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Americans Don’t Care as Much About Work. And It Isn’t Just Gen Z.
  • People need to have the courage to tank the existing economy and rebuild without the feudalistic tendencies built in. We really ought not to be maintaining the peasant/lord dynamic at this point in history.

  • Joe Biden got the job done.
  • I see people say they're not big on Biden, but I'm not really sure why. At least not in the big strokes. He's been remarkably effective in getting good policy passed despite the situation in congress. I get being unhappy about certain particulars, but I think he's the best president I've voted for in my lifetime and it's an easy yes to vote for him again.

  • Liberty University will pay $14 million, the largest fine ever levied under the federal Clery Act
  • I'm one unfortunately. It just happened to be during a time in my life when I was intensely religious. It's my one of my top three all-time regrets. Now I'm not conservative, not religious and I wish any affiliation with that awful school could be scrubbed from existence.

  • Understanding the limits and uses of NavigationAgent3D

    I'm working on a game which involves characters doing path-finding and interacting with each other. My first impulse was to use navigationagent3d for this, but I'm running into issues which may or may not be related to my current understanding of the usefulness and intended purposes of naviagtion agents.

    Basically, the agents should be able to walk up to each other and do a little push which should have a knockback effect. The knockback method works in isolation on standard character bodies without the navigation agent added, but seems to not be calculated by the agents.

    The knockback is being added to the velocity with a lerp that quickly brings it back to zero. Again, that works fine on units without navigation agent. I'm wondering if this might have something to do then with the set_velocity method of the agents? Is there something about that which would prevent them from interacting with each other using the knockback?

    How would I get a relative point between a min and max value that could be represented as a float between 0.0 and 1.0?

    I have a min and max position of an object and I want to represent an arbitrary point between them as a float between 0.0 and 1.0. This feels relatively basic math, but I can't quite figure out what I need to do with this. Is there a special name for this sort of thing? Also, are there any built-in methods that would be useful for this?

    What's the best way to calculate milliseconds elapsed between frames?

    I've seen several different methods for accomplishing this, but I was wondering if there's a way of doing it that is best? Also, somewhat related, but is delta in milliseconds?

    Is is possible to make a material where something appears to be beneath a semi-transparent surface?

    I'm not terribly proficient with making materials yet, but I was wondering if something like this is doable and if so, what it might involve. I basically want to make a part of a creature appear beneath the ice in 3d. but I don't know how to approach it or what I should be looking at.

    If I have a thin 3D object (like a wall), what's the best way to ensure collisions will be detected properly?

    I have a wall in my 3D game which is relatively thin and it can be hit on both sides with objects that may occasionally be moving somewhat fast. Is there a reliable way to ensure that the colliding objects will be stopped on either side of the wall as opposed to simply passing through?

    A Question on Integrate Forces and setting a rigidbody3d position manually

    I'm trying to make an action where the player can pick up and throw a rigidbody3d. I want the object to act like a rigidbody when not in the player's hands, but when it is, I want to set the rigidbody position to match a marker3d which is a child of the player.

    What's the best approach to something like this? Should I be using integrate forces here? I'm not sure I really understand when and when not to use it.

    Any recommendations for Slice of Life like Shirokuma Cafe?

    I absolutely love Shirokuma Cafe, and I wouldn't mind finding more anime like this. The coziness of the cafe itself, the humor, the animal characters, the ending's all so great. But I'm not really up to date on what else is out there, so I don't know where to start. Any thoughts?

    If a comment is in a gray box in your inbox, does that mean it was deleted?

    Not sure if this is the best place for this. If not, I apologize. I just want to understand Lemmy better.

    What's the junior equivalent/precursor to a Narrative Design Lead position?

    I was just looking at jobs and saw Sony was hiring for a Narrative Design Lead position. I was just wondering, what the Junior equivalent position would be to this? Like what would it be called and what responsibilities would it entail?

    How would I make a 2d parallax environment that's cyclical and seamless?

    I'm trying to make something in 2d where once the player reaches the end of the level, they're back at the beginning and it just keeps going like that. I could imagine how this could be done in terms of setting the player position, but if I have a scrolling parallax background, how would I make that match up reliably?

    How do you make a 3d object render on a higher or separate layer in Godot?

    I was seeing a video on common tricks FPS games use, and one of them was having the weapon render on a higher and/or separate layer to avoid having it clip with other objects in the world. How would something like this be done in Godot?

    How can I target a particular index of a PackedVector2Array using a tween?

    I'm trying to use a tween to change the position of one of the points in a line2d, but I'm not sure what the syntax would be for this.

    This is what I have: tween.tween_property(line, "points", target_position, time)

    Obviously this doesn't work because points has more than one point to make the line. If I need index 1 of points specifically, how would I do that? Or do I have to address it as a whole PackedVector2Array?

    EDIT: I found the answer to this in case anyone else stumbles across this. You use colons, like this:

    tween.tween_property(line, "points:1, target_position, time)

    Having trouble with 3D rotations

    I'm trying to make a 3d flight controller with a more arcade feel (think Ace Combat or Rogue Squadron). I'm somewhat new to working in 3d in Godot though and I don't really understand what methods I should be using to achieve this.

    I want up and down to control pitch and left and right to be something of a hybrid roll/yaw. I'm setting direction to -transform.basis.z and multiplying that by speed, but when I use rotate_x() with the pitch, the plane itself rotates, but I only move flatly across the world plane rather than climbing up or down as I'm attempting to achieve.

    What am I missing here?

    A question on encrypted saves and dictionaries

    I know that motivated people can generally crack encrypted saves, but in general, if I have some saved dictionaries which I don't want the player to be able to access directly, is an encrypted save the best way to handle this, or is there a better way?

    As far as public support goes, why aren't disabilities and chronic illnesses treated in a similar manner to LGBT issues?

    I'm just curious about this. As someone with a chronic illness, I pretty much never hear anyone talk about things related to the sorts of difficulties and discrimination I and others might face within society. I'm not aware of companies or governments doing anything special to bring awareness on the same scale of say, pride month for instance. In fact certain aspects of accessibility were only normalized during the pandemic when healthy people needed them and now they're being gradually rescinded now that they don't. It's annoying for those who've come to prefer those accommodations. It's cruel for those who rely on them.

    And just to be clear, I'm not suggesting this is an either or sort of thing. I'm just wondering why it's not a that and this sort of thing. It's possible I'm not considering the whole picture here, and I don't mean for this to be controversial.

    How can I make one bone have a fixed position while others still move?

    I've tried looking this up for myself, but I'm not quite sure what words I should be using to describe the problem. Basically I want to have one bone be fixed in place, while the rest in the chain respond to inverse kinematics. How would I go about approaching that? Thanks!

    EDIT: I found the answer on the docs. Here it is for anyone who finds this later (Blender v 3.6.1)

    Locking Bones

    You can prevent a bone from being transformed in Edit Mode in several ways:

    • All bones can be locked clicking on the Lock checkbox of their Transform panel in the Bones tab
    • Press Shift-W Toggle Bone Options ‣ Locked
    • Select Armature ‣ Bone Settings ‣ Toggle a Setting.

    If the root of a locked bone is connected to the tip of an unlocked bone, it will not be locked, i.e. you will be able to move it to your liking. This means that in a chain of connected bones, when you lock one bone, you only really lock its tip. With unconnected bones, the locking is effective on both joints of the bone.

    If I don't have references for a job, how can I work around that?

    I asked a job related question the other day on here and got some really helpful answers, so I was hoping you all could give me some further insight into this.

    Basically, I have a chronic illness which means I spend most of my time at home and I'm largely disconnected from other people and don't really have anything in the way of references. I've owned my own business for the last several years selling products online, but that business has been declining for awhile and I'm looking into customer service type jobs that I could do from home.

    If a company asks for references, how would I work around that?

    What are some realistic possibilities for working from home for someone with a chronic illness and little experience?

    So I developed a chronic illness years ago. It makes working outside the house pretty much impossible for me. I ran my own business for a good while, but it's struggling. I have all kinds of random skills and abilities, but I don't really see how they fit together in the context of employed work, so for all intents and purposes, I would have to consider myself as someone with little experience regardless of what I might do.

    In the meantime, I've been studying web development, and that's probably what I'm going to try to do, but I was just wondering what other realistic possibilities are there out there for someone in my situation? I just want to see if there's anything I'm not considering.

    A Question on Art Syles for Indie Games

    I'm just kind of curious how people perceive various art styles for indie games.

    Say you had three indie games which were otherwise identical in terms of gameplay but one was pixel art, one was hand drawn and one was 3D. Which would you be most inclined to buy? Also, suppose the price started going up for each. Would you feel like any of them would start to feel like a better or worse value at certain price points?

    Let's assume that the art styles are competently done for each and for the sake of simplicity, generally appealing to you. Any other thoughts you might have about this would be interesting to hear too.

    What would be good to learn if I want to do small to mid scale freelance webdev work?

    I used to do Wordpress development and the short of it is, it wasn't profitable enough to be sustainable for me. These days, web development is more of a side gig for me and I'm no longer using Wordpress. I don't necessarily need to make a full-time income with it and I'm certainly not looking for high pressure, high stakes projects, but I was wondering where the best opportunities are for freelancers these days and what would be best skills/technologies to learn for those sorts of jobs?

    Also, as a more specific side question, are things like Hugo and Jekyll much in demand these days as far as freelance goes?

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