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Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’
  • Then the question could have simply have been phrased as "are you for pr against fascism." Everyone know that Anti Fascism is a political ideology that goes beyond just simply being against fascism. And that's why people don't want to identify with that term

  • Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’
  • Anti-fascism is a political movement with a lot of political theory. Its not the same thing as saying you're against fascism.

  • Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’
  • No, they call themselves pro Hamas. At least in that survey, but I doubt they actually believe it, more likely they picked that answered because they were pigeonholed.

  • Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’
  • You and I both know that the term "Anti-fascist" carries a lot more meaning than simply being against fascism. If you were to frame the question "Are you for or against fascism" you'd probably would get a more accurate answer

  • Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’
  • If you read Ibram X Kendi's treatise on anti-racism you'd know that example is not helping your argument

  • Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’
  • No, I'm spending energy trying to explain to an echo chamber that forcing people to take binary extreme positions forces neutral people to take extreme positions. It's a matter of politics and getting policy passed, if you call a neutral person a fascist, the will not vote with you. Calling people names is not a way to get their support. I can tell that people really have not learned anything these past 8 years. A lot of Trump support in 2016 came from exactly this type of rhetorical mechanisms. You want to keep on going this way? Go ahead, but you will not get the support you need, but at the end of the day you can just say those people were fascists and racists anyways, right? Extremely convenient

  • Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’
  • The reason I brought up the Palestine Israel example was because it was a real question in a survey (NYT I think?), more that 50% of the people under 30 responded they support Hamas and under 20 years old it was as high as 70%. By your logic, all of these people are terrorist, and always have been.

  • Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’
  • What I'm saying is that if you are asking a question that pigeonholes people into two categories sometimes they pick the worst one out of spite. It's not really am indicator of what that person believes. Kinda like saying if you don't support BLM you're a racist, and guess what happened? A bunch of people started saying "well I guess I'm a racist now"

  • Elon Musk cannot keep Tesla pay package worth more than $55 billion, judge rules
  • Almost as if he wants to extort Tesla to cover his Twitter losses.

  • Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’
  • Eh that's like asking "Are you Pro Israel or Pro Hamas, you only get to pick one"

  • Poland renews demand for German war reparations
  • I think the US should do this in state elections. Like Pennsylvania demands Civil War reparations from Virginia.

  • Powerful Iran-backed militia in Iraq to suspend military ops against US forces in region
  • Tell me you fucked up without telling me you fucked up.

  • French move to make abortion a ‘guaranteed freedom’ gains big win in lower house
  • Good, we're living in a Christian Taliban dystopia here in the US

  • Hereditary coolness
  • I was destined to be a slut, but I was born in this body.

  • boom. headshot
  • Saving this so I can take credit for it 5 years from now

  • Charles Littlejohn: Man who stole and leaked Trump tax records sentenced to 5 years in prison
  • Trump could be eating his own shit in front of a crowd during a rally and his followers will start doing the same.

  • The Supreme Court Has Itself to Blame for Texas Defying Its Orders
  • Nobody is atroturfing Lemmy, a small niche community of social rejects that have less impact on societal dynamics than NTFs

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