwest
  • Nice. I did not get that message at all from your original post. I now understand the point you were trying to make. 🍻

  • could we talk about... columbo?
  • Let me introduce you to a slice of Canadiana, Seeing Things about a reporter who gets psychic visions about crimes. The visions are usually pretty ambiguous and the episode is spent working out what they mean. A part of our heritage

  • BYD says Mexico plant will create 10,000 jobs
  • Good news everyone! Imports from China are way down! Long live Mexican imports!

  • Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Law Signals a Broader Christian Agenda
  • When it's 10 o'clock in New York, it's 1970 in Louisiana.

  • Billionaire Hinduja Family Members Get 4.5 Years In Swiss Prison For Exploiting House Staff
  • "Oops! They managed to sneak away on their private jet and are evading arrest. They will happily spend their lives in non-extradition countries and the Swiss government will reimburse the family for the property lost in Switzerland."

  • The Ethnic Cleansing of California and the Midwest
  • Aneurysm posting.

    25% of cats were... were 5/8ths dogs.

  • I would like to start a simple business related to 3D printing, reverse engineering and 3D scanning. What are common pitfalls of first time entrepreneurs?
  • I couldn't find an accountant would take me on for the first few years so I had to bumble along myself. I started out using quickbooks and honestly, most of my problems were from using it wrong. I should have taken classes and read books and stuff but I was a bit overburdened and stressed out from trying to manage it all.

    I've settled on 20% as a good number. Even that may be high, but I like the forced savings.

  • I would like to start a simple business related to 3D printing, reverse engineering and 3D scanning. What are common pitfalls of first time entrepreneurs?
  • I worked for 20 years as a marine canvas and upholstery guy. I've since quit and started running my own show. If I was trying to learn the trade and learn businessing at the same time I'd have totally failed. The business part isn't really hard, but it's meticulous and a bit unforgiving. I find you only find out what you're doing wrong after you've done it for a year. Getting the taxes wrong will absolutely fuck you up, six ways from Sunday. The best advice I got was from my brother (who fucked up his taxes) was to save 30% of everything you make in preparation for a tax remittance. I've found that to be higher than necessary, but that just means I saved money.

  • You're ok.
  • No u

  • Android 15 can automatically delete your face or fingerprint unlock if they aren't working well
  • I have a pixel 7 and it's totally garbage. I read a tip that you should set your fingerprint with the brightness on as low as it goes, and in a dark room. It's better with that tip, but still shite.

  • I don't think Boeing killed those guys

    Boeing is for sure a shit show and terribly managed, but I don't think they would blatantly kill guys like that. I think it's far more likely that the first guy did kill himself because he figured everybody would think Boeing whacked him and that would do far more damage to the company than his testimony would. Now any news falls under a suspicious gaze and here we are thinking some other guys unfortunate death is due to nefarious deeds.

    Or I'm wrong and Boeing has a CIA division ¯\\\(ツ)\

    Why don't posts I submitted show up in my profile?

    I've made a few posts, most about sync, but none show up in my profile under 'posts'. Even the ones I made in my own instance. What's up?

    Ahoy Sailors!

    Welcome to another sailing community! Hopefully there's some crew around to liven the place up! Anything wind powered goes!

    The best race footage I've seen!

    I liked this guy's dodger so started following him. He's a cruiser but got invited to a regatta and filmed it. I think it gives a great perspective of what a sailboat race is like. I think more cruisers should go racing, it teaches you how to react under pressure and how to use your equipment. And tests your equipment, it's better to break stuff on a Wednesday night than 2 weeks out from port!

    Why does it take so many clicks to block communities?

    Click logo, miss logo enter thread by mistake, click logo again enter community page, scroll right, click block, confirm block at the bottom of the page.

    Why can't we block/subscribe from the hamburger menu on the post? Is it this difficult on purpose? Can we edit out a few of those actions? Blocking communities is a huge part of my lemmy experience.

    Peppycito Peppycito
    Posts 5
    Comments 1.1K