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Why is Freelancer still the best?
  • Not only does this apply to trade lanes but with regards to where you could go via jump gates or with jump holes.

    You could think of jump gates like a space highway, often placed at the edges of systems connected to the rest of the important spots (or at least the important/civilized/non-criminal locations) in a system with trade lanes. Want to go to another system? You used the jump gates to do so.

    This works fine for a good majority of accessing the systems in the game, but once you start getting to the more undeveloped, frontier systems, your ability to travel is also affected, like if you had to drive down a rough, dirt road as opposed to a tarmac highway.

    You may have to forgo the use of trade lanes entirely in some places that don't have them and some systems are not accessible via jump gates either, with you needing to find jump holes instead to reach them. In fact, to get some of the best ships in the game you'd have to access the Outcasts factions home planet which you can only do via said jump holes.

    I thought it was really cool how they did that, was an effective little change in gameplay to show the development of a location and made exploring and going off the beaten track super rewarding!

  • How are you dealing with all these new anti-trans/LGBTQ+ laws?
  • Mean its not the only thing thats contributing to having me feel that way, but I am feeling pretty burnt out and I'm kind of just going through the motions at this point. Bit of a nasty feedback loop of lack of energy/motivation/whatever that leads me to not do much beyond the same bleh stuff.

    Know its not a good way to be but its pretty much all I can really do at the moment :v

  • Scoop: Fox demands Tucker Carlson cease-and-desist in new letter
  • Like a big ol' shit flavoured ouroboros.

  • Whats a game that everybody seems to love that you cant stand for one reason or another?
  • Now that you mention it, I find adding RPG-like elements to a game can often take away from a game rather than enhance it.

    Assassins Creed is a good example of this. In the older games you didn't have to worry about getting better loot and the like, so you didn't have to worry about if you had enough number power to assassinate someone. If you could successfully sneak up to them, you can do it.

    You did get new tools and unlocked new abilities but these were handed out at set intervals which meant that missions could be more easily balanced and designed around what the player could actually do and thus meant you as a player could focus more on planning how to strike or doing some side activities to give you an advantage such as having an area of thugs now hang around in a spot who will go after guards that are chasing you.

    Where the newer ones that have adopted more RPG staples, while they still can have their moments, feel more derivative and I find it harder to get into because my brain feels like its played this game already several times before.

    And its all well and good having a massive world to explore but if you just fill it up with uninspired quest design and just a ton of filler content, is it really all that worth exploring it?

    I just feel sometimes games try to do too much or try to check too many boxes, when it could really shine with a more focused and linear design instead. I get people want to get as much content as they want out of a game though, especially nowadays.

  • another beehaw introduction thread
  • Sure! There's a general thing that people sometimes say when they struggle with alcoholism and that is that they say they have a drinking problem.

    So with the joke here, rather than a drinking problem reffering to someone being an alcoholic, it is instead because they cannot hold the bottle and are thus having a problem with drinking but in a completely different way.

    Hope that cleared it up a little :)

  • Beehaw Community Icons
  • Woah these look really nice! They feel like they "pop" better and more visually distinguish it being a beehaw community as well!

  • Electric Callboy - We Got The Moves
  • God I love this song, never fails to get me dancing and in a better mood.

    I swear as well that Tekkno Train wouldn't be out of place in Eurovision either.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Thats great hun! Getting medical assistance can be so much of a needless hassle that I can't blame some people just throwing up their hands and not bothering so good on you for persisting regardless, wishing ya all the best :3

  • Reddit’s users and moderators are revolting against its CEO
  • You either die as a MySpace or live long enough to become a Digg

  • Reddit experimenting with blocking mobile browsers
  • Mean there were times when I was logged out of Reddit and was trying looking up something on mobile and the constant badgering to install the app just had me tell it to flip off and I looked elsewhere instead. Lot of people tend to do things based on how convenient it is for them and if they go ahead with this, sure maybe some will download the app but a lot of other people will just get fed up and stop, particularly if they were using the browser version so they didn't have to deal with the app in the first place.

  • Ever see a headline and think this HAS to be a Babylon Bee article? - Texas plans a floating barrier in the Rio Grande.
  • I'm not quite familiar with the Rio Grande river and what lives there but couldn't this cause a lot of issues for the wildlife in the river as well? Like if anything is migrating up and down it couldn't the barrier just block them from doing so?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Exactly! I think someone else on another thread when trying to explain the fediverse to someone used how e-mail works as a comparison and it just made it click and make sense for me! It's going to be my go-to way to explain it to someone now.

  • What are some of your LEAST favorite game mechanics?
  • Fishing is pretty interesting to discuss in terms of a game mechanic in terms of enjoyablity since it seems like a very marmite "you love it or hate it" sort of deal and seems to pop up in lots of games. Some people love it precisely because of its slow-paced, chill nature. I quite enjoyed it when I played some of the MMO's that have a fishing profession as a pretty low energy thing to do when I wanted to focus on talking to guildies or doing some other thing in the background.

  • rollcall: how many furries do we have on Beehaw at this point
  • Think I joined and made a fursona around 2018 but I'd thought they were pretty neat ages before. I think I took the plunge since the community appeared to be very friendly as was quite LGBT positive and I was looking for somewhere to make some friends. Went to a meet at the city closest to me and then boom, here I be :D

  • Sent via smoke signal. Please, he took my pacemaker, I die, halp
  • Oh god, now theres a bunch of guys in red coats out there and they're throwing hands, THEY'RE RUINING MY PETUNIAS

  • anybody else excited for the 12th?
  • Yeah I was pretty much a mega lurker by the time of the great migration, just using Reddit more as the most tolerable site I was willing to put up with compared to the others rather than out of love for it. Was pretty much itching for something new and better and well here I be now :p

  • In Defence of the Cosmetic Whales
  • A counter-point to this I would make is that the prescence of microtransactions can be a pretty hostile design choice with regards to folk who may be more vulnerable to it. Think people who have problems with impulse control, kids who don't know any better and buying a ton on their parents credit card or someone with a gambling addiction. One could argue that they could do certain things to mitigate the risks, like using parental controls for kids, to prevent them making purchases without their parents permission. But why should this be a thing they have to be dealing with in a game they've already paid $70 bucks for? It can be quite exclusionary if someone feels they can't trust themselves with not splurging too much and have to avoid these games like the plague, even if they would otherwise really appeal to them.

    And it also feels like when people talk about the option of buying a cosmetic with real life money, that its a decision thats made in a sort of vacuum between the player purchasing the item and the game. But when you add a multiplayer game into the mix, you introduce a social pressure that can be quite a powerful motivator to pushing someone to make that purchase. An example off the top of my head would be with Fortnite, where theres been times when kids who have all the cool skins and emotes rag on those who are still playing with the default stuff you start out with, which could pressure people to make a purchase they otherwise wouldn't have.

    Combine that with a lot of other little tricks that these storefronts use like making you only able to purchase in-game currency in a set number of quantities, that will more often leave you with a tiny bit left over to prod you to wanna purchase more so you don't waste the leftover currency. Or using "FOMO" with limited times to buy certain items and I'm just kinda left with microtransactions feeling pretty gross and manipulative to me.

    Anyway me ranting on my soapbox over haha, but for a little extra food for thought on the topic, I'd highly recommend watching Folding Idea's video on the subject as it relates to Fortnite which has been pretty formative for me on the topic

  • anybody else excited for the 12th?
  • I wouldn't necessarily say excited myself, it feels more bittersweet. On the one hand it like sucks for folk on a personal level who might have really enjoyed being part of a certain community, or all the work people have put into moderating, posting content or their work on a third party app is just going up in smoke in a snap.

    But on the other, it feels like sweet sweet delicious karma for the stupid bullshit Reddit's leadership have done over the years and getting to see the birth of something new and better to come out of the ashes. Hopefully this place sticks around because its felt like a breath of fresh air honestly.

  • Moneymunkie Moneymunkie

    Dumb bi guy from the cursed isles of the UK that pretends to be a bat on the internet despite what the username might suggest. I'm sorry for any loss of brain cells my posting might cause.

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