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Mail, calendars, notes, tasks, travel... Find out what developers of KDE's personal information management suite of apps have been up to.
  • @Bro666 But I assumed there was a strategic decision involved. If you embrace an IMAP client while you already had one, I assume consolidation will follow.

  • Mail, calendars, notes, tasks, travel... Find out what developers of KDE's personal information management suite of apps have been up to.
  • What are the plans for Trojita? It had IMAP feature complete e-Mail without the performance problems that have a tradition in KDE PIM. I saw no more releases since KDE took over.

  • Learn how to reduce the power usage and make your apps more accessible in 8 minutes flat.
  • Have you measured Akonadi based applications? I just had to uninstall Kontact because the memory consumption brought down my computer. It was also constantly writing to disk and requiring 10% CPU, probably indexing related?

  • MatthiasMailaender Matthias Mailänder

    Hobbyist game developer and Linux enthusiast.

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