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What is your country's "coals to Newcastle"?
  • In Poland it is „nosić drewno do lasu” (bring wood to the forest). Similar, but a bit different (pointless not just by being pointless, but by being impossible): „nie zawrócisz kijem Wisły” – 'you won't turn Vistula (our biggest river) with a stick'.

  • UK petition of "Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state" just got thrown back to the Government
  • Otherwise they should be forced to state the game is a rental not purchased if it requires a server that may shut down.

    But that is what they already do. Currently this might be hidden in the EULA, that no one reads, but even making this plainly visible during purchase wouldn't change much. I is not like the players have much choice when they want to play that specific game.

  • Slack is now using all content, including DMs, to train LLMs
  • Subscription to a software is not mutually exclusive with self-hosting. Developers deserve to earn money, especially those who do not rely on collecting data, showing ads and enshittification of their cloud platform.

  • Nvidia will be pushing users of recent generation cards to the open source modules rather than their proprietary modules!
  • Didn’t they just move the code that was previously executed in the proprietary kernel module to the new also proprietary userspace driver

    Probably. And that is exactly what was expected from them since the beginning of their Linux drivers. Kernel is not a place for such big and proprietary piece of code. So this is the important change.

    Yes, the driver is still proprietary, but it does not break the kernel any more the way it did.

  • Nvidia will be pushing users of recent generation cards to the open source modules rather than their proprietary modules!
  • But this is the part where being open source is most important. For security, maintainability and convenience reasons

    One could even argue if the usespace part, the OpenGl or Vulkan implementation, is still 'a driver'. (I think it is, at least partially)

  • How many floors are under an apartment on the second floor? (No basement)
  • When using the English word 'floor' counting ground floor as 'first floor' makes sense – ground level still has a floor and it is the first one, but it is still counted differently in different English-speaking countries. Other languages (at least Polish) have separate word for 'non-ground level of the building' so those are counted.

    In Polish we have the word 'parter' for the ground floor (lowest non-basement level of the building) and 'piętro' for any level above it. So it is: ('piwnica' (basement), ) 'parter', '1 piętro', '2 piętro'… This makes complete sense… but I still remember it being confusing when I was a kid. A 'floor' (the bottom of a room) is 'podłoga'.

    So, answering the question: there are three 'podłogas' under the second 'piętro' here.

  • What do you think of these 17 political policies?
  • Also not a fan of #16 since it sounds to me like forced labour for the poor

    That is how actually that worked in some (if not all) communist countries. No unemployment, but people (mostly those 'undesirable' for various reasons) would be sent to hard work in bad conditions, which would often cost their health or life. The other side of the coin was: everybody had a job and little fear of losing it, so people rarely treated the work seriously enough. There were factories full of workers, but so inefficient, that nothing was produced in sufficient demand. People had money, but little to buy with it.

  • Programming languages personified - leftoversalad
  • My experience with C++ was when C++ was a relatively new thing. Practically the only notable feature provided by the standard library, was that unholy abuse of bit shift operators for I/O. No standard collections or any other data types.

    And every compiler would consider something else a valid C++ code or interpret the same code differently.

    I am little bit prejudiced since then… and that is probably where the author is coming from too.

    Then things were just getting more complicated (templates and other new syntax quirks), to fill the holes in attempts to make C a 'high level language'.

  • How Much Power Is 1.21 Gigawatts, Anyway? The Science Behind Back to the Future
  • A 100-watt bulb is so named because it uses 100 watts of energy for every hour of operation.

    This does not make sense. watt is not a unit of energy.

    Neither does this:

    We’re still nowhere close to a gigawatt, we’ll need 1,000 megawatts to get there. That’s enough electricity to keep the average American home powered up for 100 years.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • As long as we are not paying for the services the service providers will do what they can to show us ads and frankly… rightly so.

    The problem is there is no other established way for paying for services. One that would be widely use and fair. Current state of things is 'we say it is free, but we will get the money from advertisers or by selling your data'. Yes, some people are often able to avoid some of the ads and privacy loss, but that means the service gets no money from those people, so the service is built and being run for the rest of users – those who cannot install ad-blockers or who don't care or don't know how to care about their privacy. This is one of the reasons of enshitification – any 'free' service needs to be only as good as required to keep the users who watch ads and give away their data. Catering any more conscious user is just a cost.

    When enough of people will be using ad-block then the ad-block will stop working on many sites or the sites will disappear or become paid service. No one will provide commercial services for free and not everything can be a public service founded by a government or a community. I am not even talking about 'corporate profits' – even in the worst corporations there are normal people working and they should be paid for their work. Whether they are paid fairly and whether the corporate profits aren't too big is another topic…

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