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Trump Tower is coming to Saudi Arabia | CNN Business
  • The urinals are pumped directly to Trumps private suite.

  • Unable to back down, Israel and Hezbollah move closer to all-out war
  • Fuck Israel, they just want more targets to murder.

  • China says Dalai Lama must 'thoroughly correct' his political views
  • Tibetans told VICE World News that the meaning of this common expression used to tease and teach children is completely lost in cultural interpretation and its English translation. The correct phrase in Tibetan for this joke is “Che le sa”, which roughly translates to “Eat my tongue.” English is the Dalai Lama’s second language and Indian news outlets have previously reported that the leader speaks in broken English at public events.


    In a Youtube videoJigme Ugen, a second-generation Tibetan refugee living in the U.S., explains how this display of affection was born out of a game played between the Tibetan elderly and children. Kids who go up to their grandfather, for instance, are asked to kiss their grandfather’s forehead, touch their noses and kiss them.

    “Then [the grandfather] says that I’ve given you everything so the only thing left is for you to eat my tongue,” Ugen said. “The child probably never gets the candy or money but gets a beautiful lesson about life, love and family.”

    tl;dr: A harmless translation issue.

  • Airbnb undermined team that removed extremist users, whistleblower claims | CNN Business
  • A public company should totally be allowed to ban someone for hate.

    Why wait until they commit a heinous act to try to stop the spread of them?

  • German lawmaker deletes post on football players' skin color
  • Why the fuck apologise for that? Did some bigoted fucksticks get upset? Good.

  • Maryland governor pardons 175,000 marijuana convictions
  • They should rebrand to Mariland

  • Victoria to raise age of criminal responsibility to 12 with no exceptions
  • Sounds like a good move.

    Anyone who may be harmful to others has an exception, so there’s no risk cops won’t say try to stop a kid with a knife trying to murder others.

    And any of the children are still going to get their details taken down, it’s not like they’ll escape this ever catching up with them just because they don’t get locked up on the day.

    This way a lot of it can ideally be chased up by more appropriate social workers, and with proper training compared to cops on the street.

  • King George V monument beheaded in Melbourne
  • Tell me about the rabbits king George.

  • American Airlines passenger sued by FAA after being duct taped to seat
  • Not to mention everyone has a camera in their pocket whereas before no one would believe you or be able to share the story far.

  • 'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement
  • That literally tells the story of a people’s losing their livelihood due to capitalist usage of technology, and targeting the technology instead of the systemic issue.

  • Elon Musk Offered Horse To Flight Attendant In Exchange For Sex: Report
  • Spring shoes sound less useful on a horse.

  • Elon Musk Offered Horse To Flight Attendant In Exchange For Sex: Report
  • Horse people is not the preferred nomenclature. Centaur, please.

  • 'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement
  • If capitalism is shit you attack capitalism not a technology.

    All the misplaced rage and wasted effort.

  • Elon Musk Offered Horse To Flight Attendant In Exchange For Sex: Report
  • Aren’t horses expensive as fuck to keep?

  • Framework Mainboard Powers Retro Style Gaming Console -- Tom's Hardware
  • Laptop mobo sounds like overkill for retro gaming compared to a pi clone or some such.

  • Homemade double fried Karaage, homemade Togarashi, homemade Onigiri
  • Karaage is basically Popcorn Chicken.

  • American Airlines passenger sued by FAA after being duct taped to seat
  • Heather Wells bit, kicked and spat at staff as she reportedly attempted to open the front cabin door mid-flight

    Yeah, nah. Stick her down with super glue if you have to at that point.

  • iOS 18 in one image. What are you most excited for?
  • Can’t wait for Google to cancel Android and replace it with a messaging service.

  • SBS advertising Tucker Carlson event in Aus

    What the absolute fuck? Has anyone else seen this ad play on SBS, how can they advertise for such a piece of shit to spread his brand of hate here.

    Scannáin agus Ceol / Movies and Music

    Teilifís / Television

    Ceol / Music

    Scannáin / Movies

    Dia Duit - Come join my Irish/Gaeilge learning/speaking community!

    I've started a community to help learn and practice Irish/Gaeilge. I'm learning myself and would love to meet others who are also trying, or even people who can already speak who'd love to teach or just talk.

    Links to Community: Gaeilge !


    Dia Duit,

    welcome to this little Lemmy community for learning Irish/Gaeilge. I'm still learning myself, so I'll be using this as a resource to share what I learn and hopefully entice other learners or speakers to participate?

    Free dinosaurs for school kids during holidays

    Or at least lots of free dinosaur related content going on.

    Did you know you can buy legit fossils of Spinosaurus teeth for like $9 online, could be a special memorable gift if any child really gets into them through these events.

    Edit: and free zoo entry

    What would education in a SolarPunk society look like to you?

    Curious to hear people’s ideas on how education would look in such a world.

    For me, I’d like to see it moved away from testing and results based learning.

    A stronger focus on physical engagement with things, e.g. learning biology by going out and cataloging wildlife and learning what’s in a local ecosystem before coming together and researching findings and looking for new questions to ask.

    Less sitting around at desks being fed information and a greater focus on individual agency in exploring topics of interest.

    Not to say there isn’t a time and a place for “high level” stuff where you need to deep dive into books and listen to lectures, but there needs to be a greater balance in methodology.

    Early Childhood Education - A community of ECE Educators or those interested in pre-school aged children's education & development (i.e. parents)

    As the title says it's a community based around early years learning and development, so from birth up to pre-school.

    Mainly aimed at educators, teachers, and anyone else who works with these age ranges but more than happy to field questions from parents who may be wanting more information to help them.

    It's a bit of a niche community, so I'm going to struggle to grow it but Lemmy needs more industry professional spaces!

    Edit: It's a .au domain, but the community is for everyone no matter where you live.

    Links to Community: Early Childhood Education !

    How can I prove I exist?

    I'm born here and a citizen, however I don't have a passport, nor a copy of a birth certificate yet I need to prove I have a right to work here for a job.

    From my look on the gov site, I can use a passport to get my birth certificate or a birth certificate to get a passport. Neither of which is any bloody help.

    Does anyone know what to do?

    Let's enter this into LemmyVision (Donny Benét - American Dream)
    • It's weird
    • It's political
    • It's recent
    • It's Australian, but the title will confuse people
    • It's the vibe

    I think it'll resonate well with the Lemmy audience, see these instant upvote lyrics:

    >When the Orange man Came into power The Minutes Soon Felt like hours Then the Old man Won the election But the world Didn’t change direction

    Marsupial Quokka
    Posts 49
    Comments 1.4K