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Twitter To Rebrand As X
  • Pay $44 billion for a brand

    Literally destroy the brand

    This is more baffling than accidentally destroying the brand, like he's been doing.

  • has been defederated
  • Adults who look younger than they are should absolutely not be allowed to procreate, I guess?

    If you are not on Blåhaj Lemmy and plan on dropping in to offer your opinion on how we are doing things in a way you don’t agree with, your post will be removed.

    What what a pathetically transparent echo chamber you've decided to build.

  • Man Found Guilty of Child Porn, Because He Ran a Tor Exit Node (The Story of William Weber) - LowEndBox
  • We oughtta arrest the people who pave roads because human traffickers use them to commit crimes.

  • Bypassing paywall and hunting down obituaries
  • ( As part of the Reddit migration, any time I'm only able to find info on Reddit, I'm reposting it to kbin/Lemmy.)

    This is a great idea! I think I'll start doing this too.

  • The *real* victim?
  • You wouldn't feel the same way about a "die trans scum" meme, would you?

  • The *real* victim?
  • You believe that explicitly advocating for the murder of a particular group of people is not actually aimed at those people?

  • I thought about doing it
  • It's fun to turn it into a game of sorts. High numbers go brrrrrrr.

  • Linux guerrilla marketing
  • That's not a gorilla, that's a penguin!

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • I don't mean evidence for their political convictions, I mean that they chose .ml specifically because it could stand for Marx and Lenin.

  • people just don't understand how big a deal that is!!
  • Can I have your autograph?

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • This sounds like a really dumb rumor. Do you have evidence?

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • Do you believe it's the only thing that's worked so far, or the only thing that could ever possibly work?

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • For all of the benefits and blessings that capitalism has given us, there are several things people need to realize:

    1. When we talk about all the good that capitalism has done for us, that's a vanishingly small us. There are literally billions of people in the world today who are languishing in poverty that makes first-world poverty look downright lavish. Then there are those first-world impoverished, who doubtlessly do live lives of fruitless toil and abject misery. And now think about the people in centuries past -- the serfs, the slaves, the child laborers... The fact that capitalism has managed to give some comfort to some of us in some countries in the past century does not negate the immense, incalculable suffering it took to get here. And as I said, very many people today, even in modernized nations, are suffering immeasurably still.

    2. Capitalism has overstayed its welcome regarding global crises like climate change. The profit motive seems not to be working at all, let alone with the appropriate urgency, toward the goal of saving us from the consequences of climate change. The scientific consensus largely appears to be that we're too late to sidestep a cataclysm, but this is still not enough to prompt world leaders (i.e. the rich and powerful) to step up their game.

    3. On a more high-minded level, capitalism is inherently repugnant because the people at the top can only enrich themselves by skimming off of the rightful earnings of the ones at the bottom. This is unavoidable; how could the CEO get so rich if 100% of the laborers' value was given to them? This goes beyond the natural reality that labor is required to survive. The issue here is that rather than having organized our economy around people laboring together for their own mutual benefit, we've organized our world such that the vast majority of us labor for the benefit of the few elites who only deign to pass on a pittance once the laborers become too uppity. People who oppose capitalism do not oppose labor; they oppose the way our global society has decided to distribute its results.

    4. Capitalism, at least in its cutthroat, largely unrestrained, American fashion, is by no means the only option we have. European countries demonstrate that capitalism can be moderated to work better for the masses, and there is no reason to believe even they've gone as far as they can. People love to jeer at communism for its many failures in implementation without seeming to realize that, as expressed above, countless people all over the world are currently suffering and starving and languishing under capitalism too.

  • There's a new one everyday and I'm here for it.
  • Absolutely. The website on mobile is functional, but rather inelegant.

  • The *real* victim?
  • The whole "die cis scum" rhetoric doesn't help.

  • Books Metaright
    I've found myself reading much, much more since Reddit killed third-party apps.

    I'm actually making progress on a book that I haven't touched for months, which feels quite nice.

    What do people here think about Nostr?

    It seems like it would help further prevent censorship, given how each instance of the Fediverse is run by people who can unilaterally decide what their users see. I'm beginning to feel like federation is but a half-step toward a solution.

    No subject in American politics exhibits our reliance on strawman more than the abortion debate.

    Pro-lifers hate women and want to control their bodies. Pro-choicers hate babies and care about their own convenience more than the lives of children.

    Or, alternatively, pro-lifers honestly, truly believe that fetuses are children, in which case it is obviously the proper choice to restrict abortion. Pro-choicers honestly, truly believe that personhood does not begin at conception, in which case there's little room for abortion to be ethically wrong.

    Until both sides start addressing each other's actual arguments, this subject is not going to cool off. You won't convince a pro-lifer who sees fetuses as children by wrongly claiming they want to control women. You won't convince a pro-choicer who sees personhood as developing later by insisting that they are a godless baby-killer.

    Does anyone know how simple/feasible it would be to host your own instance of Kbin with little to no experience in such things? I would love to try it, but I don't want to start the process if it's be

    Does anyone know how simple/feasible it would be to host your own instance of Kbin with little to no experience in such things? I would love to try it, but I don't want to start the process if it's beyond my capability. I've skimmed the documents, but I'm still cautious.


    Metaright Metaright
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