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Parts of Reddit are staying dark. Our search results may suffer for it.
  • Most of the data has been preserved via the Pushshift data dump/archive. It seems to end at February 2023, and the entire archive (including the separate 2023-01 and 2023-02 archives) is >2TB with zstd compression so it's not exactly easy to search unless you have a few terabytes to spare. Luckily, much of the data still seems to exist.

  • rule :3
  • That worked for me too, it's just not as seamless as I expected

  • rule :3

    !boykisser smoking a fat blunt

    edit: it seems gifs don't work well on lemmy or (more likely) i did something wrong lol

    edit 2: inline embed test

  • :3

  • NullBite NullBite

    originally I signed up for, but there were some issues so i came here

    my links:

    Posts 1
    Comments 4