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Rescued a couple of spiders and ID request.

Hi everyone, first post here,

I'm in Dublin, Ireland. I rescued one of them from a box that was about the get shredded and the other from the laundry before my wife killed her.

I then added them to my terrarium.

The one from the box was in a bad shape, with a broken leg, which has since detached and it was very lethargic, it is now a happy and fat spider after eating a couple of flies.

The other went through a molt already!

They are small ish, around 4 cm legspan? And the abdomen pattern is one of the most gorgeous I've seen! Golden spots.

Can you help me ID them? Also, are they female? Or are they the male of a the giant house spider?

More photos in my Gram Social

Android killing Syncthing

Hi all, Android 12, on an Ulefone. Android seems to continue to kill Syncthing for some reason, I've set Battery Unrestricted for it already and unrestricted data access too.

Bitwarden - The unofficial Bitwarden community Megaf
Bitwarden PWA (Web App), gone?

Hi everyone. I just noticed something odd. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, that I used to have Bitwarden's Vault as a Progressive Web App installed here on my system in the past, which I have since remove.

Today, though, I decided to reinstall it. So I opened up Bitwarden's website and sure enough, for my convenience, there was an “Install” icon on the address bar.


However! That seemed to have installed the Main Page, and not the vault page itself.


If I click “Login”, it will only open a new web browser tap to a login page, despite the fact that I'm already logged in.

Then I thought, fair enough, the “Install” icon was on the main page, the problem is, the Vault page's, doesn't seem to be available as a PWA, at all, as it doesn't have the option to be installed.


Was it all just a dream and I never had a Bitwarden Vault PWA, or something did change?

NetworkManager setting "nameserver ::1" to resolv.conf no matter my settings.
  • Nope :( Neither dnsmasq nor bind are installed. Nothing on port 53 either.

  • NetworkManager setting "nameserver ::1" to resolv.conf no matter my settings.
  • Hi there, so,

    • all connections are configured with ignore for ipv6.
    • all connections had DNS set to "manual"/(ignore dhcp), and they are set to
    • systemd-resolved is not installed in the system.


  • NetworkManager setting "nameserver ::1" to resolv.conf no matter my settings.
  • I don't have systemd-resolved installed.

    [ 0 ] root@blaster:~#: apt remove --purge --auto-remove systemd-resolved
    Reading package lists...
    Building dependency tree...
    Reading state information...
    Package 'systemd-resolved' is not installed, so not removed
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
    [ 0 ] root@blaster:~#: ps aux | grep systemd
    root         496  0.0  0.3 103956 56616 ?        Ss   10:17   0:05 /lib/systemd/systemd-journald
    root         520  0.0  0.0  27656  7352 ?        Ss   10:17   0:00 /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd
    systemd+     807  0.0  0.0  90528  7188 ?        Ssl  10:17   0:00 /lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd
    message+     813  0.0  0.0  11956  6724 ?        Ss   10:17   0:05 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system --address=systemd: --nofork --nopidfile --systemd-activation --syslog-only
    root         835  0.0  0.0  50060  8000 ?        Ss   10:17   0:00 /lib/systemd/systemd-logind
    reglnx      6027  0.0  0.0  19868 11644 ?        Ss   10:19   0:01 /lib/systemd/systemd --user
    reglnx      6107  0.0  0.0  11148  6744 ?        Ss   10:19   0:01 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --session --address=systemd: --nofork --nopidfile --systemd-activation --syslog-only
    reglnx      6514  0.0  0.1 594632 17812 ?        Ssl  10:19   0:00 /usr/libexec/gnome-session-binary --systemd-service --session=gnome
    root      639055  0.0  0.0   6332  2028 pts/1    S+   14:19   0:00 grep --color=auto systemd
    [ 0 ] root@blaster:~#: 
  • NetworkManager setting "nameserver ::1" to resolv.conf no matter my settings.
  • I just found this file, now sure if it's related or not.

    $: cat /run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf
    # Generated by NetworkManager
    nameserver ::1


    $: cat /run/NetworkManager/no-stub-resolv.conf
    # Generated by NetworkManager
    nameserver ::1

    Edit: those are generated from the /etc/resolv.conf NM generates.

  • NetworkManager setting "nameserver ::1" to resolv.conf no matter my settings.
  • Thought about that too, but I don't have resolvd nor systemd-resolv or systemd-resolve active. Nor do I have avahi running. Interesting isn't it?

  • NetworkManager setting "nameserver ::1" to resolv.conf no matter my settings.
  • I actually thought about that too, but it isn't.

    #: file /etc/resolv.conf
    /etc/resolv.conf: ASCII text
  • NetworkManager setting "nameserver ::1" to resolv.conf no matter my settings.

    Hi everyone, so I'm having this weird issue. No matter the DNS and IP settings I use in NetworkManager, it will always generate the same resolv.conf.

    resolv.conf ```

    Generated by NetworkManager

    nameserver ::1 ```

    IPv6 is disabled by the way.

    Haiku Got Awesome. Really Awesome.
  • OpenSolaris was insanely wonderful. I still have a collection of original, from Sun Microsystems, DVDs and CDs for Solaris, OpenSolaris and Solaris Express.

  • Im umm, morbidly curious
  • There's actually a lot of people there.

  • HP 200 LX
  • That's quite amazing, for CPU it's not a 386, not a 286 even, it's a 80186! At 7.9Mhz and up to 4 MB of RAM, indeed it could run win 3.0 quite well.

    Problem was the display.

    Oh, and it has a numeric keypad!

  • ThinkPad Megaf

    cross-posted from:

    Action Retro briefly shows an amazing ThinkPad T61 and run Haiku OS on it!

    open source launcher recomendations
  • Shade Launcher. It's a bare bones Open Source launcher, while having a traditional look.

  • Tag users or topics when commenting/posting in Jerboa?
  • That would be good, I'm using Jerboa here too and can't tag anyone.

  • Pasting images in Flatpak applications, what permissions are needed?
  • I'm actually having issues pasting images on WhatsApp web on regular Firefox. That might be a thing with WhatsApp itself.

    About the permissions, if you are pasting an image that is in your computer, then the app needs to be able to read the file from the computer, aka read the file from disk.

  • Since I deleted Apollo from my phone. Rince and repeat.
  • Would you care to give Mastodon a try now?

  • How many plan to stay on lemmy post blackout?
  • Well, I've been here since before the blackout. I've been following the Fediverse for a while, registered on Diaspora, Mastodon and others.

    The only reason I wasn't really using Lemmy much, or at all, is because there were not many people to interact with. But look at it now!

    I have indeed already left Twitter for good, using only Fosstodon, I might as well leave Reddit for good.

  • So, how do we think this ends?
  • I can actually see plenty of people and communities permanently migrating over to Lemmy instances. Some are actually creating their very own federated Lemmy instances.

    So now, for those who created their own instances, there will be no more censoring and imposing from a higher organization.

    I don't see why to not use Fediverse, Mastodon apps are great already, and Lemmy apps are getting updated and improved as we speak.

    Yes, the web front-end still needs work, and yes, Lemmy still lacks in some features, but that is being worked on as we speak, and I believe that some of the users migrating over, are devs, that will actually help to improve Lemmy, which is Open Source. So, if there's a feature you'd like Lemmy to have, just open a Pull Request!

  • Megaf Megaf
    • Mastodon:
    • Pixelfed:
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    • Lemmy:
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    • GitHub:
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