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  • Wayta go idaho

  • deal?
  • Smoked meats too

  • Matthew Perry dead
  • He looks alive in that picture

  • CCTV footage of iPads stealing Target employees
  • I came here to goof on your title. The title goofed on me, well played

  • weerule
  • That's those guys from Happy Days

  • The libertarian think tank that helped build the โ€˜Noโ€™ case
  • Gee I wonder why influential business figures wouldn't want this change to the constitution?

  • Australian hits different
  • The fairies make great food. Fairy bread is S tier

  • Why canโ€™t I place the caret on my iPhone?
  • It wasnโ€™t like this originally. Something changed recently and itโ€™s now hit or miss.

  • iPhone users, what app do you use to browse Lemmy and what is the main reason you like it over others?
  • I was all in on Memmy, but the lack of inbox notifications led me to voyager.

  • David by Michelangelo, Hydrodipped
  • Yes. Thatโ€™s little David

  • Victoria to axe Commonwealth Games plans due to financial concerns Live: Victoria to axe Commonwealth Games plans, ABC understands

    Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews will this morning announce that plans for the state to host the Commonwealth Games in 2026 will be cancelled, the ABC understands.

    Live: Victoria to axe Commonwealth Games plans, ABC understands
    Can we get some team communities?

    Sometimes itโ€™s just better discussing your team with fellow supporters
