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definitely accurate
  • …the theory that Earths surface is the post-apocalyptic "stone-age" setting of The Flintstones…

    I am going to have to do some research on this. So, did the rich go all Jurassic park with their infinity money to distract the masses, then when the flood waters rose, they forgot to keep the power to the containment on? Wasn’t there an episode where the Jetsons meet the Flinstones?

  • Own your scroll - uncountable thoughts (another RSS advocacy post)
  • Thanks for the help! Also, happy cake day!

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • Nearly all banks are expensive or downright predatory to poor people. Some more than most. I once was overdrawn $0.12 because of a miscalculation. I was hit with a $35 overdraft fee. So now, I’m $35.12 in the hole when my (already not cutting it) paycheck arrives.

    PSA: You can turn off “overdraft protection” on your debit/credit card and they will just reject it. If I knew that sooner, I would have saved so much money!!

  • Work from home
  • Right to work means they can’t be required to join a union. They / you are thinking of “at will employment”. You may get this confused because some states pass them together.

  • Surely there must be another way
  • Yeah, you aren’t maxthrifting and miserpilled enough.

  • Own your scroll - uncountable thoughts (another RSS advocacy post)
  • I’ve thought about using RSS in the past (2010’s) but could never figure it out. There weren’t as many guides and communities helping people with it so I got stuck. Also, I do like seeing the community’s view on such news story. Do the RSS apps have the ability to link to the content on lemmy or the wider fediverse?

    I’ll check out the apps, thanks for the push!

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • I’m using my app’s built in video player and I guess it didn’t recognize the time stamp. I wanted to give people an idea of the context because I think it’s worth a watch. I’ll give that timestamped portion a watch later.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • The title of this video is “An Anarchistic Watches West Wing” or something similar. I only watched 20mins but it was good so far. It’s a criticism of the American Capitalist system, American Democracy (power of the president, presidential hero worship), etc. via the way it’s portrayed in the West Wing.

  • See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance
  • Thanks, you were the only one to tell me! 07 fellow leftist.

    And If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a moment to try to start a new tradition:

    Each year on your Fediverse cake day, in response to the first person who wishes you happy cake day, you must tell the story of how you came to be here in the Fediverse. Here is mine:

    This is my first Cake Day as I started a year ago when I joined and Kbin and Mastodon all at the same time. I left from Reddit after the AMA with u/spez. I knew at that point he wasn’t relenting on the third-party apps and the loss of access for me personally, but mostly for the deaf and blind community, showed me that the CEO had no intention of putting accessibility over profit. I was an Apollo user and I was looking for an alternative while also browsing Reddit - using them as a resource, as I always had - and I was seeing censorship abound. Reddit was blocking mentions of alternative sites, blocking discussion about Spez, and the subs were rising up. I used those last few months of Apollo to help with the protests (John Oliver in /pics) and watched the proletariat attack the bourgeoisie for the rights of the people.

    Then I started going full fediverse, posting Pokémon Cards on Kbin in a lovely group with three people in which I hope to return to some day when life settles. But Lemmy had the quantity and quality I was looking for. I joined .world at first because I didn’t know what was best, but switched to when .world blocked Hexbear. Went from pc to phone when the apps came out. Went from Memmy to Thunder because Thunder supported Hexbears stickers! And here I am, one year later!

  • Globle | 2024-06-29
  • I also got it in 3. 🟥🟧🟩

  • Wordle 1,106 2024.06.29
  • Wordle 1,106 4/6

  • This coming from people who still support Stalin in 2024
  • Warren being better than Biden and Biden (or Warren) being the most left-wing president since FDR are not mutually exclusive.

    Warren is left of Biden and, if you’re left-leaning, that is better AND the most left since FDR.

  • Wordle 1,105 2024.06.28
  • Wordle 1,105 4/6

  • Alright, you've had enough fun today buddy.
  • If you do a “straight” (1/2 way around) does it count as 1/2?

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • There's not a mechanism for it.

    Democrats can name anyone as candidate at the convention in August. Biden being the candidate isn’t official yet.

  • With the recent issues of transgender people in sports, why don’t we move some sports over to a weight-class system?

    Obviously this won’t work for all sports, but things like football, track, soccer, it would allow for de-gendered team, even allowing athletes with the skills but not the genetically-endowed physical attributes to have a place to play.

    Note: I know very little about sports and being on a sports team, so please point out anything that doesn’t make sense.

    Four US (Iowa) college instructors injured in ‘brutal’ China stabbing attack | CNN Four US college instructors injured in ‘brutal’ China stabbing attack | CNN

    Four US college instructors who were teaching in China were stabbed while visiting a busy public park on Monday, in a rare case of violent crime against foreigners in the powerful security state.

    Four US college instructors injured in ‘brutal’ China stabbing attack | CNN

    > The educators from Cornell College, a private liberal arts college in Mount Vernon, Iowa, were wounded “in a serious incident” on Monday, while participating in a partnership program with Beihua University in the city of Jilin, in northeastern China, according to the college.

    onion crown

    Drawing of the top half of a possum sitting upright. Upon his head is a crown of wild (green) onions. Text says “[heh]”.

    TIL: Some cephalopods can fly…

    > Some cephalopods are able to fly through the air for distances of up to 50 metres (160 ft). While cephalopods are not particularly aerodynamic, they achieve these impressive ranges by jet-propulsion; water continues to be expelled from the funnel while the organism is in the air. The animals spread their fins and tentacles to form wings and actively control lift force with body posture. One species, Todarodes pacificus, has been observed spreading tentacles in a flat fan shape with a mucus film between the individual tentacles, while another, Sepioteuthis sepioidea, has been observed putting the tentacles in a circular arrangement.


    Why Harry Potter would fight for his high school

    Screenshot says:

    Name scratched out


    Posted 1 hour ago

    Another take on that is that he wasn't going to war for his school at all. That's ignoring the previous comments about it not being about the school at all (which is partly true), but recognizing the validity of that perspective. My point is that even if the war had been about the school itself, that wasn't what Harry was fighting for. He was fighting for his home.. Books or movies, Hogwarts was the one place that Harry felt was home. Not the Durselys', not even the Weasleys.

    Hogwarts was Harry's first real home. So, even if he hadn't been the "chosen one", even if voldemort was attacking the school directly as a goal without any of the rest of the part about him and Harry, I think he still would have fought as hard as he could to defend it. You could make Harry a supporting character with his parents just having died of natural causes, and him being taken in by the Dursleys to eventually go to school at Hogwarts with nothing else involved, and that kid would still have fought for the one place he felt at home.

    Hogwarts was like that for other students, but Harry had that abusive household and extremely limited freedom to make other social connections. That's an ideal setup for someone to attach to something as wonderful as Hogwarts was in comparison. I really think that Harry would have fought just as hard or harder for no other reason than that.


    me_irl Pandantic
    Every time I live the dream of reluctantly going to work
    7 Grinnell Undergraduate Workers Have Won a First Contract

    This month at Grinnell College, undergraduate student workers ratified their first contract — the first wall-to-wall undergrad worker union contract in the US. Jacobin spoke to union leaders about the victory.

    Grinnell Undergraduate Workers Have Won a First Contract
    The Lie That's Destroying the Economy - Adam Conover The Lie That's Destroying the Economy

    This one story explains why everything from Taylor Swift to Tyson Chicken is so f-ed up. SUPPORT ON PATREON - SEE ADAM LIVE - SUBSCRIBE TO FACTUALLY PODCAST - SOURCES: TicketMaster dominates the live ev...

    The Lie That's Destroying the Economy

    I’d love ro hear everyone’s thoughts on this!

    🎶Here comes the sun 🎶

    After two days of rain (and snow), it’s nice to see some blue sky!

    Rallying to help out a trans kid in need!

    This is community.

    I didn’t put the link as to not be accused of advertising (this not mine nor am I associated in any way). If you want it, let me know.

    Suggestions: iTunes open source to manage my iPod.

    Pulling out the old low tec and I need something to work with my old (non-lightening cable) iPod for music. Thanks!

    Stephen Dobyns, “How to like it” - link, and text in body How to like it by Stephen Dobyns

    Comments & analysis: These are the first days of fall. The wind / at evening smells of roads still to be travel

    How to like it by Stephen Dobyns

    Stephen Dobyns

    How to like it

    These are the first days of fall. The wind

    at evening smells of roads still to be traveled,

    while the sound of leaves blowing across the lawns

    is like an unsettled feeling in the blood,

    the desire to get in a car and just keep driving.

    A man and a dog descend their front steps.

    The dog says, Let's go downtown and get crazy drunk.

    Let's tip over all the trash cans we can find.

    This is how dogs deal with the prospect of change.

    But in his sense of the season, the man is struck

    by the oppressiveness of his past, how his memories

    which were shifting and fluid have grown more solid

    until it seems he can see remembered faces

    caught up among the dark places in the trees.

    The dog says, Let's pick up some girls and just

    rip off their clothes. Let's dig holes everywhere.

    Above his house, the man notices wisps of cloud

    crossing the face of the moon. Like in a movie,

    he says to himself, a movie about a person

    leaving on a journey. He looks down the street to the hills outside of town and finds the cut

    where the road heads north. He thinks of driving

    on that road and the dusty smell of the car

    heater, which hasn't been used since last winter.

    The dog says, Let's go down to the diner and sniff

    people's legs. Let's stuff ourselves on burgers.

    In the man's mind, the road is empty and dark.

    Pine trees press down to the edge of the shoulder,

    where the eyes of animals, fixed in his headlights,

    shine like small cautions against the night.

    Sometimes a passing truck makes his whole car shake.

    The dog says, Let's go to sleep. Let's lie down

    by the fire and put our tails over our noses.

    But the man wants to drive all night, crossing

    one state line after another, and never stop

    until the sun creeps into his rearview mirror.

    Then he'll pull over and rest awhile before

    starting again, and at dusk hell crest a hill

    and there, filling a valley, will be the lights

    of a city entirely new to him.

    But the dog says, Let's just go back inside.

    Let's not do anything tonight. So they

    walk back up the sidewalk to the front steps.

    How is it possible to want so many things

    and still want nothing. The man wants to sleep

    and wants to hit his head again and again

    against a wall. Why is it all so difficult?

    But the dog says, Let's go make a sandwich.

    Let's make the tallest sandwich anyone's ever seen.

    And that's what they do and that's where the man's

    wife finds him, staring into the refrigerator

    as if into the place where the answers are kept-

    the ones telling why you get up in the morning

    and how it is possible to sleep at night,

    answers to what comes next and how to like it.

    Pandantic Pandantic
    Posts 29
    Comments 623