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‘Where is the money?’ US workers left unpaid after federal contractor wage theft
  • Lots of lovely laws, none of them enforced. Liberals* are really very bad** at this game.

    *in the political science meaning of the word, not the US colloquial meaning

    **or good, depending on your perspective and/or the sincerity of their declared intent

  • Meet Microsoft Office’s new default font: Aptos
  • It's like a Calibri-fied version of Trebuchet. You can actually tell the difference between I and l without changing the font to check. It's an improvement.

  • What are tankies? What does sea-lioning mean?
  • applied by centre left and liberals

    It's a term that originates with the left. Specifically, those who broke with the USSR over imperialist invasions, referring to those who did not. More broadly, it refers to the authoritarian left (as opposed to the anarchist left).

  • Could the Conservatives lose five by-elections?
  • There is no family silver left, Thatcher and Blair sold it all. The only thing they can do is throw as much money as possible at rich people in the time they have left, secure in the knowledge that Starmer's Labour will keep their seats warm without doing anything at all to stop the theft.

  • Deleting your Threads profile will also kill your Instagram account
  • They probably will realise that 10 million is less than 1% of 1.6bn and that they can safely ignore people making shit up.

  • Deleting your Threads profile will also kill your Instagram account
  • That's not true. Instagram has 1.6bn users and all can use their Instagram logins to sign in to Threads. The roughly 1% who have signed up already have chosen to activate Threads, it's not done automatically.

  • Outlook suddenly started opening links in Edge, disregarding my default browser settings
  • Thanks for this. Turns out they also made it hard to make anything other than Edge your default browser (you have to set it separately for each file extension). How to fix that here:

  • Olive exploring where she shouldn't
  • You don't know what clutter is but you do have a very cool rabbit.

  • Nobody Can Stop Moderation Corruption
  • Some instances will federate with Meta because its users want/need the larger network.

    Instances which do not federate with Meta will lose users who want/need the larger network and gain users who want no part of it.

    That's all fine and as it should be.

    But the Meta-defederated instances will struggle to get any content beyond an endless circlejerk accusing the Meta-federated mods of corruption because they decided to do something different, as if that wasn't the whole point of the fediverse in the first place.

    (Yeah, this explanation is not the one the OP would offer.)

  • OotL: What happened with Elon Musk? And Twitter?
  • He mocked a disabled former Twitter employee, Haraldur Thorleifsson, who has muscular dystrophy and uses a wheelchair, in a series of tweets on March 7, 2023 Thorleifsson had tweeted at Musk to ask if he was still employed at Twitter, after he lost access to his work computer along with 200 others. Musk accused him of doing no actual work, claiming a disability that prevented him from typing, and seeking a big payout 2 He also posted emojis and a link to a scene from Office Space to ridicule him.

    Just to add to this, Thorleifsson had sold his company to Twitter but taken the payout as a salaried job so that he paid full taxes on it. The big payout if Musk sacked him was part of the deal to buy the company. Musk is willfully ignorant for every possible meaning of the term.

  • Should political extremism, far-left or far-right, be an allowed part of Lemmy's Fediverse?
  • I have met enough far-left authoritarians who are openly racist, anti-lgbtq, and who advocated for violence against people solely based on their family background that I don’t think the extreme right has a monopoly on hate.

    Yeah, they're banned from lemmygrad. Rule 5:

    1. No capitalist apologia / anti-communism.
    1. No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.
    1. Be respectful. This is a safe space where all comrades should feel welcome, this includes a warning against uncritical sectarianism.
    1. No porn or sexually explicit content (even if marked NSFW).
    1. No right-deviationists (patsocs, nazbols, strasserists, duginists, etc).
  • Moto Razr+ (2023) vs. Motorola Edge+ (2023): To fold, or not to fold, that is the question
  • Fold, for sure. Actually pocketable, and secure once pocketed.

  • Do you think a Fold style phone with an eInk display on the outside would work well?
  • I have an e-ink tablet that runs Android. Copes with most apps and can deliver stuttery video.

    E-Ink can't be far off replacing glass screens (at least as an option) because the benefits for battery life are substantial. But I'd think it would replace them rather than be in addition to. A phone with screens on both sides would be so fragile.

  • Touching moment chimp sees outdoors for the first time
  • You miss some context or something?

  • GMail is Breaking Email

    Email is an open system, right? Anyone can send a message to anyone... unless they are on Gmail! School Interviews uses two email servers t...

    GMail is Breaking Email

    Email is an open system, right? Anyone can send a message to anyone... unless they are on Gmail! School Interviews uses two email servers t...

    banning and defederating communities
  • There is a really, really big difference between "we want to kill you" and "we do not want to be killed by you".

    Don't tolerate fascists. However comfortable that centrist illusion is, you are signing your own death warrant and that of millions of others (most of whom will suffer the consequences of your actions long before they get around to the people who feel safe enough to argue that fascists must be tolerated).

  • Worldwide survey kills the myth of ‘Man the Hunter’
  • An influential 1966 symposium at the University of Chicago reinforced this idea. Attended by 70 men and five women...


  • Touching moment chimp sees outdoors for the first time
  • No zoo does this. She was used for animal testing.

  • French police kill teen who refused traffic stop
  • This is the mantra of

    Tell us, how are russian and chinese cops?

    It's more of an anarchist thing, to be fair.

    They're bastards, obv. Like it says in the OP.

  • "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • When they're seeking to have people beaten to a pulp? Yes, obviously. Freedom for a few fascist bullies is unfreedom for everyone else. They can fuck off to Gab or Truth Social or somewhere else they'd be welcome. Not here.

  • Britain’s shorter children reveal a grim story about austerity, but its scars run far deeper | Michael Marmot

    Since 2010, our five-year-olds have been showing signs of reduced growth, a likely symptom of policies that have led to impoverished lives

    Britain’s shorter children reveal a grim story about austerity, but its scars run far deeper | Michael Marmot
    0 ‘Lost’ Illusions: The Untold Story of the Hit Show’s Poisonous Culture

    It was a groundbreaking smash, but things got so toxic behind the scenes that even co-showrunner Damon Lindelof now says: “I failed.” A powerful excerpt from the new book ‘Burn It Down.’

    ‘Lost’ Illusions: The Untold Story of the Hit Show’s Poisonous Culture
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