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  • I'm not sure why people keep pushing that myth on C++. It's been a decade we have smart pointers. There's no memory management to be done ever.

    Using the old 'new' is like typing 'unsafe' in rust. Even arrays/vectors have safe accessor.

    Am I missing something?

  • Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • They won't go to jail, period. No company owners never go to jail, kinda ever. This phrase is out of proportion. At worse they would have a fine.

    Also still in the blog everything is words and very opaque like " We do this not only through technology and advocacy (Proton has contributed over $500,000 toward defending these values around the world)" : like where, what, when?

    "There was no legal possibility to resist or fight this particular request." : I doubt very much unless Switzerland is a dictatorship in disguise.

    "Switzerland generally will not assist prosecutions from countries without fair justice systems." : clearly not.

  • Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • It is a nice PR but for me I am not impressed. Rolex is also a non profit organization in Switzerland and and mostly help hiding there finance.

    Correct me if I am wrong but all I see is words and promises. I would trust them if they release the yearly finance transparently.

    For now the only act I can judge them on is their collaboration with police to give ecologist activists IP.

  • Which file system do you recommend for Linux?
  • Thank you for sharing this. I didn't know this FS yet. It seems new and have some nice goals. I always have a grudge against zfs/btrfs because of the resource usage/performance.

    I'll keep an eye on this. I'd love to find some benchmarks.

  • 6 months review of the open-source Ploopy Headphones
  • I tried watching the video. I am genuinely interested but I couldn't. The video is uncuted (edit: uncut*, my English is so bad) and very slow paced. After 10 minutes I gave up (50 minutes remaining).

    Maybe an other time or with an other video.

  • Finally switched to Wayland with KDE+NVIDIA
  • Damned, this is so frustrating when you cannot switch yet. Not like Wayland is perfect anyway but I felt the same with pipewire where the new system as some needed improvement but the switch is harsh.

  • Finally switched to Wayland with KDE+NVIDIA

    Just wanted to share for the 10 people like me who has with an Nvidia + dual screen setup on ArchLinux (btw) with KDE Plasma desktop that since the new plasma 6 update I can finally use the Wayland session option!

    The wayland should work has been around for the last 5 years and 5 years ago it was not even close, then 1 or 2 years ago it started not crashing but multi-screen was not OK (I tried all the kernel and driver parameters).

    Now for me and my 5+ years-old setup (probably a lot of legacy plasma settings in my .config) it was finally seamless.

    From previous tries I already knew that the desktop feels WAY smoother (true 60 fps everywhere, specially for the video players in web browser).

    Feels great so far, discord screen-sharing is not there but can be done from Firefox if needed so OK for me.

    I hope this post will be informative for some like me who tried several time over the years and didn't had much hope.

    PS : the cursor has a weirdly strong outline (too shiny to my taste) feels like unintended but not a big problem. I spent 30 mins in the options but couldn't find anything about that.

    International Red Cross movement under pressure from donor governments over Russian Red Cross' alleged close links to the Kremlin’s war and propaganda machine
  • There is also photographic evidence of RRC staff in branded Red Cross vests at military training events for Russian youth, where children as young as eight are taught how to use guns.

    (RRC = Russian Red Cross) Agree on medical aid but I am no sure this is about medical aid here.

  • Show HN: A directory of open source alternatives to proprietary software
  • They list gitea but not forgejo. That's not really advocating for FOSS. "all" (the ones I looked at) are startup products coined as open-source.

    I really don't like this website and this list, to me this is replacing bad solutions by other bad solutions (I am sorry for the people that like firebase and co).

    I am sorry for the negativity but I really don't enjoy this link and all it represents and all the people enjoying such content. I guess I/we should explicitly separate FOSS from open-source.

    I may be out of touch and should be educated on why/how this is good.

  • Here's what's new about the Fairphone 4
  • I thought they would actually talk about real concerns. Instead it's a long PR about the camera

    No audio jack no love for me. I got the last version that had that, next I'm going to look to other options.

  • Solution for the Left? Gramsci, Mouffe and Laclau on Hegemony!
  • You are right to share this, I was about to do so yesterday but I first wanted to watch it all. So far I have only watch the first half and it is very interesting.

    It is rough to follow though, sometimes I am listening to stuff while working but for this video I will need to be in the right context and focus to correctly get it.

  • The whole channel should have way more views. Science fraud is a topic that scientists knows and talk about but it is always vague and it's hard to point at precises cases due to lack of documentation (and journalists in general).

    Is there a reason firefox saves file you just want to open? It used to not be the case.

    It's been half a year now at least that this change was introduced and it's super annoying. I discover this behavior on MacOS many years but now this is happening in Linux. Because of that I really want to change browser.

    Am I missing a reason for such a change?

    Edit: to be clear I always setup Firefox to ask everytime what to do but the open option used to open the file without downloading it (or probably in a tmp folder somewhere) now with the open option you have the file in your download which misses the point of asking in the first place.

    I don't find any value in Red-Hat but I see their corporate thinking. Who really need them and why?

    I see all the drama around Red-hat and I still don't get why companies would use RHEL (or centos when it existed). I was in many companies and CentOS being years behind was awful for any recent application (GPU acceleration, even new CPU had problems with old Linux kernels shipped in CentOS).

    Long story short the only time one of the company I worked in considered CentOS it was ditched out due to many problems and not even being devs/researchers friendly.

    I hear a lot of Youtube influencers "talking" (or reading the Red-Hat statements) about all the work Red-Hat is doing but I don't see any. I know I dislike gnome so I don't care they contribute to that.

    What I see though is a philosophy against FOSS. They even did a Microsoft move with CentOS (Embrace, extend, and extinguish). I see corporate not liking sharing and collaborating together but aiming at feeding of technology built as a collective. I am convinced they would love to patent science discovery too. I am pretty sure there is a deep gap in philosophy between people wanting "business-grade" Linux and FOSS community.

    If you have concrete examples of Red-Hat added value that cannot be fulfilled by independent experts or FOSS community, I'd really like to hear that.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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