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Galaxy AI Free Until 2025
  • Jan 1st 2026.......To continue to enjoy our AI free experience it will now come will Ads.....or pay us 9.99 for an Ad free AI experience.

    Love from Samsung

  • I'm really getting over the enshitification of the internet.
  • All sorts of things are still useful with email, for instance my work sends my duty rosters to my personal email address (my preference so I don't have to log into work when I'm off duty) I get a reminder for my car service, confirmation that my online grocery shopping has been picked and when to expect delivery, confirmation of orders I've made and delivery dates times, where I live we have a management company and they communicate to residents by email, some 2FA checks come by email, I still find these things useful & prefer an email rather than endless push notifications on my mobile if that's an alternative, I don't allow email to notify my mobile either, I just check the inbox a couple of times a day.

  • I'm really getting over the enshitification of the internet.
  • For me the internet is still just about bearable but only because of the following....

    Firefox + unlock origin for web browsing.

    RedReader for Reddit when I occasionally need to go there.

    Lemmy for the best Reddit alternative.

    Revanced and NewPipe for YouTube.

    Recently moved from Google podcasts to Podcast Republic after Google moved podcasts to you tube music.

    Never had Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram.

    Email is still functional and necessary so have to stick with that.

    It feels like I'm swimming against a strong tide just to maintain a good experience, in no other industry do the major players want to cripple your goods and services if you don't bend over and accept their increasingly poor goods and services πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

  • How do you organise your cutlery drawer?
  • I'm with you OP, left to right ~ Knives ~ Forks ~ Spoons~ plus the tea spoons go in their own auxiliary area.

  • European Union set to revise cookie law, admits cookie banners are annoying
  • I'd be happy to keep the ones that say:

    "we notice you are in europe and we can't use our cookies to track you so you can't come to our website"

    It's good to know sites with policies like that to ensure I never visit them.

  • What are some things that Linux can't do, but Windows can?
  • Windows saves me prescious time to do other things. I went through the Dos, Win 3.1, Windows XP era thoroughly enjoying my time spending hours and hours learning about how to get my new sound card, network card , printer, game , software, mouse, newfangled USB device or whatever working, then my priorities evolved and the time pressures of family and career mean I just want my PC to work and for my use case it does. I'm heading for retirement soon so maybe I'll have more time to give Linux a go

  • Yo, what was your first computer? How old were you, where and how did you get it, what did you do with it, etc.
  • 1 was 18 and bought a Commodore 64 and cassette drive, I played games, Fairlight, Psi Warrior and Elite (my god the hours I spent on elite, I've craved that experience ever since and never quite equalled it. Plus I dabbled with basic programming, quickly moved on to an Atari ST, WOW that was a quantum leap! Then the first PC computer a 386 DX40 and Doom changed my world forever......been a PC gamer ever since

  • google discover feed
  • I recently started getting ads on my discover feed, it was the last Google thing to be ad free, it used to be a good selection of my interests and local news, I've turned it off now as it's full of irrelevant crap and adverts.

  • They're perfectly good brownies, Karen. What is your problem?
  • There's 7 spaces in the baking tray, there's 8 brownies! What is the 8th brownie op!

  • What is a video game that you'd love to play, but no one has developed yet?
  • I've played this and enjoyed it, but I feel it lacks the immersion that a first/third person game world could bring to my fantasy game

  • What is a video game that you'd love to play, but no one has developed yet?
  • I've toyed with the idea of playing, watched some YouTube walk throughs, it does hit the brief of my wish list game other than not being First/Third person game world....maybe I should give it a go

  • What is a fun gadget you have purchased that has added value to your life?
  • Mine are Shokz, I've had them a couple of years now with no issues at all, the battery lasts for many hours, I've never had then run out use case

  • What is a fun gadget you have purchased that has added value to your life?
  • Mine are Shokz, I've had them a couple of years now with no issues at all, the battery lasts for many hours

  • What is a video game that you'd love to play, but no one has developed yet?
  • An open world game but the world is just a few city blocks, every single room in every building must be detailed & explorable, there would be a hospital, apartment, houses, businesses, shops, tunnels, parkland, garages etc etc.

    The game would be a group of survivors, their needs for food, water, medication , clothes, fuel would be satisfied by exploring the environment and buildings, you need insulin? Search the hospital or medicine cabinets in the homes, you need food? Search the shops and kitchens? Water? Collect rainwater ... Each game day would present a list of priorities for the survivors to manage.

    Risk and jeopardy would come from the environment it's self, other survivors who you could trade with or fight. Packs of wild dogs, maybe a few zombies but certainly not hoards, perhaps a Lion, escaped from the zoo. There are no long guns in this apocalypse but perhaps a pistol with limited ammo.

    Importantly this must be a 1st/3rd person open world, the look and feel of the Last of Us 2.


  • What is a fun gadget you have purchased that has added value to your life?
  • Bone conducting ear phones, I have tiny narrow ear canals and can't get any type of ear bud to go in my ears, the bone conductors are a revelation for listening to audio books, radio and music when I'm out and about

  • Why is everything in consumer / American life so fucking shitty now - and companies literally just say 'oh bc profit margins' and we're now expected to swallow that and sympathize?
  • My satellite TV (Sky TV ... UK) subscription ended recently and they would not give me any sort of deal to sign a new contract, Come black Friday they a spamming me by email and every type of advert for great deals for NEW Customers only!

    I called SKY to cancel and they offered me a better deal but we're going to charge me an admin fee to sign a new contract, they wanted me to pay them to sign a contract with them!

    I told them that it was not acceptable and cancel my service, having been put through to "my manager" they eventually waived the admin fee...

    How has it come to this, I'm an easy customer, I am happy with the product, I'll sign a contract if it's a good deal, but they went out of their way to lose me

  • A Spanish agency became so sick of models and influencers that they created their own with AI β€” and she’s raking in up to $11,000 a month
  • We had all this back in the 1970s with "Robots and Computers will take all our jobs" scaremongering.

    As factories & production lines started to use robots and CNC machines, CAD and digital imaging appeared, accounting software etc etc we were all going to lose our jobs and live a life of unemployed leisure.

    Never happened.

    I'm sure AI will play an important role in the future but like so many new fads it will settle into its niche and we will all be okay.

  • This needs to be a well-defined psychological principle. I do stuff like this all the time
  • My dog once found a biscuit* in a bush near our home, from that day onwards he always checked the bush for a biscuit, there never was another one, the bush became known as "The Biscuit Bush"

    • Cookie if your American πŸͺ
  • It would have to be a VERY lazy dog to allow a fox to jump over it anyway.
  • When I started my career as a telecoms data engineer back in thr '80s the we used QBF to test modems on dial up data connections...the tester had a QBF button that would sent the text to a tester at the other end or it could even test round a loop back to itself.

    You could inject errors with a button and these errors would count up on a basic 8 segment red led display to prove everything was working okay...happy days

  • What's one small thing you've done to make your life easier?
  • During Covid (I'm a key worker so had to keep going to work) I started to take a small flask of coffee to work each morning and supplies to make more. I'll make a further couple during the day...the coffee is to my taste and saves time and money during the day β˜•

  • A misty morning

    Greater Anglia Stadler class 755 bimode Unit, ready for its first turn

    Manmikey manmikey
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