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Menstruation cycle tracking app breached users' privacy, B.C. class-action lawsuit alleges
  • Wow, my girlfriend uses this. Time to get her a FOSS-grown solution. Fuck the corpos!

  • Police shut more than 14,000 accounts on Mega, Tutanota and Protonmail
  • That sounds reasonable. Thanks for the explanation.

  • Firefox plus NordVPN split tunneling feature breaks [updates]
  • You can use split tunneling for specific domains in the browser add-on.

  • Firefox plus NordVPN split tunneling feature breaks [updates]
  • I do have it enabled, both in the desktop app and in the browser add-on. However, it does work on my FF profile where I have both enabled. If I use another profile which doesn't have the add-on, the domain won't load. If I use another browser, the domain won't load either. Lame.

  • Firefox plus NordVPN split tunneling feature breaks [updates]
  • I was literally just going to post about this. I use NordVPN along with the desktop extension. When I try to navigate to on any other browser, or even a FF profile that doesn't have the extension enabled, it won't connect.

  • Police shut more than 14,000 accounts on Mega, Tutanota and Protonmail
  • So the police provide the companies with addresses associated with illegal activities and the companies disable those accounts?

    EDIT: This was a genuine question :p

  • Users with personal music libraries, how do you decide what to download?
  • I follow YT accounts that post music that I'm interested in such as Vapor Memory or Cryo Chamber. I'm also on the mailing lists of several artists on Bandcamp so I get notified of new releases. I ask friends for recommendations, I ask on forums, other places. Really not that hard.

  • YTS.MX untrusted?
  • Wow, I've been reading articles on YTS all morning... This is insane! I definitely won't be downloading anything from them ever again. This is also quite nauseating.

  • YTS.MX untrusted?

    I was just scrolling through the megathread for untrusted websites and saw that was untrusted? I've been using that website for YEARS. Am I fucked? I did a quick search in this community and saw posts mostly recommending the site, so does anyone know what's going on? The reason listen for it's untrustworthiness is "Fake clone: (Crafted with cunning intent to ensnare unsuspecting users through deliberate deception)."

    What post did you make that got you like this?
  • that's actually kinda nice 🙂

  • What post did you make that got you like this?
  • so what does it taste like?

  • Need an article from the American Journal of Cardiology
  • There's a search bar specifically for DOI on annas-archive dot org. I found it immediately using the DOI.

  • Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI: Read the memo | TechCrunch
  • I have a bad feeling about this... guess it's time to learn about possible alternatives :/

  • The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
  • Just finished the Dead Space remake and can't decide between Alan Wake 2 or Starfield to play next... Maybe I'll just go read some sci-fi horror books instead and then get back to gaming once I have a clearer pictire of what I wanna play.

  • Street Fighter Vs Mortal Kombat
  • Tekken all the way!!!!!

  • Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide
  • I pirated it and played for maybe two hours. It was boring and the controls didn't feel good. Uninstalled shortly after.

  • A perfectly normal warning on Instagram. KOSA is going to be perfectly fine... 🔥🔥🐶☕🔥🔥
  • Think of the children! Let us scan all of your images, files and messages! For the sake of children of course! Nothing suspicious here...

  • The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
  • Playing Dead Space Remake and enjoying it so far. I hate the UI though. It's my first ever DS game.

  • What game fits this?
  • Was looking for someone to mention D2...

  • What game fits this?
  • This has to be a copypasta.

  • LucidBoi LucidBoi

    Fuck Reddit.

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