You can tell this is an old map (pre-2025) because it still mentions Canada
I instantly fell in love with this awesome design. Did you create it yourself? Good luck on your journey to find the perfect place to put it!
That's an awesome piece of art. Would hang this on my wall immediately!
That looks awesome!
Sorry, that sounds non credible to me
Calling that poor Foz a Volvo is offensive.
What were they supposed to do? A 12 year old in a car is quite the liability. I do very much agree that the law enforcement over there is shit
Sinking 😂
I have the Anbernic RG35XX and so far it has been an amazing device which I never regretted buying. You can get it for around €50 from Ali. The one linked seems to be a knock-off because I don't see any Anbernic branding.
"Europese most important rocket test" is clickbait-y in my opinion. It was the first hop up test. Nowhere near "the most important".
Hell yeah. Going to the woods in half an hour. I hope I spot something good! I'll keep you posted.
Yeah, you are right. I misunderstood the comment I was replying to.
Yeah, you are totally right. I totally misunderstood the comment that I was replying to.