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  • Noch nicht Mal fälschen, abstimmen! Die CDU hat eine Umfrage gemacht, die Leute haben abgestimmt. Das Meinung der Bevölkerung geht aber irgendwie gegen die Interessen der Sponsoren, also lieber Mal die Meinungsäußerungen als kriminell darstellen

  • ich🖥️iel
  • "Mimimi, Leute haben abgestimmt und das Ergebnis ist nicht mehr das was ich will wenn alle abstimmen. Das ist voll kriminell das die Umfrage mehr Leute wiederspiegelt. Wir sollten nur die befragen, die uns eh zustimmen"

    • antidemokratische Populisten

    Eine Schande das solche Antidemokraten im Bundestag sitzen. Meinungsäußerungen im Netz durch offene Umfragen als "kriminell" darzustellen grenzt schon daran verfassungswidrig zu sein. Und natürlich kommen solche Aussagen von der CDU

  • A look at & review of what has been called the worst RPG of all time
  • Hi, I did that with some close friends as a joke before. It starts out as a joke, but it will quickly become hellishly painful to continue. I think we stopped somewhere at distributing skill points, where the game just throws 6 pages of skills at you (not joking) and goes "just distribute these points". Having a giant block of alphabetically sorted skills, most being absolute garbage and some only sounding 'kinda' useful, was my breaking point

  • It can!
  • The ghoul drug thingy is actually a really good lore addition. It recontextualizes a lot of the games in an interesting way. If ghouls have to take these drugs and make enough money to afford them, the implications on morality of previous ghoul characters is fascinating.

    And about the vault tech meeting: this plot point is actually older than new vegas. They took that from the scrapped fallout movie that they wanted to make in the Interplay/Black Isle era. I thought it was absolutely awesome that they researched fallout enough to even know about this obscure thing

  • The Fallout TV show gave the Fallout games a huge player bump, as everyone remembers they like Fallout
  • Totally disagree. I'm a diehard fallout fan, played all the games and know all of the lore. The more you know about Fallout the better it actually gets. There are some small discrepancies, but can easily be ignored if you realize how well it ties all the stories together. It literally references every single game (apart of 76 and brotherhood), even the unreleased ones and picks up the good concepts from the cancelled movie

  • Transmasc Artist Mocking Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws
  • In recent times republicans in the USA are trying to push weird laws to force trans people to not express themselves and conform with their assigned gender at birth.

    This cartoon was made by a trans man. For them its a usual process in transitioning to have their breasts removed. With such laws, trans men would be required to somehow get breasts again to appear in public, which is obvious stupid.

    So to answer your question: Yes, Republicans are trying to force people into gender reassignment. This is just an extension of them trying to take away people's medication, bully children and torture women

  • Download from Nexusmods without account
  • Pretty sure that it's not possible. You can only download with an account or use another website hosting that mod.

    But honestly, just use a throwaway email. That's way less work than what you are trying to do

  • F#€k $pez
  • First people complain that there are to many people on lemmy.

    Then the number of people decreases

    Now people complain about that to

    Can we please just stop caring about the numbers and instead focus on making a nice place for ourselves?

  • New Sony Patent Will Let You Replay A Game From Any Point Possible
  • In that case there is little difference to just sharing a save file, which everybody can already do. If this is everything that the patent covers, then I'm against them having a patent for it. That idea is so generic and nothing somebody should be allowed to have control over

  • New Sony Patent Will Let You Replay A Game From Any Point Possible
  • Sounds cool and all but I heavily doubt they would do the work to implement it like that. Replay value doesn't add market value in the view of the producers. So there is not much money to be made from the large amount of work this requires.

    Of course if they ever do it, feel free to correct me, people from the future

  • $600 Million And A Decade Later, Where Is Star Citizen
  • Well, thanks for that in-depth answer. It's nice to talk about the actual contets of a game for once, instead of only talking around it like it's usually the case nowadays.

    It's very interesting to hear about all this. I actually think there are a lot of games with far worse monetisation (think all the Airplane/Train simulators where you can buy singular vehicles for hundreds of dollars).

    I'll probably won't play it tho, I don't have the money, Conputing Power, or time lol

  • $600 Million And A Decade Later, Where Is Star Citizen
  • Honest question I have been wondering:

    Why SC out of all the space sim/sandbox games? Is there anything that this game has that no other game provides? Something about the community, a combination of features, gameplay loop or something else?

    There are hundreds of games in that genre but many people obviously like SC so much that they are willing to spend larger amounts of money on it. I really wonder what it is exactly or if it's just the general feel that game has. It's not an easy question to answer from an outside perspective, its hard finding anything about SC at all except about its monitisation.

    And again: I'm genuinely curious and not judging. People can like whatever game they want and spend as much money as they are willing to part with. I have often searched for an answer to this, but most articles/videos either say "expensive crap" if they don't like it or don't go beyond "it's a space sim" if they do.

  • Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
  • The Headline isn't everything that's going on.

    This is not the first time something like this happened, some months back someone upload a mod that removed all rainbow flags from the spiderman game. Im guessing its the exact same thing like the last time: Someone made a new account to upload a mod that was only made to spark controversy. The mod itself didn't matter, the author is just a troll that wanted a reaction from this. They knew they would get banned so they made a new account. Nexus has the same stance on this as last time: they don't platform trolls so they removed it. It's not about the mod, it's about the authors intentions, which are to harm the platform

  • SCP Disruption and Risk Classes
  • The fandom wiki seems to be more about the similar concepts in scp stories, while the wikidot is for the scp stories.

    From the wikidot about different canons:

    It's up to you, as the reader, to decide what you believe and what you embrace as the heart of the universe.

    The page called "canon hub" on wikidot lists 48 different canons. If any entry into scp is part of any of them is up to you.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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