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Contradictions in this sh!t

I find it so hard to understand the liberal viewpoint of things.

One minute the USA is fascist for overturning roe v wade and possible other amendments, the next minute the USA is the global defender of democracy. One minute the USA is facing the most social instability with gun violence, inflation, wage stagnation, over policing, the next minute we are the shining city on the hill that must set an example.

You’d think after Korea, Vietnam, and the war on terror we’d learn are lesson about exporting democracy and just mind our own business. But america is not in the business of learning lessons.

We care so much about Taiwanese independence but what of the indigenous people HERE? What of Hawaii? What of Puerto Rico?

Stay strong y’all. See through the contradictions and keep applying Marxism Leninism to the times! There is still hope yet!

Stranger things proving how brainwashed most westoids are

This person tried to tell me peanut butter was illegal in the Soviet Union because they saw it on stranger things. Like…. you know you can fact check that right? You just believe whatever the tv tells you??

It’s even FUNNIER cuz they were talking about how much they hate the 4th, USA and capitalism… like bestie that was kinda the Soviet unions whole thing. What’s worse is I ask them: what makes them evil? And they answer: because the soviets are evil.

Honestly it’s just sad because people are just so content in their lil ignorance bubbles. Learning about communism from corporate media, being led a stray from any actual class consciousness.

We must never stop explaining in this upside down world. ( lol get it)

okbuddyanarkiddie MLchavito_Del_Ocho
Thought yall could use some brain rot

When the anti tankie song be making anarchists look dumb. Hooliganism.