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Amazon claims it isn’t a “Very Large Online Platform” to evade EU rules
  • It's actually three medium-sized online platforms in a trench coat.

  • Hotel > AirBNB
  • It was worth it back when it was people renting out a spare room in their house or their whole apartment when they were away for a small bit of cash on the side, there was a mutual understanding that you are staying in another individuals private space with all the rules and caveats that come with that, so the pricing will reflect the arrangement. For me, this made the inconvenience worth putting up with in most cases.

    Now that booking an AirBnb costs as much as a hotel room and the service has been overrun by landlords looking to use it as their primary rental income though? I'm booking a hotel every time. If I'm paying hotel money I want hotel service and convenience.

  • What everyone thinks of "Meta's" Threads and other instances preparing to defederating from them?
  • Meta entering this space is not something to celebrate. They don’t care in the slightest about fair play or open standards. They will use this as an opportunity to monopolise the fediverse (they have a strong track record for this) and push out open platforms in favour of their proprietary, data harvesting shit. Trusting Meta will be catastrophic for the fediverse.

    This blog post explains in a bit more detail how this is a problem:

  • I don't blame the actors for taking the paycheck, but man was it painful to watch.
  • As someone with a soft spot for the series, I personally enjoyed it well enough. It’s another Indiana Jones movie, it’s quite formulaic, but its fun and it works for its intended purpose. It was never going to be incredible, high-brow cinema and I do wonder why anyone who has seen any of the others expected it to be anything other than what it was.

  • Elon Musk supports eliminating voting rights for people without children
  • Elon Musk says something fucking stupid, must be Tuesday.

  • I can only upvote posts, I cannot downvote any posts.
  • I don’t think the idea is that it doesn’t matter, I think the idea is that if you disagree with someone, you should put some effort into it. On Reddit, the downvote function only really works to hide and punish opinions that the community sees as bad, which doesn’t really contribute very much in that respect. Upvotes work for indicating agreement because if you agree with a point you probably don’t have much to add to it, and if you do, you can both upvote and reply.

  • I can only upvote posts, I cannot downvote any posts.
  • Beehaw like many other instances doesn't have downvoting enabled.

  • Oh, my old nemesis, mounting secondary drives under Linux.
  • Yeah, you’ll need to add entries for them to /etc/fstab if you want them to be mounted on boot, and make sure that Steam is pointed to the directory where they’re mounted.

    Why do you mean by “Steam won’t see them as internal drives”?

  • What's the dial with Chrome over Chromium?
  • My guess is that the vast majority of people using Chrome aren’t even aware that Chromium exists.

  • I haven't been on Reddit since the 11th... Anyone else?
  • I’ve been dipping in and out, but frankly I can see myself leaving it behind entirely in the future. It’s really, REALLY apparent how toxic and miserable the majority of Reddit is when you’ve spent time using a platform where the main point isn’t to collect as many upvotes and awards as possible at the expense of empathy for your fellow humans.

  • Valve Contracts Another Prominent Open-Source Linux Graphics Driver Developer
  • Valve knows better than to put all of their eggs into one basket. Microsoft has signalled that they’re slowly but steadily moving towards a Windows + Xbox walled garden ecosystem, and while we’re not there yet, it is coming and Valve know that it could kill them off when it does.

  • Reddit alternative? Google introduces Perspectives, a search feed with results from humans
  • Neat, another service that Google will inexplicably kill in anywhere from 6 months to five years time.

  • If ActivityPub can't survive Meta, it was never going to succeed in the first place
  • If it ends up that meta is able to destroy the fediverse simply by joining it, that is a design flaw on OUR end.

    “Simply by joining it” is not an accurate representation of what will happen in the slightest. Meta is not some scrappy little Lemmy instance operator relying on donations to keep the lights on, they’re one of the biggest companies in the world who simply do not care about fair competition or open standards, and they have a proven track record of using that position to either buy out or destroy competition.

    When Meta have so much money that they can simply outspend any other fediverse platform and become dominant that way, how is that a design flaw on our end? You can make a project as resistant to corporate overreach as you like, infrastructure to run it still costs money and there is no fediverse operator on the face of the earth that is going to be able to outspend Meta when it comes to infrastructure and R&D. How is defederation not an appropriate response when smaller instances are crippled under the inevitable load stemming from Metas users?

    Corporations have been embracing, extending and extinguishing FOSS projects in the tech space for decades now, and their demise has rarely been because of a fatal flaw in the projects themselves. It’s been an intentional play by Microsoft, Google et al to ensure that there is no viable open alternative to their walled gardens. Trusting them in any capacity is naïve at best and catastrophic at worst.

    I encourage you to read this blog post which outlines these concerns much better than I can:

  • Google Domains to shut down
  • Another Google service destined for the glue factory.

  • Meta's upcoming AcitivityPub-enabled app Threads will only come with an "import from Mastodon" option. The new network won't federate on day one.
  • Anyone operating an instance should defederate from this shit immediately. This is exactly the kind of corporate overreach that isn’t welcome here. This will end very poorly for the fediverse I think.

  • Titan sub: crew have died after catastrophic loss of pressure chamber, US Coast Guard confirms
  • The controller was probably the least problematic aspect of the whole thing, and that’s saying something given that they were relying on fucking Bluetooth at the bottom of the ocean.

  • Titan sub: crew have died after catastrophic loss of pressure chamber, US Coast Guard confirms
  • People keep calling this “exploration” and the people on board “explorers”. The Titanic is the most well-documented shipwreck in history. The site has been picked over by countless dive teams, scientists, engineers, oceanographers and historians. There is nothing left to discover. Let’s call them what they were: rich tourists whose hubris made them think they were invincible but actually lead to their pointless, avoidable deaths and a search operation that will likely cost American, Canadian, French and British taxpayers millions.

  • Researcher Who Coined 'Cis' Reacts To Elon Musk Labeling It 'A Slur'
  • Is it really hypocritical if he designed it that way on purpose? It’s very clear at this point that he’s fine with trans people being harassed on Twitter and actually wants more of it.

  • Is Windows 11 worth installing over 10?
  • In short, no.

    In long, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Heated Gamer Moment

  • 4
    My current budget build, specs inside


    Epomaker TH80, Akko CS Sakura linear switches (housings and stems lubed with 205g0, springs bag lubed with GPL 105), Everglide Panda V3 stabs (lubed with 205g0), KBDiy GMK 9009 clones from AliExpress. Sounds and feels amazing for what I paid.

    PascalSausage femboy_link.mp4


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