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Honestly - How much will you sacrifice for a better world?
  • I mean, yes, it would be? If I can solve world hunger by sacrificing my left arm to the elder gods or some shit, I'm still losing my left arm. It's still a sacrifice.

  • What's something about you that you find difficult to deal with?
  • The crippling depression that's completely stopped me from functioning in any meaningful way. That's definitely the big one.

  • Which YouTuber still creates high-quality videos to this day?
  • Forrest Valkai. He's a biologist who makes a mixture of educational content, videos debunking creationist claims (in an educational way rather than the "look at this fucking idiot" approach that much of atheist youtube seems to take), and just some silly fun in-between.

    He doesn't have the insanely high production value of other channels named here, but he's the most wholesome person I've ever seen. His love for life and science radiates off of him and watching him passionately explain how cool something is genuinely makes me happy in such a depressing and pessimistic world.

  • *points finger* That's bait.
  • You people are nuts lol. I don't like Epic either, but if you think buying a $60 game is somehow less work than just claiming a free game, you're delusional. $60 is at least several hours worth of literally working for the vast majority of us, whereas a miniscule amount of hard drive space and a one-time affair of setting up an account is a non-issue. Especially if you use a password manager (as you should), then you don't even need to remember the password.

    There are plenty of reasons to hate Epic, stop making up bad ones.

  • Meta announces always online DRM for all existing and future Quest VR devices
  • Thanks. I'll be checking these out later.

  • Like a hot tub: Water temperatures off Florida soar over 100 degrees
  • I've seen a surprising number of people on Lemmy with this depressing attitude. Not all humans deserve to die just because those in power don't give a shit about the environment. And unfortunately, we're not the only ones that will end up dying off. We'll be taking a massive chunk of the planet with us.

  • "why would i change my passwords?"
  • I got to step 20, where my password suddenly caught on fire and Paul died.

    My day is ruined.

  • Ubisoft reportedly deleting customer accounts with purchased games if they have been inactive for too long
  • ...what does that have anything to do with closing accounts? Accounts do not degrade.

  • in Australia, when we pay taxes, we get a receipt. The receipt shows what our taxes were spent on
  • Tell me you hate poor people without telling me you hate poor people.

  • What was the strangest take you've seen/heard someone say?
  • In my eyes, if it's extremely unlikely that we're real, it's even more unlikely that another species is not only real, but has significantly better technological advancements than us as well. It's just the same problem with extra steps. But the thing about the simulation thing, is that it's completely unfalsifiable and has no impact on our reality even if it's true. So there isn't really any need to consider it outside of a philosophical conversation.

  • What was the strangest take you've seen/heard someone say?
  • The free will one and the fear of an AI uprising is understandable, even if I disagree myself, but the other two... What makes you believe that in the entire universe, we're the only planet that managed intelligent life? And the simulation thing is just crazy.

  • ‘I’ve never seen heat this bad. It’s not normal’: Italy struggles as temperature tops 40C 118f
  • You make it sound like humans are the only ones affected by climate change. Sea turtles, elephants, polar bears, pandas, there's a fuck load of animals we're directly killing off. Everything is most certainly not fine, even if you don't give a single shit about innocent human lives.

  • Why are indigo and violet in the rainbow and not just purple?
  • Huh, I had always assumed oranges got their name from the color, not the other way around...

  • 5 Reminders NOT to Pre-Order Games This Year ~ We used to demand trials before buying before, what happened? ~ Stop Pre ordering Games
  • Seriously depends on the game. Black Ops 2 for example, a game that came out over a decade ago, still costs $100 on steam (assuming you want the DLC). At best you'll get it for $50 during sales. The fact that, even during a sale, a game with a completely dead playerbase costs as much as a modern title is absolutely nuts.

    A lot of games are like this, unfortunately. Not everyone takes advantage of sales because many people are going to end up buying the game regardless.

  • Catholicism
  • Nah man, we don't even need to go down the niche scenario route where they can wiggle their way out of it. Even if we give them every single point in their favor, abortion should still be legal. Even in some wild world where life starts at conception, nobody ever gets raped, and people can't die from pregnancies, abortion should still be legal.

    Nothing is more important than a person's bodily autonomy.

  • Is Lemmy THE reddit alternative for you? Are you thinking about moving somewhere else?
  • As someone who was lurking on Reddit every day, probably not to be honest. I know a lot of people are enjoying the smaller community, but to me it just feels... empty. The bigger instances are fine, but I was never interested in the popular subreddits like r/funny or r/memes. I used reddit for things like specific games, communities that are noticeably dead on Lemmy.

    I'm using Lemmy more like an intermediary step between reddit and just quitting altogether.

  • WEB 4.69
  • A loooot of people seem to completely disagree considering how many people pay for nitro even after they removed discriminators (and the ability to change them with nitro).

  • Online dating
  • What confuses me is why they chose to use white text there... surely the orange background is bright enough for black text to be far easier to read?

  • preach
  • I've never understood the "piracy is morally acceptable" argument, personally. Best I can agree with is that piracy is not morally bad in some cases. Especially since me pirating something has no impact if I never would have paid for it in the first place. But it can often times be morally wrong (people who refuse to buy games from indie studios despite having the money to do so would usually fall into this category imo), and I can't imagine any scenario outside of the preservation of media where it's actually morally good to pirate things.

    Like, I'm all for people not buying things that they don't support. And I feel no sympathy for large companies that make more money in a day than I'll make in a lifetime losing out on sales. But when did it become my right to play Hogwarts Legacy or watch a show without paying for it?

  • IAmA mods no longer willing to work for reddit for free
  • I'm sure a lot of people are in the same boat as you as well. I know I am. I just meant to point out that a decent number of people do care considering how many people are subbed to !reddit.

    I'll admit I'm at least somewhat interested though, else I would have kept scrolling.

  • Nelots Nelots
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