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If the devil appeared to you and offered to answer any 3 questions, what would you ask?
  • Interesting, as an atheist I think the same way too, there is a greater probability that you are insane that there is for a Personal God existing, but I am not sure my attitude is the best, I mean, even if there was a real God and he came before me, I would count myself insane. i.e., Nothing can trump this argument if you believe in this, sounds a bit close minded to me, I don't know what the right way is either.

  • [SOLVED] Will Linux Phones ever become commercially viable and decrease to a price point of 200-400 USD?
  • Note: Linux phones are notoriously insecure (source)

    yeah, now I am not buying it lol. I wanted a daily driver not a phone for some habit :(

  • [SOLVED] Will Linux Phones ever become commercially viable and decrease to a price point of 200-400 USD?
  • I wonder how Ubuntu Touch is doing, apparently Ubuntu has given up on it's linux smartphones bet and the project is not officially maintained by Ubuntu now? idk.

  • [SOLVED] Will Linux Phones ever become commercially viable and decrease to a price point of 200-400 USD?
  • Seems like Android which supports a broad range of Terminal commands is the best next thing.

  • [SOLVED] Will Linux Phones ever become commercially viable and decrease to a price point of 200-400 USD?
  • I like you lol. btw, can I do stuff like control volume using Texmux? Like idk, switch on or off my wifi and turn off airplane mode and stuff

  • [SOLVED] Will Linux Phones ever become commercially viable and decrease to a price point of 200-400 USD?
  • RAM is pretty bad thought :(

    3GB, everything else is upto the mark

  • [SOLVED] Will Linux Phones ever become commercially viable and decrease to a price point of 200-400 USD?
  • Android with a custom ROM. I won’t mention it

    do you know of any projects which has good support (and reputation) which has something like a terminal in it? I mean, I just want a terminal.

    Also, I will be happy to spend 500USD on a Linux phone just to support it, but I wanted to know how far they are. Thank you for your comment.

  • [SOLVED] Will Linux Phones ever become commercially viable and decrease to a price point of 200-400 USD?

    Don't say, hey android has Linux in it, yeah no, idc, I want to know how far we are from buying a Linux phone at a price point of 200 USD.

    A Linux phone is one which is built completely on Linux, uses Linux apps and most important has a terminal.

    I don't want a Linux Phone for privacy, although that's a great reason, but I want it for the freedom it provides me. Hell, I don't care if Android itself comes with a terminal and has similar features to Linux, I just want a Terminal which can install apps, where I can write commands and it will execute it. Complete Control on my phone and how it behaves is what I want.

    I want to tell it when to sleep, when not to sleep, when to boot, when to edit a file and how, when to take a screenshot and what to do with it and where to save it, etc, etc. I hope you get the idea.

    Why is it frowned upon here to 'steal' content from reddit?
  • get used to interacting with bots, didn't you hear, they are the future

  • [SOLVED] Need a Linux Audio player Application which will remember where I was in a playlist and where I was in a particular audio file
  • Thanks for the link, but imma stick with Audacious for a while, saying your comment tho.

  • [SOLVED] Need a Linux Audio player Application which will remember where I was in a playlist and where I was in a particular audio file
  • Clementine, just like it's fork Strawberry will remember which chapter you were in (which file of the playlist you were playing when you exited the application), but it won't remember your location in that file. This is troublesome if you are playing chapters with length of 43 mins - 1 hour as I am. Audacious helps me with this thought.

  • [SOLVED] Need a Linux Audio player Application which will remember where I was in a playlist and where I was in a particular audio file
  • Strawberry, built upon Clementine is quite nice (in it's looks), but although it does remember the chapter I was in, it won't remember where I was in that chapter. If I click on that chapter, it would just begin from the beginning. Audacious solves this to some extent.

  • [SOLVED] Need a Linux Audio player Application which will remember where I was in a playlist and where I was in a particular audio file
  • Thank you! Audacious worked. But, worked in a manner which I didn't prefer.

    You see, if you download a audiobook from Internet Archive and it has chapters written into them, Clementine or Strawberry player would expand those chapters and show them as separate. But, audacious weirdly enough doesn't do this, it views the whole audiofile as one file and doesn't view any chapters. I like Audacious and I am likely retiring Clementine and Strawberry, but it would be nice if I could see the whole file as a playlist.

  • Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills?
  • I don't understand, what are you trying to say? :(

  • [SOLVED] Need a Linux Audio player Application which will remember where I was in a playlist and where I was in a particular audio file

    [EDIT]: Audacious does this, but Audacious doesn't view the file as a playlist rather as one file, I wish this could be changed, I don't know it might be. [\EDIT]

    So, pretty much the title. I got this amazing Audiobook from Internet Archive and I wanted to play it in Linux.

    But everytime I use VLC, VLC remembers where I was in a particular mp3 file but not on the whole playlist. Is there an application which will remember where I was in a particular playlist and in the individual file of that playlist?

    how is Lemmy going for you?
  • I don't know if you are mocking me or not lol.

    I mean, just make sure you don't reveal your original name, address, state your live in, your phone, your ip address or any identifiers which can lead back to you. You don't know which aholes you are dealing with, so better to be safe.

  • how is Lemmy going for you?
  • I will fight you

  • how is Lemmy going for you?
  • I haven’t completely switched to Lemmy yet. I don’t get as much of a diversity of views here.

    wtf! that's no joke, stay anonymous my friend. What the dick that guy must have been!

  • How easily can Lemmy be censored?

    Being an old grandpa not that adept at tech, I don't know how Lemmy works. I mean, I know it's decentralized and it's supposed to be better than reddit, but still, how vulnerable is this platform from censors looking to block anything in here?

    Are we invincible like those instances which jump up the more you try to censor them or are we basically like reddit. In other words, can I reliably access lemmy in China?

    [Support] Firefox severly distorting the voice of videos on Linux

    edit: It turns out it was because I had made a minor change in my firefox config to make my browser cosplay as an edge browser (so I can use their new search AI), it's because of that minor change that I am facing this problem. Revert back and everything works out.

    I have had this problem for a few days now, Firefox has been distorting the voice of videos for a good while now and I don't know the cause of the problem, it's unlikely the extensions are doing it because I tried opening a random reddit video on a private tab and it didn't work out either. Any help regarding this would be helpful!

    This is the original video, again, I am not into the politics of it, but this video was instantly available and I recorded it.

    Here is what I heard:

    What's that one feature you liked so much while distrohopping that you want it by default in all distros?

    I have always been discovering new things about Linux distros while distro hopping. And when I get something I really like, I just copy the package name and make sure I install it in every distro I use in the future.

    Let me start:

    1. Clipboard manager (Gpaste)
    2. KDE connect
    How to turn Audible aa3 files into mp3 files on linux?

    I am using Linux rn and I want to convert audible files to mp3, so I can listen to them anytime, is there a way to do this? (preferably locally)

    Edit: Thank you for your help!

    How to pirate Videos from any website?

    There is an app on android called Video Downloader to pirate videos from websites. Now, it works for almost every website except youtube. The problem with this app is, it has no adblocker and when you visit sites you should not visit without an adblocker, it just rains ads on you. So, is there a website equivalent of this app which can download videos from any website?

    Lemmy is not ideologically diverse. Thoughts?

    edit: having a community dedicated to letists only can be a bad idea in that it can make sure your beliefs are not questioned. I have thought myself as a socialist and I have thought myself as a anarcho-capitalist, I don’t believe in either anymore. I think if radical views go unchecked they might cause problems. Although I am a capitalist now, being confronted by socialists has made me aware of capitalisms deep flaws. When I considered myself a communist (17 year old me) I thought opposing views really changed my mind. So that's the ideologically diversity I am talking about.

    I love the outlook of lemmy, I think the design is decent and simplistic. But one thing I can't seem to get over is the fact that almost everyone here seem to think the same politically. Why do you guys think this is?? I know this is a community of leftists foss enthusiasts but I hope everyone here is aware that it is driving many people away from adapting it.

    Why is Marxism still a thing?

    I was wondering why Marxism was still a thing and this placed seemed to be filled with Marxists. So, why? Didn't the fall of USSR teach us anything? Do today's Marxists think that USSR did something wrong? In other words, will they do anything different than the dictators of the soviet union? Also, some here seem to admire Stalin. I would really have to try hard to find a community that would admire Hitler but apparently admiring Stalin, another mass murder seems to be perfectly fine!

    Will Lemmy ever replace Reddit?

    I was wondering what the point of lemmy was, if we can't get a certain number of people, we won't be able to thrive as a community and I don't see lots of people joining even though it is an open-source and decentralised forum unlike reddit.

    There are many obvious things lemmy could do better, should I make a report about it? I think we are lagging behind and not doing things which are obvious. A better GUI for mobile website would be one of the top suggestions I have. thoughs?

    Owell1984 Jerald
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