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Annoying marketing practices
  • Absolutely. Like you say, it just doesn't happen in large streams, and the threshold is probably a lot larger than you think, since on average maybe 10% of viewers actually participate in chat. The dynamic starts shifting at around 1,000 simultaneous viewers, in my experience, between chat being readable and interactable, and being just spam. That's still plenty big enough to qualify for partner, and even make a living off of streaming alone.

  • Oklahoma Supreme Court Blocks First US Religious Public Charter School
  • The AG responsible for this said almost literally that, in the article.

    Now Oklahomans can be assured that our tax dollars will not fund the teachings of Sharia Law or even Satanism.

    I'll still take it, though.

  • Parents, do your children share some hobbies with you, or do they have completely different interests?
  • Little of both.

    He's got a healthy love for video games, and there's certainly plenty of overlap in favorite titles (Celeste, Mario Odyssey, Pokemon, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Link's Awakening). But there's also games he enjoys that I don't (Bloons TD, Gemcraft, Mario + Rabbids, Mario Maker) and games I enjoy that he doesn't (Hollow Knight, Breath of the Wild, Factorio, Satisfactory).

    We also watch a handful of different animes/cartoons/shows together (with some episodes or scenes excepted). We've done Avatar: The Last Airbender, Futurama, Sword Art Online, Death Note, Animaniacs, and we're currently working through The Owl House and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

    On top of that, he's got hobbies I'm not into. He loves drawing and takes Karate classes. We play D&D together as a family, but it's not really my thing otherwise. As it happens, these are all interests he shares with his mother.

  • Any tips on making quesidillas?
  • Not that there's anything I'm seeing wrong in the pic, but since you're asking...

    Never walk away while cooking them. They'll burn REAL quick.

    Try heating a little bit of oil in the pan, before plopping in each quesadilla. The tortillas get a nice crispy fried texture. I can take it or leave it, but my wife insists on them that way.

    I tend to cover the pan while cooking, to make sure there's enough heat to get everything inside thoroughly melted.

    Let them cool, ideally on a wire rack, for a minute or two before cutting, otherwise you can squish all the innards out.

  • C# Array and List Fastest Loop in 2024 - NDepend Blog
  • I actually benchmarked almost exactly these same things, a few months ago, and that lines up with the results I got. foreach in particular is HEAVILY optimized for Array<T> at the bytecode level, I was quite impressed.

  • How to test without mocking
  • Sure, go ahead, do all your tests for stuff involving I/O by doing real I/O, and do some containerization or whatever to maintain reproducibility. Don't come crying to me when your test runtime goes from 10 seconds to 20 minutes, and everyone stops actually running them.

  • What's the most recurring theme/element in your nightmares?
  • Shit shit shit, I just remembered I haven't attended English class all semester.

    Shit shit shit, I can't remember my locker combination, and I can't find the orientation sheet that has it, also I can't find my class schedule, I have no idea what class I'm supposed to be in right now.

    Plus a few other variations. All High School. I dunno why the focus on High School, I'm 34. I get one of these once or twice a month.

  • What is the consensus on Super Mario Sunshine?
  • I remember when Toonami gave it a 10/10 and I agreed wholeheartedly.

    I'm probably a lot more willing than the average person to forgive the occasional part that sucked. All games have them, so I try not to hopdbthat against a game that has plenty of non-suck to offer.

    Lord knows Sunshine has a few. Fucking Plinko.

  • Hexbear?

    So, I thought Hexbear defederated from us a little while back, and we, in turn, defederated from them. Why do I keep seeing occasional (new) Hexbear posts in the "All" feed, lately? Did the defederation get reversed? Is it somehow a bug?

    7 Company forgets why they exist after 11-week migration to Kubernetes

    Xenobroom Inc., a young startup fresh out of Silicon Valley started a lengthy process of upgrading their server infrastructure back in May 2020. According to the remaining fragments of CEO's daily journal and CTO's engineering notes, the company enjoyed a sharp rise in daily use in the midst of the ...

    Company forgets why they exist after 11-week migration to Kubernetes

    The site name's a play on "The Onion" so it's gotta be satire, right? I couldn't find an about page to confirm.

    Is TV-MA really accurate?

    After watching the first couple of episodes, my wife and I were considering having our 8-year-old watch it with us. Then I noticed the TV-MA rating.

    Not looking for spoilers, but like, is the show gonna take a bit of a turn, eventually? There hasn't been anything CLOSE to TV-M-worth thus far, in my mind.

    Dishwasher Recommendations

    So the "fails to complete a cycle without erroring out" rate finally seems to have reached 100%, on the Samsung dishwasher that came with the house.

    What do I need to know when picking a new one, and/or what models do y'all recommend?

    I'll take recommendations about how to fix the current one too, I guess, but I already got advice from an appliance repair man, who basically said "it would need a new control board, I.E. ditch it." The error code it's giving is supposedly about insufficient water or water flow, but the water feed is completely fine, as far as I can tell.

    "Show Read Posts" appears to be applied to viewing my own profile.

    I.E. the list of my own posts in my profile is always empty, by definition, unless I go manually change the setting before viewing it, and then change it back when I'm done.

    Would this be a Jerboa issue, or a general Lemmy issue?


    Felt like I had to share this after catching it on Twitch last week.

    And no, this is not my YouTube channel.

    Where did all the Twitter users go? to shreds you say

    An image tagged to shreds you say

    to shreds you say

    Side note: apparently I can't change or get rid of the alt text inside the image?

    10 bug? Or am I an idiot?

    My son asked me how to castle on the other day, and I found that I couldn't do it the way I normally do. Picking up the king and trying to move it to c1 just caused it to move to d1 instead, every time. I tried walking backwards and redoing a few different moves before this, and that all worked, but it just refused to let me castle by moving the king. Neither the king nor the rook had moved yet, and there was no potential or existing check involved, so what gives? Is there some other rule I'm just not aware of?

    Sorry I didn't get a shot of the board as well, I thought I had but I can't find it on my phone now.

    Edit: Missed the bishop. Option 2 it is, then.

    Who says it can't swim? Wraff - Who says it can't swim?

    Watch Wraff's clip titled "Who says it can't swim?"

    Wraff - Who says it can't swim?

    I dunno if this is QUITE the content y'all are looking for, but if nothing else, I'm kinda astounded it worked.

    Yes, she did eventually get there.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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