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Recomened me some Japanese movies with English subtitles
  • Anime Sci-Fi classics that you might already have seen:

    Akira (1988)

    Ghost in the Shell (1995)

    If you're ok with abstract cinema:

    Tetsuo the Iron Man (1989)

    Visual appeal:

    Metropolis (2001)

    Not Sci-Fi, but one of my favorite films of all time:

    Cure (1997)

  • Changing coffee beans: What do you do when there aren't enough beans to make a final brew?

    In our house, we generally go for variety in our coffee beans. That means when we are finishing one bag, we're going to open a different bag with totally different beans inside.

    What do you do if there aren't enough old beans to make a full serving of coffee?

    It may be heresey, but I mix the final old beans with a few beans from the new bag and call it my "bonus blend".

    Off by one solitude
  • A much better idea than when I tried to organize my restaurant with hashtables.

    It was too much for the waitstaff, who had to reindex the floor plan every time they added or removed a plate.

    On the plus side, delivering the right food was always O(1).

  • Miss me with that low bitrate
  • Actually, amateur TV broadcast was something that interested me. I had the opportunity to buy an SDR with wider bandwidth, but I wasn't sure how much I'd get into it, so I kept things cheap.

    Another thing I'm looking into is ADS-B flight tracking. My house is within range of a sports arena where there are all manner of overhead banners get flown. Might be fun to follow them around on a map.

  • The burning of the Library of Alexandria for fandoms
  • Surely this could be good, right?

    If celebrities need to be accessible to their biggest fans, maybe it would induce them to leave the birdsite? And if this is as big a migration as the article suggests, it has the potential to snowball in network effects, giving other influential users one less reason to feel chained to a dumpster fire.

  • What is your preferred API error response and why?
  • I worked on a product that was only allowed to return 200 OK, no matter what.

    Apparently some early and wealthy customer was too lazy to check error codes in the response, so we had to return 200 or else their site broke. Then we'd get emails from other customers complaining that our response codes were wrong.

  • Meshtastic DIY - How To Build Your Own Meshtastic Node NRF52840 & Lora Radio
  • I've been browsing your blog as part of a plan to build my own node using some ESP32s I have lying around from a prior project.

    I was wondering if you know of any recommendations for a 900MHz transceiver module that I could use for US node?

  • Prepare yourself
  • When I watched those episodes for the first time, my reaction was: "So the Silicon Valley billionaire would just let the poor people use his network to get their messages out?"

    The rich were portrayed as apathetic, instead of active participants.

  • How will this community survive its Eternal September?
  • I'm not sure if amateur radio is due for an external September. Most people don't see the point, since they have phones and Internet.

    I guess we could see HF airwaves fill up with frivolities? But all the new operators would open up opportunities for cool new digital modes to make the most of shared resources. I'd love if there were enough people in my area to start a broadband Hamnet.

  • How do you make someone understand that being drafted by force and ordered to invade another country is not a good thing?
  • Not that I was ever interested in being military, but I was at a lunch with two older lifelong army retirees. They kept talking about how military service broke their bodies and politicians won't cover their medical costs. These injuries were independent of any combat: It's just expected that you sell every part of yourself when you sign up.

    Who wants to be 45 years old with a limp, be unable to hear a quiet conversation, and have horrible back problems?

  • Ham Radio OneCardboardBox
    Amateur radio IP networks. What's out there?

    cross-posted from:

    > What cool stuff is going on with IP over ham radio? I want to build simple services accessible to other hams in my area, and would love to learn about what's out there. > > - New Packet Radio: This looks pretty cool, although until the FCC makes a decision on updated VHF/UHF bandwidth and symbol rate restrictions, I'll hold off on buying any dedicated hardware > > - Broadband HamNet: I'm not sure if there's any existing network in my area. Since it's 802.11 with yagis and amplifiers, I feel like you'd need a good density of local users for anything cool to develop. > > - AX.25 with TCP/IP: I might play around with this. It doesn't require equipment except a UHF/VHF radio, antenna, and a computer, so it might be easier to convince others to try it too. Obviously you're very limited in bitrate, but it would be fun to set up a gohper hole or a BBS. > > > Are there other technologies or projects worth looking into? Even though I'm not personally interested in buying new equipment for it, I'd still like to hear what's out there.

    Ham Radio OneCardboardBox
    Amateur radio IP networks. What's out there?

    cross-posted from:

    > What cool stuff is going on with IP over ham radio? I want to build simple services accessible to other hams in my area, and would love to learn about what's out there. > > - New Packet Radio: This looks pretty cool, although until the FCC makes a decision on updated VHF/UHF bandwidth and symbol rate restrictions, I'll hold off on buying any dedicated hardware > > - Broadband HamNet: I'm not sure if there's any existing network in my area. Since it's 802.11 with yagis and amplifiers, I feel like you'd need a good density of local users for anything cool to develop. > > - AX.25 with TCP/IP: I might play around with this. It doesn't require equipment except a UHF/VHF radio, antenna, and a computer, so it might be easier to convince others to try it too. Obviously you're very limited in bitrate, but it would be fun to set up a gohper hole or a BBS. > > > Are there other technologies or projects worth looking into? Even though I'm not personally interested in buying new equipment for it, I'd still like to hear what's out there.

    Amateur radio IP networks. What's out there?

    What cool stuff is going on with IP over ham radio? I want to build simple services accessible to other hams in my area, and would love to learn about what's out there.

    • New Packet Radio: This looks pretty cool, although until the FCC makes a decision on updated VHF/UHF bandwidth and symbol rate restrictions, I'll hold off on buying any dedicated hardware

    • Broadband HamNet: I'm not sure if there's any existing network in my area. Since it's 802.11 with yagis and amplifiers, I feel like you'd need a good density of local users for anything cool to develop.

    • AX.25 with TCP/IP: I might play around with this. It doesn't require equipment except a UHF/VHF radio, antenna, and a computer, so it might be easier to convince others to try it too. Obviously you're very limited in bitrate, but it would be fun to set up a gohper hole or a BBS.

    Are there other technologies or projects worth looking into? Even though I'm not personally interested in buying new equipment for it, I'd still like to hear what's out there.

    Small animals dying in the window well of my basement

    I work in a basement office. There is a below-grade egress window, with a 3-4ft ladder and a large plexiglass dome that you can push out of the way.

    I noticed a terrible smell when I opened my window the other day, and it was because of a dead mouse that presumably couldn't get out of the recess. On inspection, I found the remains of several more dead rodents there, so this has been a problem in the past too.

    Any ideas on how to prevent this? I both feel bad for the dead animals and am disgusted by the smell when they decay. The plexiglass dome has chicken wire for airflow, so I can't necessarily block those off. Maybe there's some method to repell them, or help them escape?

    OpenMW Lua: Music playlist support merged Dehardcode music (!3438) · Merge requests · OpenMW / openmw · GitLab

    Moves playlist logic from C++ to Lua. Basically, it uses an approach from Skyrim - when you can have several active playlists in the same time...

    Dehardcode music (!3438) · Merge requests · OpenMW / openmw · GitLab

    The latest dev builds of OpenMW now support music playlists run from Lua. Mods could now create custom music playlists based on location, weather, combat status, or anything else that can be measured with Lua. The pull request includes a sample mod to play certain music when fighting muscrabs.

    I look forward to all the new ambience mods that this will make possible!

    Morrowind as my rock

    Sounds a bit trite, but Morrowind represents a kind of comfy stability for me. I can always go to Vvardenfel any time, and it's always the same place.

    Yesterday, I moved houses. The neighborhood is different, there are boxes everywhere, I can't find anything, and there's no internet. On top of that, I get very stressed out whenever even a small thing in my life changes. I try to focus on one task at a time, and that's all I can do.

    However, all I need for Morrowind is to unpack my PC, monitor, mouse, and keyboard. Tonight, when the takeout food is gone, but I'm not ready to sleep (in a new room that smells weird), there will be Morrowind.

    Lua mod showcase: AttendMe Attend Me

    Follower HUD and teleportation

    Attend Me

    Figured I'd share some of my favorite OpenMW mods. Today is AttendMe, a cool UI for monitoring your companions. It tracks health, stamina, magicka, as well as whatever spells/weapons they have equipped. I find it very useful for all the slave rescue quests, so I know who to heal.

    Maggie Chow: What was her plan?

    Played DX a few times, but the only part of the plot that never fully makes sense to me is Maggie Chow:

    • She is an MJ12 plant who knows JC is Paul's brother, but doesn't know he's a fugitive? Or she does know he's a fugitive but doesn't call her MJ12 guards to take him out?
    • She sends JC to the police station on a mission to steal information, but then the information incriminates her. Why? JC even asks her what she expected to happen.

    Not so much a plot thing, but I also find it strange that she runs up to fight JC in Versalife with just a sword and no armor. It's the least threatening fight in the game. I know the people in Hong Kong say she used to do Kung Fu movies, it would have been cool if there was some allusion to that during the fight.

    Not just for Morrowind: RWC is the first standalone game (demo) written for OpenMW that uses none of Bethesda's proprietary assets

    Robo Wind Construct (RWC) is a standalone game demo for OpenMW that doesn't use any proprietary assets. It truly shows what can be possible with the OpenMW engine aside from reimplementing Gamebryo games.

    Following the RWC project in OpenMW discord has been interesting. There's symbiosis between development, where RWC might need a feature that ends up ported to OpenMW and becomes available to everyone! I hope they're able to eventually complete the game.

    Interference from power lines?

    Just moving in to our first home, and I'm very excited to have the freedom to set up a permanent HF antenna.

    I'll probably build a sort of fan dipole and run it along the side of our property. That's the only place long enough to fit. However, the power lines for the neighborhood run over part of our backyard. I'm not worried about my dipole being too close to high voltage power (it won't be) but I wonder if the AC frequency can cause interference on certain bands?

    Digital-only QRP transceivers

    cross-posted from:

    > I'm really intrigued by digital modes. Stuff like JS8Call seems really cool, and I want to get into it. > > I don't have any HF equipment. SSB isn't very interesting to me, so I was thinking of getting a digital-only transceiver and saving some money. I think it would be cool to take a small QRP box with a laptop or raspi, and do digital mode Pota with it. > > I've seen the QDX which looks exactly like what I want and seems to get good reviews. Any others that I should be aware of?

    Ham Radio OneCardboardBox
    Digital-only QRP transceivers

    cross-posted from:

    > I'm really intrigued by digital modes. Stuff like JS8Call seems really cool, and I want to get into it. > > I don't have any HF equipment. SSB isn't very interesting to me, so I was thinking of getting a digital-only transceiver and saving some money. I think it would be cool to take a small QRP box with a laptop or raspi, and do digital mode Pota with it. > > I've seen the QDX which looks exactly like what I want and seems to get good reviews. Any others that I should be aware of?

    Digital-only QRP transceivers

    I'm really intrigued by digital modes. Stuff like JS8Call seems really cool, and I want to get into it.

    I don't have any HF equipment. SSB isn't very interesting to me, so I was thinking of getting a digital-only transceiver and saving some money. I think it would be cool to take a small QRP box with a laptop or raspi, and do digital mode Pota with it.

    I've seen the QDX which looks exactly like what I want and seems to get good reviews. Any others that I should be aware of?

    Raktajino... has liquor in it?

    I like coffee. I like Star Trek.

    I've had a mild interest in the raktajino, a Klingon coffee drink commonly consumed in DS9. I've looked up a few fan theories and fan recipes. I haven't seen any references to a canonical recipe, so I get that there's a bit of fun and personal preference involved.

    The only thing I don't understand is why raktajino is commonly claimed to be made with liquor. On the one hand, I understand why Klingons might want a stiff additive to their caffeine. However, the context in which characters on DS9 drink it does not suggest the presence of intoxicants. I recall at least a few occasions in which bridge officers, while on duty, drink a raktajino. Surely even synthol is not OK when you're on shift for Starfleet.

    New GM: Player wants a new character early in the game

    We're 3 game sessions deep into a Vampire the Masquerade chronicle. I've just heard from one of my players that they feel like they've put a bit too much of themselves into their character, and they're starting to get uncomfortable with it. As such, they'd like to roll up a new char sheet and bring their current character out of the game. We've talked a little bit about whether they want their character to die, or to permanently leave the party, and that's still up in the air.

    This is my first time as GM, and I'd like a few pointers on how to work with this. From an "off the table" perspective, I've already had a conversation with this player about what their needs are. I'm confident that the overall game is still fun for them, and that this isn't about any player-player dynamics.

    From a narrative perspective, I'd love to hear how others have dealt with this before. In the past 3 sessions, I haven't had the chance to bring out the kind of enemies who could kill a PC outright (bloodthirsty elders, second inquisition deathsquads, conniving underlings). I don't want the player to have to go through several more sessions with a character they dislike just because it would have more punch further down the line.

    Ham Radio OneCardboardBox
    Anyone who knows antennas that can explain this j pole to me?

    Granted, I'm new to ham, but I haven't seen a DIY j-pole like this with an element in the middle tuned for a different band. All the diagrams I've seen show that the 1/4 wave element (the parasitic element?) is supposed to cancel out the bottom part of the 3/4 wave (driven?) element.

    At first I thought the 70cm band element was just for running a second coax connection that you'd swap between, but it has no connections. Furthermore, my reading on j poles says that they're supposed to be sensitive to metallic stuff around them, so an extra element would seem to interfere.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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