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I was looking at the firefox flatpak on flathub. Won't this warning make a non tech-savy user anxious? This might make them think they'll get a virus or something like that.
  • They should be worried. We don't want them comfortable.

    So many negative things have entered our culture bc people don't care about dangers. Nearly every app should have a warning

  • jonringer Continues to Cause Drama and Problems
  • Fr even some of the first few comments are totally unhinged

  • jonringer Continues to Cause Drama and Problems
  • Post title is misleading as he's not really the one causing the drama.

    The mods gave him a 6-week suspension, and now it's up, so he requested his access back. Nothing unusual

    The drama comes from people who just hate the guy and are screaming about letting him back. His response to that was then very cordial and just calling out them for being to aggressive.

    I'm not taking a stance on whether his suspension should become a ban or whether he's gonna change or whatever; I'm just saying it's simply false to say he's continuing to cause the drama and problems when all he did was ask to get his commit access back and tell his haters they're being assholes

  • Why python while Julia is so much better?
  • Why use Julia when Rust is so much better?

  • what foss phone OS do you use and why?
  • Also, as for reasoning for choosing a Pixel, Pixels are not really a product for Google but rather a device for Google employees to test things on but as a consequence can be sold as well. This makes them perfect for hacking

  • The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning.
  • AI is mostly just hype. It's the new blockchain

    There are important AI technologies in the past for things like vision processing and the new generative AI has some uses like as a decent (although often inaccurate) summarizer/search engine. However, it's also nothing revolutionary.

    It's just a neat peace of tech

    But here come MS, Apple, other big companies, and tech bros to push AI hard, and it's so obv that it's all just a big scam to get more of your data and to lock down systems further or be the face of get-rich-quick schemes.

    I mean the image you posted is a great example. Recall is a useless feature that also happens to store screenshots of everything you've been doing. You're delusional if you think MS is actually going to keep that totally local. Both MS and the US government are going to have your entire history of using the computer, and that doesn't sit right with FOSS people.

    FOSS people tend to be rather technical than the average person, so they don't fall for tech enthusiast nonsense as much.

  • Nostalgic Distros?
  • Ubuntu ca 2010

    Play some Nibbles from that era

  • anti-snap stance is anti-consumer
  • Nextcloud Server

    I can only get it to work via snap and on Ubuntu. I've tried Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, Fedora, and NixOS for distro and both manual and snap. It doesn't even have a flatpak.

  • Roses are red, violets are blue, everyone is using IPv6, why aren't you?
  • People use IPv6?

    I still don't know anything about it

  • What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • Back when I was a kid, I was using Ubuntu. Ubtunu 14 and 16.

    At some point I got really into Elementary OS and Pantheon

    Then I rejected clone distros and embraced the mother distro, Debian.

    In college, I experimented a bit, like most people. I tried various DEs and WMs on Debian. I tried Arch. I tried Pop_OS!. I tried Gentoo. Man, Gentoo is the WORST. Compiling stuff takes WAY too long and even after using it for 6 months it never got better. Worst distro on the planet. No one should ever use it. Eventually I settled on Arch.

    I stayed an Arch i3 guy for 3.5 years, but eventually I got fed up with it.

    I then finally gave Fedora a try, and I thought it was great. It was up to date like Arch but unbreakable. At the time I was also looking into BTRFS and immutability and making my own distro, and Fedora is great for that bc of CoreOS and Kinoite and all that stuff.

    While on Fedora I did a lot of weird things in search of my goals. Like I figured out how to install Pacman and get AUR applications working on Fedora, notably archiso which I was using to build my own immutable, declarative OS that would be AppImage-based and utilizing an AppImage package manager and store front I wrote myself.

    But then, about a year in, I discovered NixOS. It's the best thing ever. It solves all the problems I had with other distros that I thought I'd solve on Fedora or Arch with programming. It's everything I could want in a distro and then some. I've now been on it longer than I was on Fedora, and there's no sign of switching to anything else.

    Parallel to all this is various tool hopping. For instance, trying GNOME/KDE/Xfce/i3/Sway/Hyprland/etc at various times with various setups as well. Or bash vs zsh. Etc

    Currently, I'm on NixOS with Hyprland, and it's great. I've also used it with i3 and with GNOME + Pop Shell 2 for tiling which are both solid as well.

    Now, that's my daily driver and gaming machine. I use other OSs on other computers.

    I have a computer for music production that got Fedoraized when I was a Fedora fanboy for a year. I don't change it bc it doesn't need to change. It just needs to run Ardour, yabridge, etc and maintain my system audio configurations that I don't remember how to set up now. If it ever gets messed up, I'll switch to a fork of my NixOS configuration and refigure out my audio settings and put them in a configuration.

    I have a home nextcloud server as well. It also was once Fedoraized, but I gave up on that and went to Ubuntu bc that's the only thing that should ever run a Nextcloud server. It just does not work correctly if it's not on Ubuntu, at least that's my experience. I've tried hosting on Arch, Fedora, Debian, Pop_OS! and more, but only Ubuntu works well for Nextcloud, so Ubuntu it stays.

    Windows -> RedHat -> Windows -> Gentoo -> Ubuntu -> RHEL -> Ubuntu -> Debian -> Arch

  • Open Source League of Legends remake in the works!
  • I wonder if marketing this as "replacement to League" is the best move or if it should market itself as simply a new MOBA

  • What is the appeal of a binary-tree only in a tiling window manager (bspwm) vs. nested splits (i3 and sway)?
  • You're spot on. Bspwm is just worse.

    Dynamic tilers are always worse off in the actual window management department than manual tilers.

    It's why it's best to use i3-likes and then add a script for autotiling, so you can always break it when you need (or make n-ary trees as you put it).

    A window manager should be useful; dynamic tilers are not

  • Wayland tiling compositor that will work okay with nvidia?
  • Hyprland works great as long as you make sure to get the build with nvidia patches to prevent flickering. It's very similar to i3, although not 1:1 like sway.

  • Do all DEs store the trash in the same place?
  • Also fyi there's trash-cli

    I have rm aliased to trash-rm (not in sudo tho, so I can still force true deletion), so that if I remove something in terminal it also goes to trash.

    You can empty the trash via trash-empty

    It also uses ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/Trash (usually ~/.local/share/Trash)

  • Proof of concept for a hummed language
  • I thought this was a stick shift at first lol

  • branding makes Strange Bedfellows
  • Somebody needs to make a Mortal Kombat themed KDE plasma.

    Where's my blood splatter KWin effect?

  • What search engine do you use?
  • Brave

    I used to use Duck Duck Go, but it's supposedly not as private as it claims to be, and my understanding is Brave is a bit better there.

    I don't use the Brave browser tho, just the search engine

  • OoT-lineage-Zelda-like Camera and Movement in Godot 4

    I'm making a game that takes heavy inspiration from Zelda games like Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Twlight princess, i.e. OoT-lineage Zelda as opposed to BotW & TotK and games that stem from Link to the Past. It's not a fan game, of course, but if you like OoT/MM/WW/TP/SS, then you'll (hopefully) like my game.

    One central aspect to nail is the camera system these games use. There's some variation, so I've picked one to "clone." I'm basing this camera off of Wind Waker's. It has a default mode where Link runs around the camera with left and right and pushes/pulls the camera with up and down. If you wait long enough, the camera will move to be behind him, and of course there's a Z-targeting mode that will force the camera to move behind him and let him strafe. Finally, there's a free camera mode that works like the camera in a lot of modern third person games.

    In terms of movement, there's walking and running, but jumping is relegated to hopping across short gaps in these games, and I've implemented that system as well.

    How to declaratively define Strongswan VPN connections for NetworkManager?

    I have enabled the strongswan plugin for Network Manager via networking.networkmanager.enableStrongSwan.

    I manually set up my work VPN using nm-applet, but obviously this won't come with me if I reinstall NixOS, so I'd like to set up the VPN using nix.

    The problem is that networking.networkmanager doesn't seem to have any sort of vpn configuration system. How would I go about this?

    Easy way to implement controller remapping?

    I can achieve remapping using InputMap, config files, a virtual input system, and a bunch of other stuff, but it's kind of pain tbh. Not hard just a lot of code and layers.

    Has anyone made a plugin that makes controller remapping simpler in Godot?

    With how much work it is to implement, it makes it kinda low ROI for a project, but I feel bad for users bc it's basically the default for all games now to have remapping.

    KindaABigDyl KindaABigDyl

    I make things: electronics and software and music and stories and all sorts of other things.

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