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Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks
  • Unzipping archive. Please insert disk 34/2365

  • stained teeth
  • Is that a pine cone, or has AI gone nuts on the teeth again?

  • [opinion] I don't care if you abstain from voting for president.
  • You know what? That’s fair. You’re actually mostly right.

    I disagree that the position of president isn’t as important as people think - as you you found out during the Trump presidency, a president can potentially pick several Supreme Court justices, and given some recent rulings, it may already be too late to fix that arm of government. Plus as the head of state, they are one of the biggest symbols of national identity.

    And as such, telling people they don’t necessarily need to worry about voting for them is dangerous, and I think it undermines your argument that there are other roles to vote for on the same ballot. If low voter turnout is a problem, and they don’t want to vote for arguably the important role, why would they bother going out and queuing at all?

  • [opinion] I don't care if you abstain from voting for president.
  • You’re wrong, but it’s not your fault.

    First Past The Post is a terrible system. We have it in the UK and we’ve had governments formed by a party that got less than 40% of the votes (as in, people ago actually voted, not including eligible voters who did not cast a ballot).

    By any objective measure, “60% of people did not want these clowns in charge” is not really what I’d describe as “democratic”.

    So that needs to change. But until it does, that’s the game. And unlike Wargames, you can’t win by not playing.

    Not voting for Biden (however bad he is, he is objectively the lesser of two evils), whether not voting or voting third party, is giving Trump’s votes more weight. Yes, that’s shit, no, that’s not fair. But that’s the way the system is right here right now. Deal with it. Vote Biden or you are implicitly saying you’re OK with Trump.

  • What are your plans for when the Milky Way galaxy collides with Andromeda?
  • I’ll take a personal day. Maybe I’ll watch, maybe I’ll just slob on the sofa, we’ll see…

  • Neil rule
  • Alright, Columbo, calm down.

    Ok, legit sremoved from that, but I do approve of the way they showed their working.

    Edit: do I have to write “snicker” like an American? Does some bot suffer from the Scunthorpe problem here?

  • Neil rule
  • What’s wrong with Neil’s beard?

  • Which is older an infant or a baby?
  • Depends how bad at walking they are…

  • NSFW
    Rogue Speculation
  • I might be in the minority here, but I think retconning hard earned, character defining/shaping/progression arcs is a bad thing.

    No, I agree with you, I’d just never really thought it through with The Master/Missy. And we don’t know how many extra regenerations they were given in the Time War, so there’s plenty of room if we assume the great (and tragically underused) Derek Jacobi was “reset” to One, Missy could potentially be Thirteen, and then there’s plenty to play with in the middle.

    I do at least think the genocide thing with the Doctor was handled well - because of some “you don’t really remember future events” shenanigans when meeting multiple versions of yourself, all of the Doctors from John Hurt to Matt Smith “remembered” making that decision, and it was compassion from that experience that led him to go back to be there when he did it, and finally realising he could have a second chance at it. It doesn’t undo anything Ecclestone or Tennant went through.

    And while it was a good couple of Doctors, lifting that shadow means that Gatwa can be more cheerful and optimistic, but still with the dark side of having fought in the war and knowing he COULD have made that decision of he’d had to. It stops the Doctor just getting potentially grimmer and grimmer as more and more terrible things keep happening.

  • NSFW
    Rogue Speculation
  • On the one hand, yes. And it does make a good tragedy.

    On the other? We’ve seen the Master be turned into a cat person, exterminated by the Daleks, sucked into the Eye of Harmony and be dragged back into the Time Locked end days of the Time War (although I suppose that could be where he regenerates into Dhawan and kills all the Time Lords).

    Don’t rule out Missy’s successor returning, is what I’m saying…

    Edit: oh, also, since Missy has at least vague memories of meeting herself when she was Simm, she’s had a while to figure out a solution.

  • NSFW
    Rogue Speculation
  • Are you saying Sacha Dhawan’s Master was an earlier incarnation than Missy? 😲

  • One of us! One of us!
  • Personally, I’d say yes if they’ve heard of Captain Kirk and Mister Spock.

    Not all of it, but a couple of select episodes such a Space Seed and Balance of Terror.

    Then a couple of TNG episodes like The Measure of a Man and Q Who

    If they’re into it after that, some TOS films (2,3 and 4 come to mind) and a few more TNG episodes in order.

    The first couple of DS9 episodes to see if they like the space station format, but after season 2 or 3 I think those need to be watched in order really.

    Then Voyager, then Enterprise.

    If they don’t get on with TNG, maybe look at the first few episodes of Discovery. If that’s a bit grim for them, Strange New Worlds should be light enough.

    Prodigy might be a good start if they don’t want to watch 60 years of legacy Trek to catch them up.

    And Lower Decks is nice and light but I think they’d get far more out of it if they have some reference on what’s being riffed on.

  • Home sweet home
  • Show him the Titan-A. Lights mean you can at least see what you’re doing while at work…

  • Season 1 (Series 14) Episode 5: "Dot and Bubble"
  • Two Doctor-light episodes in an eight ep season is definitely a choice.

  • I just posted Gowron for the glory of the empire!
  • Crushed three apples into juice FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!

  • What are the minimum things you need to be willing to live for eternity?
  • I’m sorry, you made some great points, but all I can take away from that is that your idea of heaven is becoming a Ninja Turtle…? 🤣

  • Sewage pumped into river in picturesque Chilterns village for five consecutive days
  • People should be going to prison and the water companies should be renationalised.

    But instead, prices will go up for customers and the shareholders will continue to make bank.

    It makes me want to spit.

  • Democrats behind closed doors
  • It would almost be funny if not for the whole “fate of American democracy” thing.

    Sure, the Democrats are Doctor Evil and his minions. But the Republicans are literally Hitler and the nazis.

    Vote accordingly.

  • Democrats behind closed doors
  • Because they think they’re helping stand on other people’s necks, and that’s just fine in their book.

    Then they act all surprised with the “I never thought the leopards would eat my face!” when it happens.

  • Lemming421 Lemming421
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