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Anti-feminism is fascism. Facebook allows sexist memes and other websites encourage sexism. In our world, women are treated like sex objects or as emotional and irrational people.
  • Women's bodies will be exploited as long as there is a profit motive. This exploitation often takes the form of objectification, commodification, and sexualization. This exploitation has been normalized and perpetuated through the media, advertisements, and other forms of popular culture. Women are often portrayed as objects to be admired or used for pleasure, instead of being seen as individuals with agency and autonomy. As a result, women's bodies remain commodified and objectified. This exploitation can also be seen in the sex industry, where women's bodies are treated as commodities and are bought and sold for sexual gratification. Prostitution, strip clubs, and other forms of sex work are often seen as acceptable, which further perpetuates the objectification of women's bodies. Communism seeks to abolish the oppressive capitalist system that commodifies and objectifies women's bodies.

    We need communism for women's liberation there is no alternative.

  • Anti-feminism is fascism. Facebook allows sexist memes and other websites encourage sexism. In our world, women are treated like sex objects or as emotional and irrational people.

    This type of behavior is indicative of a larger cultural problem that devalues women and their contributions. It also creates an environment that reinforces the idea that men are superior and that women should not be taken seriously. By allowing this type of content, social media sites like Facebook are perpetuating this ideology.

    This type of thinking is oppressive and is a form of fascism. In my opinion, if you are not a feminist, you are a fascist.

    Sorry if the Facebook memes in the pic are disturbing. But I needed to make a point.

    The oppressor must be harassed until his doom. He must have no peace by day or by night. - Huey P. Newton

    I just read "In Defense of Self Defense" on the marxist website. Huey was a total badass. I really like this part...

    • When a mechanic wants to fix a broken down car engine he must have the necessary tools to do the job. When the people move for liberation, they must have the basic tool of liberation: the gun. Only with the power of the gun can the black masses halt the terror and brutality perpetuated against them by the armed racist power structure; and in one sense only by the power of the gun can the whole world be transformed into the earthly paradise dreamed of by the people from time immemorial. One successful practitioner of the art and science of national liberation and self defense put it this way: “We are advocates of the abolition of war, we do not want war; but war can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.” (Brother Mao Tse-Tung)

    Huey was one of the co-founders of the black panther party. He was known for being an advocate of self-defense and used his position as a leader within the Black Panther Party to welcome women and LGBT people into the party, holding the belief that homosexuals "might be the most oppressed people".

    I am becoming more frustrated with the liberal mindset as fascism rises.

    The fight against unjust laws requires militant protests, and the fight against bigotry needs to be relentlessly aggressive. It is a privilege to believe self-defense cannot be used to counter fascism in its early stages.

    In the liberal mindset, violence should have been used only when Jews were lined up to enter the gas chambers.

    Once Jews became political targets, violence should have been the first step. After the Nazis declared Jews enemies, they had the right to defend themselves with violence. A violent approach at the beginning could have prevented the rise of the Nazi party.

    Liberals' inability to grasp this will lead to more marginalized minorities dying around the world.

    Militant protests should be organized against the removal of women's abortion rights in the USA. The rights of black people and LGBT rights should also be protected by force.

    The protests should be held in front of, if not inside, the houses of republicans.

    These protests should be as aggressive as possible, creating an atmosphere of fear among those who oppose the rights of women and others. There should eventually be a tipping point when their fear becomes reality, if they are not to stop their unnecessary oppression.

    A marginalized group does not receive human rights, they are stripped of them. The removal of your birthrights should be violently opposed as soon as possible.

    Fascists use democracy to their advantage. It does not matter whether they are politicians or citizens, a right-wing politician will oppress both with his political power. Our ability to stop fascism will be limited if liberals do not exercise their political authority.

    It is too frightening for liberal politicians to use their power for real moral purposes, so they won't help.

    Our politicians accept racism as an opinion and fascism as a solution.

    People are imprisoned for petty crimes, but you can speak freely if you make a sincere effort to recruit people to your fascist ideology. Creating a safe environment for fascists to speak without fear is not only dangerous, but those who allow it are complicit in their crimes.

    If a racist or homophobic person gets into a room with a fascist. Within a few hours, if they discussed politics, two fascists came out of the room.

    To prevent fascism, liberal voters must take risks, including letting go of their flawed concept of democracy. Unless they engage in militant protests or suppress bigots freedom of speech, liberals and fascists are the same.

    The right to say racist remarks only protects those who intend to use racist language. The same applies to all bigoted speech.

    In a society where freedom of speech is unlimited, only fascists would benefit.

    *Initially, they came for racists' freedom of speech.

    After that, they remove homophobic speech.

    Afterwards, they demanded removal for sexist speech.

    When they came for me I gave them a high five and said thank you.

    Because I am not a racist, homophobic or sexist person. *

    It is always necessary to respond aggressively to the claim that bigotry is merely a difference of opinion.

    The methods used by marginalized groups should be more aggressive. The fight against racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia should extend beyond shaming bigots.

    When an oppressed minority kills a fascist, it always does so in self-defense. Killing fascists is a way to defend ourselves from their ideology that hates us and seeks to oppress us. Instead of asking whether fascists should be slaughtered, we should ask whether they deserve to suffer on their way to the slaughterhouse.

    ImVeryStupid EverybodyHatesNaomi

    I am schizotypal. I write in a bizarre way. It's part of the mental disorder to communicate like that. I also have odd and out of touch thoughts that come with this disorder that could be obvious in my posts. I don't really notice those things.

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