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Nuclear fusion reaction releases almost twice the energy put in
  • Generally when a fact is established it does become the "standard counterpoints" people use.

    You personally said "Nuclear waste is scary" - that's why I said people fearmonger. If you're informed you'd actually understand it's a very safe form of waste

    Also you said it wasn't due to poor operation, but then state an example of a plant being poorly operated. If those were obvious and established problems that they already should have been able to account for, then someone dicked it up. Nuclear is only dangerous when it's irresponsibly used. We already have accounted for the mayor pitfalls. It's not worth saying it's dangerous, bad for the environment, or scary in terms of waste.

    Nuclear energy isn't some half theory or some risky experiment, it's pretty well established and understood at this point.

    I also said people in general shouldn't be so politically involved when they're not informed, I actually said that because I shared and hoped you would be able to agree on that. I wasn't demeaning you.

  • Nuclear fusion reaction releases almost twice the energy put in
  • The coal industry emits magnitudes more unvetted radiation than any nuclear power plant will in it's whole lifetime; as in, radiation is undetectable around a modern nuclear plant.

    Plus coal and oil extraction has it's own problems with radiation. Nuclear produces stable, storable waste that if handled and buried correctly will never become an ecological issue.

    They're built to a modern standard where it's practically foolproof. Fukushima held up to an enormous earthquake followed by several tsunamis; that's despite the poor operation of the plant.

    The damage we would have to cause to compromise and get rid of any nuclear reliance is far more immediate and concerning.

    Nuclear isn't actually as complicated nor unpredictable as you'd think. They've solved ways to avoid melt downs such as the fuels being improved, the amount they process at one time, their cooling and the redundancies. The physical design of a modern station takes into account the worst situations that any given amount of fuel can give in a meltdown such as deep wells that are situated under a reactor to melt into. You won't likely ever see in our lifetimes a station reaching critical meltdown and it not be because a government or private company cut corners.

    Scientists are doing this work, they know what they know and they know what they're doing, it's not really for everyone to politically involve ourselves with when no one ever does any valid research or basic knowledge of science without fear mongering.

  • 2meirl4meirl 🎅
  • Alone myself. Been missing for years to people.

    Can't say all the effort for people seemed worth it. My anxiety has made me recluse which I'm turn makes it worse. I've physically met up with friends only once this year, the last 2-3 I've been suicidal, and the last 10 years I've been becoming worse. COVID didn't even feel like it happened, I was already afraid to go outside; only now I had an excuse to not feel as bad or disappointed because I couldn't go out anyway!

    Being 31 and having no way to just join in socially to anything anymore makes it all the bit more crippling. Everyone's fully established in their friend groups, work, family, children, so on so there's little time; even if I overcome my anxiety, no one will be there or even know me anymore. I've gone several years without a single person attempting to talk to me.

    I was heavily abused when I was a child, and was bullied a lot, it already started me off on a bad foot. Celebrated three birthdays with friends my whole life. Any other event? No. Halloween once. I try, and I put effort, but I think my efforts in life aren't very rememberable it seems. So here I am. It's a shame, I was sociable and capable when I was younger. Still had anxiety. But I guess I was more naive and didn't know how easily forgotten all the friendships and events would all be.

    Oh well.

    Merry Christmas everyone, stay safe.

  • What would be some of your top choices of things to see if you were the size of an ant?
  • How people get downvoted for expressing their ant choices is beyond me.

    I'll save you with an upvote.

    Do people forget it's only non-constructive / offensive things you downvote? Not things you simply disagree with lol.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Please check out this KSP community: Https://

    They've got some lovely members who wish to share and contribute, however I feel I've let the community down by not helping post as much as I should have recently. It's a shame to see such great people share, knowing it's such a small community seeing it right now.

    They're real MVPs

    Please give the community a hand and just share a random craft or screenshot you may still have; even a favourite video! No pressure, just help it with a bit of traction so it becomes more self sufficient.

    Shout out to ilovecheese & obsidian & moeggz on there! :)

  • Scottish minister blames sons watching football for £11,000 iPad roaming bill
  • The amount of times I've told clients to change their SIM or not take their work phone abroad only to be ignored like usual, and get called on their return saying "what the hell!?" We notified them, but just like all MSPs (managed service providers) CEOs or important members will just ignore us or criticise our advice. Now he wants to blame his family who shouldn't even have access as you mentioned. If it's his mistake, he allowed it to happen with warning, and he gave this to a family member unsecured, surely he should be held entirely accountable?

    Nope. Politicians breaking all the rules we would get sacked for in an instant at work, or even arrested.

    Great standards for us lowly law abiding poor folk. An 11k phone bill would kill me; I guess my taxes will pay for his mistake then. I'm so confused how he doesn't feel like he needs to pay that? I can't figure out how in the fucking world what I'd need to say or do or think to avoid being responsible for that?

    It's surely simple for him to figure out. Goes to show how warped morals are being protected here.

  • Space Weather Updates weekly for radio operators! Dr. Tamitha Skov - Space Weather Woman.

    Look out for her next update in the coming days! Forecasts and information for radio operators.

    -------------------- Dr. Tamitha Skov is a new kind of weather forecaster for our modern world. As we become more reliant on technology like our cell phones, GPS (GNSS), and other satellite services we find we are more susceptible to the effects of Space Weather. Just like terrestrial weather on Earth, Space Weather can be as mild as a rainstorm or as wild as a hurricane. Let Tamitha show you in non-science jargon how this new kind of weather impacts your daily life. You will never look at the Sun or the Earth in the same way again. After all, Space Weather is just like the weather in your own backyard, it’s just a little further up.

    TETRA HACKED! Over 100 Countries Exposed - Link to source in description.

    The issues, discovered by Midnight Blue in 2021 and held back until now, have been collectively called TETRA:BURST. There is no conclusive evidence to determine that the vulnerabilities have been exploited in the wild to date.


    More information directly from source about the vulnerabilities.

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