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Canadians expect they need $1.7M to retire, BMO survey finds, but it's even more for millennials
  • As a man in his 50s it's become painfully obvious that I'm never retiring.

  • MPs from all parties vote for Electoral Reform – but not enough to win
  • We love dynasties out here on the prairies, no matter how little it relates to reality.

  • Crunchyroll
  • "Why is piracy on the increase?!"

    -media corporations

  • Microsoft revives aggressive Windows 11 upgrade campaign with intrusive popups for Windows 10 users
  • My machine can't handle that upgrade and I've not gotten any popups, thankfully.

  • Newsgroups?
  • Interesting. Newsgroups are literally what i used last century for my piracy. But back then you got newsgroups (and other services) included with your internet.

  • Recommendations for Free VPN with P2P on Fedora based install
  • Windscribe free doesn't support P2P anymore? Hmm, that's an interesting development.

  • this can't be real. is it?
  • I check my srt files for that kind of thing and just remove it. But i don't download as much material as many people, perhaps.

  • 51% of Canadians $200 away from not making ends meet
  • That's how things are for me right now. If i didn't have a mortgage and access to loan money I'd be living on the street.

  • Vancouver Island landfill ordered to remove and destroy 'triggering' Halloween sign
  • I'm with you on this. Almost all jokes re: Halloween are in poor taste so I'm not sure why this one is off limits suddenly after years of indifference.

  • Ontario doctor suspended from work, doxed after pro-Palestinian social media posts
  • Never say anything related to politics where you can be identified. If you do you're just a chump who will get it in the neck eventually.

  • To anyone who thinks music piracy is dead
  • I mostly listen to jazz, blues and classical. I use rutracker which has everything I want and in lossless formats. Mp3s too but I'm more interested in lossless.

  • how many uncles speak like that?
  • I have no idea what uncles have to do with this especially but I've heard lots of people, young, old, male, female say these kinds of things.

  • Any Canadian's considering moving to the USA?
  • Do they have a good healthcare plan? If they don't...well just never get cancer or something.

  • Which plates did you use
  • Where is this from that there were just these six options for plates? Stores had dozens of plate varieties and they changed from year to year.

  • Are we committed to Lemmy? or would we move if something better comes along?
  • Well unless their ideology is baked into the programming I'm not sure why it would matter. It certainly doesn't matter to me.

  • Gong, Chris Sky, Molly the dog: How fringe candidates fared in Toronto's byelec
  • Well he represents the very noisy conspiracy nuts in Toronto.

  • B.C. students from kindergarten to Grade 9 will no longer get letter grades | CTV News
  • We haven't had letter grades (not % or numbers either) here in Regina for more than 10 years for grades up to 8. High school (9-12) just uses a %.

  • Canada clamps down on cruise liners dumping sewage, green groups want more | Reuters
  • It's ridiculous that they're even allowed to dump untreated/poorly treated sewage and other effluent into the ocean within the 200 nautical miles which is Canada's jurisdiction.

  • Grade 8 student’s project on planetary defense wins top award at Canada-wide science fair
  • Kids were trying to solve problems 25 years ago, too, even if you weren't.

  • Gordon Ramsay's Reuben Sandwich
  • By more than human do you mean like a snake that can unhinge its jaw so it can actually fit these sandwiches in our mouths.

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