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Franz Ferdinand's unfortunate Uber experience
  • Well I say you don’t know

  • "prompt engineering"
  • It’s a tool to you. To someone less tech literate, I can see where they don’t see a difference between this and uploading a copyrighted logo to vistaprint or your custom credit card design.

  • This community got removed from (again)
  • I am running on Lemmy-Easy-Deploy but it seems to be abandoned. How do you have yours set up?

  • *poke poke* is it still alive?
  • At this point, Voyager is best.

  • What do you do if a cop approaches you and starts questioning you while you're sitting in your car in a public parking lot?
  • The only time that might work is if it's a nice, expensive and well kept car. But then with that I doubt you're too worried about being harassed in the first place.

  • What do you do if a cop approaches you and starts questioning you while you're sitting in your car in a public parking lot?
  • Lol, no it doesn't and no don't do this. Especially don't do it on a "ghetto" looking van. This will make you even more of a target.

    This moron has a PD sticker thinking we'll leave him alone. Obviously he's up to something.

  • Help with moving a Linux VMware vm to Optiplex boot drive
  • Oh I didn’t know about this either. Thanks! About to set that up right now!

  • Help with moving a Linux VMware vm to Optiplex boot drive
  • Now this is something I’m interested in! I think I’m going to pick up that 3040 to set up and play around with since it’s so cheap. The i5-6500 should handle it well enough, right?

  • Help with moving a Linux VMware vm to Optiplex boot drive
  • Never mind. I see now that Proxmox is a type 1 hypervisor now.

  • Help with moving a Linux VMware vm to Optiplex boot drive
  • To be completely honest, I’m familiar enough with all of this to get myself in trouble and work my way back out of it and that’s about it.

    I was only trying to get away from the VM because if I’m away and the PiHole craps out, I can tell my wife “hold down the power button and reset the 3040” as opposed to trying to walk her through the VM setups.

    I’ve got Windows set up to log back in upon reboots (Windows updates and whatnot), then start up Plex, arrs, etc. But I couldn’t get the VMWare VM to turn on automatically.

    What prompted all of this was the 8 GB SD filling to 100% and freezing up my PiHole, blocking internet access due to the DNS server being down.

    So… I was trying to knock out both of those issues with the separate - PiHole and wife, restarts and VMs.

    But you’re saying I can get Proxmox running on the 3070 I already have (i5-9500T, 32 GB RAM, W11 Pro) and have it auto start and run everything?

  • Help with moving a Linux VMware vm to Optiplex boot drive

    I’ve done a little bit of searching but everything that comes up is about moving vm to vm hosts. I am currently running PiHole and Tailscale on a Pi Zero W 1.1 but it’s hammering the CPU (I assume Tailscale). I also have an always-on Windows Optiplex 3070 that’s running HomeAssistant on a VMWare vm. I found a $65 Optiplex 3040 that I’m planning to install Linux on and merge the Zero W and the VM to the Linux box but would like some guidance on whether it’s possible to move the VM to a boot drive. I’m not too concerned about losing the PiHole setup. I just wiped everything and started fresh yesterday (in an attempt to solve the CPU issue).

    A Texas company is suing Chicago after the city began penalizing buses that drop off migrants
  • Ah, that makes sense then as these would certainly also be prosecutable under federal law as they are crossing state lines.

  • A Texas company is suing Chicago after the city began penalizing buses that drop off migrants
  • Lol, no he's making that up. Kidnapping does not have a 24 hour requirement. A person doesn't even need to be moved to be guilty of kidnaping:

    (2) "Abduct" means to restrain a person with intent to prevent his liberation by:

    (A) secreting or holding him in a place where he is not likely to be found; or

    (B) using or threatening to use deadly force.

    Sec. 20.03. KIDNAPPING. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly abducts another person.

  • Kyiv Confirms Poisoning of Intel Chief Budanov’s Wife
  • She’s in the hospital, still alive.

  • What are computer gadgets everyone should own?
  • Get the Logitech G600 and have essentially 24 buttons on the side (12 + a “shift” button to give each of those 12 a different command).

    To be fair, I only use about 6 of those buttons, haha.

  • Help with Postgres
  • I got it back up! I was able to reset the database user's password.

  • Lauren Boebert Caught Vaping in Theater CCTV After Blaming Smoke on Fog Machine
  • Not that this makes the rest of what she did any better, but that wasn’t flash photography. That was the sensors scanning for faces and the security camera picking up the IR light.

  • Lemmy World is now on Matrix
  • I had no idea that’s what it was for. I hadn’t added mine for fear of spam but this makes way more sense now.

  • Switching from Chrome to Firefox? Here Are Some Tips.
  • Yeah, I completely agree. I loved the vertical tabs and I’ve almost gone back several times. I hope Mozilla is working on those two and sleeping tabs.

  • People Are Losing It Over Footage Showing Rudy Giuliani Walking Into A Bail Bond Joint After Being Arraigned
  • Sorry, that was worded very poorly on my part. I don't even know what I was trying to say there but it should be "as long as you show up for your court date." I think I forgot what I was typing out halfway through that sentence, hahaha.

    Edit: I just figured out what happened. That was meant to be a continuation from the first sentence, not a separate thought. Rearranged and commas added for clarity: You don’t get your $300 back, you don’t get hunted down by a bounty hunter, and you don’t get additional charges for skipping out when you show up on your court date(s).

  • People Are Losing It Over Footage Showing Rudy Giuliani Walking Into A Bail Bond Joint After Being Arraigned
  • I haven’t seen bonds work like that (but I don’t doubt some do). The way they work around me is:

    1. You get a bond for $2000
    2. You go to a bail bondsman and give them the paperwork
    3. You pay 15% of your bond to them ($300 in this case)
    4. That’s it. They keep your $300 and they post your $2000 bail. You don’t get your $300 back when you go to court. But you also don’t get hunted down by a bounty hunter and you don’t get additional charges for skipping as long as you show up for your court date.

    edit: my brain stopped working on point 4 as pointed out by