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G.M. Sold Millions of Cars That Were More Polluting Than Allowed, E.P.A. Says| The agency reached a settlement with the automaker over the sales of S.U.V.s and pickups that emitted excess CO₂
  • 6 million cars, the fine is $140 million. That's $24 or so per car. There's no way that GM saved only $24/car doing this. So the fine is just a cost of doing business.


    The company has also voluntarily retired about 50 million tons of carbon dioxide pollution credits, which are issued by the E.P.A. and used by auto companies to make it easier to comply with increasingly stringent federal tailpipe emissions standards. G.M. estimates the value of the loss of the credits at about $300 million, reflecting what it paid for them a decade or so ago. However, the market value of those carbon credits varies, and a more recent government estimate of $86 per credit would put the value at about $4.6 billion.

    This is probably where the actual sting to them is.

  • I just wanted the cheap pizza
  • Orb mommy 🔮🔮🔮🔮

  • Who Won The First Biden-Trump Presidential Debate [of 2024]?
  • Then CNN wouldn't have gotten permission to have the debate. The debates are controlled by the parties via the commission on presidential debates and they are the kingmakers. If CNN said they wanted to live fact check, they would simply have chosen another network instead.

  • I just wanted the cheap pizza
  • (please attend to primaries next time...)

    So... should I have voted for Marianne Williamson or Dean Phillips, keeping in mind Dean Phillips formally withdrew from the race before my state's primary, and Marianne Williamson couldn't have won if she had sweeped every state after and including mine?

    I think the problem is mostly that the US system of elections is turbo mega fucked.

  • Israeli Attack on Rafah Tent Camp Kills Dozens, Wounds 50
  • In 2-3 days the New York Times is going to breathlessly report that Biden called up Netanyahu, scolded him, and gave him yet another ultimatum.

  • In Wyoming, Bill Gates moves ahead with nuclear project aimed at revolutionizing power generation
  • Solar attached to homes is not really a scalable solution on its own. For one thing, it's a massive liability for the utility. Power is produced on an as needed just in time fashion. Putting extra power onto the grid just means that the load is less predictable, and if the utility doesn't have storage, this extra power could be excess, and there isn't a convenient and safe way to dump persistent excess power on a grid level, and they can't phone you up to ask you to shut down your solar arrays either.

    This is why you see negative energy prices from time to time. Oversupply is a problem and it can wreck equipment.

  • Malicious VSCode extensions with millions of installs discovered
  • Not quite. Their "malicious" extension only got a few hundred installs. Using the data gathered by that extension and via other means they were able to locate other actually malicious extensions. Those total in the millions of installations.

    Through this process, they have found the following:

    1,283 with known malicious code (229 million installs).
    8,161 communicating with hardcoded IP addresses.
    1,452 running unknown executables.
    2,304 that are using another publisher's Github repo, indicating they are a copycat.
  • Adobe Announces That They Can Use Your Content for AI
  • To add, let's do some math!

    Let s be the total annual salary of every employee using Adobe. Our goal is to find the productivity ratio r such that changing to Gimp and open source more generally is a net positive from the standpoint of productivity and labor.

    s/r will be the total annual salary after changing over, because (for instance) if r = 0.8 then LTT will need to either hire or work his existing hires 1/0.8 times longer, giving (at best, ignoring overtime and so on) s/r as the new labor cost.

    We then subtract the current labor cost to get the switching cost s/r - s, and if this is greater than $10,000 then the switch is not worth it.

    For instance, let's say LTT employs 1 person at $50k/year. He's a bit of a skinflint. We solve for r and arrive at a ratio of 5/6 or 83.33%.

    If we have a different world where LTT hires 10 people and pays each of them $100k, we solve for r and get about 99%.

    In other words, the switch is worth it only if the labor cost is small, so the extra labor is not very expensive, or the difference between the two software is negligible.

  • Introducing Resuscitate
  • For those curious: Gothic 1.

    I've never heard of it before and it doesn't look like my type of game. Anyone played it?

  • The Indie Chat & Recommendation Thread
  • Cassette Beasts not Beats ;)

  • KDE's Amarok 3.0 Music Player Released After Six Year Hiatus - Now Ported To Qt5
  • What about Elisa? I was under the (potentially mistaken) assumption that Elisa was the successor of Amarok.

  • Hacker Breaches Scam Call Center, Warns Victims They've Been Scammed

    A hacker claims to have also stolen source code from the call center, which they say is an antivirus scam.

    Hacker Breaches Scam Call Center, Warns Victims They've Been Scammed
  • I am sorryI am sorryI am sorryI...

  • Gog-games is back.
  • So like, it's really easy to armchair and just say that they should ignore the haters and so on, but having been on the opposite end of a small Internet hate mob, even if you only have like a dozen people telling you that you're a crook, or a piece of shit, or your stupid or dishonest, or whatever, it doesn't really matter how accurate any of that is, it really does start to get to you, no matter who you are.

    The only healthy option is to log out at that point.

  • Glassdoor Wants to Know Your Real Name
  • Wow, your name is my name too.

  • Hey remember wanting to be able to shop for a car online?
  • Does this mean I can finally download that car like I was promised?

  • Is the SNES emulator Snes9x no longer trusted?
  • Most closely matches the behavior of actual SNES consoles.

    This requires very careful emulation of the timings of the various buses and co-processors, as well as on-cart chips which may or may not be present. For instance, a Speedy Gonzales game has a button in the final stage which crashes almost every emulator because enters an infinite loop reading from an open bus and waiting for the value to attain a specific pattern. However reading from an open bus is generally specified to be the last value loaded into the bus, which in this case is the load instruction itself, $18. So the value is read to be $1818 by most emulators, which doesn't match the pattern expected.

    However, this is only if you're emulating with instruction level accuracy. It is possible for the value of the bus to change in between the instruction being loaded and the value of the bus being loaded due to an HDMA load being triggered, but this requires a cycle accurate emulator.

  • I've been playing xonotic and DAMN is it fun
  • You may already know this, but Xonotic was forked from Nexiuz after the original code owner sold the GPLed code to some publisher to make a for pay game.

  • Hallucination is Inevitable: An Innate Limitation of Large Language Models (arxiv preprint)


    Hallucination has been widely recognized to be a significant drawback for large language models (LLMs). There have been many works that attempt to reduce the extent of hallucination. These efforts have mostly been empirical so far, which cannot answer the fundamental question whether it can be completely eliminated. In this paper, we formalize the problem and show that it is impossible to eliminate hallucination in LLMs. Specifically, we define a formal world where hallucina- tion is defined as inconsistencies between a computable LLM and a computable ground truth function. By employing results from learning theory, we show that LLMs cannot learn all of the computable functions and will therefore always hal- lucinate. Since the formal world is a part of the real world which is much more complicated, hallucinations are also inevitable for real world LLMs. Furthermore, for real world LLMs constrained by provable time complexity, we describe the hallucination-prone tasks and empirically validate our claims. Finally, using the formal world framework, we discuss the possible mechanisms and efficacies of existing hallucination mitigators as well as the practical implications on the safe deployment of LLMs.

    Avoiding fusion plasma tearing instability with deep reinforcement learning Avoiding fusion plasma tearing instability with deep reinforcement learning - Nature

    Artificial intelligence control is used to avoid the emergence of disruptive tearing instabilities in the magnetically confined fusion plasma in the DIII-D tokamak reactor.

    Avoiding fusion plasma tearing instability with deep reinforcement learning - Nature
    Ur-Quan Masters released on Steam (for free) Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters on Steam

    Experience the award-winning space saga. Travel to hyperspace, discover alien worlds, and meet an eclectic cast of characters. Find out what happened after the Ur-Quan invasion. And if the war still rages, fight for Earth and the Alliance of Free Stars!

    Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters on Steam

    You might know the game under the name Star Control 2. It's a wonderful game that involves wandering around deep space, meeting aliens, and navigating a sprawling galaxy while trying to save the people of Earth, who are being kept under a planetary shield.

    5 Companies That Union-Bust Must Now Automatically Recognize Union, NLRB Rules

    A new framework for unionizations means that a company must voluntarily recognize a union or demand an election—and can no longer interfere with the election.

    Companies That Union-Bust Must Now Automatically Recognize Union, NLRB Rules
    Please add a redirect from the www. subdomain 🐝

    Sometimes, because I am ancient, I automatically type in www. before I type in into my address bar. It would be nice and comfy to have that give a CNAME redirect instead of just completely failing to DNS resolve.

    POOM - A Pico8 Doom port This ain't your usual Doom port

    MEET POOM Hi everybody. Meet POOM []. It's not your everyday Doom port. It's one of the most bonkers takes on the game I have seen in a while. Join me as I briefly gush about how good this thing is. (obligatory: 56k warning, here be gifs aplenty; one of them has a bit o...

    This ain't your usual Doom port
    Missing Titan submersible is operated by a cheap game controller

    > the Logitech F710 is a solid controller to get if you’re on a tight budget, but perhaps not exactly the type of equipment you want to stake your life on. [...] Reviewers on sites like Amazon frequently mention issues with the wireless device's connection.

    > The reporter, who followed an expedition of the Titan from the launch ship, wrote that “it seems like this submersible has elements of MacGyver jerry-riggedness.”

    OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity
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