Universities in other states need to loudly proclaim they will not accept Florida high school graduates fed this horseshit. "Does not meet prerequisites for higher education." You want to be Confederate Jesusland? Fine, but there's a cost. Employers need to do the same thing.
I was ignorant enough to support this kind of crap when I was younger. It's never too late to turn your life around; please stop voting for these people.
Ahh yes Florida, please teach me how slavery was such a beneficial thing for my race.
I’m sure the millions of slaves that were forced to work in fields without pay, murdered, raped, and were threatened just for wanting equal rights would agree with you.
Defenders of slavery argued that by comparison with the poor of Europe and the workers in the Northern states, that slaves were better cared for. They said that their owners would protect and assist them when they were sick and aged, unlike those who, once fired from their work, were left to fend helplessly for themselves.
My teachers were pretty cool and they made sure to refute any positive spins people tried to attribute to slavery. Some kids came in thinking slave owners treated their slaves just like family, and the teachers shut that right down.
I'm worried about the education system. I bet those same teachers would have gotten into trouble for saying that now, being that it is apparently against the curriculum. I always thought that outside media was misleading and that education was supposed to be the truth. Now it seems like education is misleading, and it is a scary scary thing that outside media might be leaned on to learn the truth.
I was taught the standard American Exceptionalism package in the 1970s-1980s which included full throated endorsement of American Imperialism spreading of freedom to undeveloped nations in exchange for sweet deals on their labor and resources.
In the 90s I started figuring out they were lying to me all this time, when I was a credulous child.
And now I hold a bit of a grudge.
So maybe we can expect the next generation of Floridians to emerge knowing their own society gives them not a single fuck.
My hope is that because this is such an obvious, stupid lie, it'll inspire kids to question all of the other stuff in their history books too; even blue-state schools teach ridiculous lies about American history, my kids got all sorts of upbeat hokum about Columbus I had to correct them on.
Not surprising. I had some cousins in Florida who were taught in school that the south "technically" won the war. They never could quite explain it, but absolutely believed it.
Florida is rough man. People really enjoy waking up being hateful and ignorant here. I'm glad my parents took the time to teach me Black history outside of school hours.
I'm not American but I've been reading up on American history. This is reminiscent of the propaganda that said slavery taught black people to be hardworking and discouraged laziness, which was in line with Christian values at the time. Is that correct?
Of course Florida would do this, they're part of the "Mark of Cain" south.
That is: Southern Preachers maintained the horrific canon that black slaves would only survive as subservient to their white masters, because god had marked them. This is a big part of all the separations of churches during the civil war.
This clown has been in the news for a lot of stupid shit recently, but this is going too far. What the fucking fuck is happening? This isn’t even funny, it’s like a few steps away from trying bring back human slavery (which I’m sure the supreme court would have no problem with)
And the sad part is that DeSantis has no chance of getting elected as president. Nobody likes him and his hideous white boots. He’s probably doing stuff like this out of spite/malice.
A co-worker went on a rant about how nobody talks about how it's just heritage and the war wasn't just about slavery. Also complaining that the customers complained about the confederate flag on his pickup so he had to take it down to avoid drama.
There aren’t really any good examples provided of what the article alleges, but I 100% believe this. I am dumbfounded that the people flinging “snowflake” as an insult has done all this to make sure their kids never feel bad for actions perpetrated by white US citizens. Of course, like anything else, it has nothing to do with their kids and everything to do with their own discomfort at facing reality or blatant racism. Frustrating stuff.
Florida is a shithole state. There will never be enough tax breaks to offset the Taliban-like human rights suppression that Republicans apparently require.
Is this in reference to one curriculum change about a 1920s massacre to include that there were blacks and whites killing blacks instead of whites killing blacks?
And then the benefit thing, is that an extrapolation from that change?
I suppose if we're being honest with ourselves, one benefit was getting to leave Africa and come to America. There seems to be a lot of people out here dying to illegally cross our borders.