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It’s honestly terrifying how much people really don’t give a shit about what other people want

Saw a TikTok about some woman asking why men have to disturb the peace of a Saturday or Sunday morning by mowing their lawn or using a leaf blower, and you would’ve thought she went on a bigoted rant by the comment section. Like damn she was just talking about how it would be nice to enjoy a peaceful morning and random commenters took it as a personal attack. Shit you not I truly believe some suburbanites would go to war over their lawn the way they treat it like a fortress to a castle.

Is this not extremely silly when you type it all out? Time is a circle and I feel like I’m a peasant under feudalism watching kings, nobles and knights protect their land like it’s under some type of threat

Mariola Sirakova - New General Megathread for the 15th of August 2023
  • Lmao this fucking data entry position In interviewing for (will probably be done by chatgpt in a few years but Fuck it it’s an open position for humans for now) wants me to be in an office 5 days a week

    Are people really doing this shit now? After not having been in the office for three years, they just decided to scrap even the hybrid model?

  • The Great London dock strike, 1889 - New General Megathread for the 14th of August 2023
  • Argued with some contrarian today who said inflation will calm down because “the market will self correct”

    Wages have stayed the same while everything else has gone up. And Americans in particular are too propagandized/overworked to do something about it, so what exactly leads these people to believe this shit

  • Political violence in polarized U.S. at its worst since 1970s

    Fascists killing random people because they might be a democrat is why I hide my ideology everywhere but here.

    Hmm wonder if declining material conditions have anything to do with this? Nah, couldn’t be

    Emiliano Zapata Salazar “It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.” - New General Megathread for the 8th and 9th of August 2023
  • Lenin is brought back from the dead, looks at the state of the world and says one thing to the United States before returning to eternal rest

    “We had a good thing, you stupid son of a bitch! We had everything we needed, and it all ran like clockwork. You could've shut your mouth, cooked and made as much money as you ever needed. It was perfect. But, no, you just had to blow it up. You and your pride and your ego! You just had to be the man. If you'd done your job, known your place, we'd all be fine right now.”

  • Do you think there is a clear separation between progress and growth for the sake of growth?
  • Is it just leftists who believe in such a separation though? It shouldn’t be this way, but I feel like this is a radical take to grillers

    Any time I’ve said any variation of this in real life I’ve been compared to uncle Ted

  • Do you think there is a clear separation between progress and growth for the sake of growth?

    Can’t stop thinking about this in the context of tech. Of course technological advances are a good thing, but isn’t there a point where progress for the sake of progress stifles any productive use? Who exactly is benefiting here? A decade or so ago, I was still able to communicate how I’m communicating now, but things have gotten substantially worse.

    I’m looking at the state of the internet and can’t help but look at how every algorithmic breakthrough has just been used to gather data for marketing purposes or targeted advertisements. Lmao and I don’t even know how you can consider that progress to be honest.

    The wildest part about this is that you don’t even need to be a leftist to agree. Everyone hates targeted ads and marketing bullshit besides people who make money in marketing and advertisement.

    neurodiverse Hohsia [he/him]
    Went on a road trip with three other ND people; literally every conversation we had wrapped to around to how every problem traces back to capitalism

    Idk if it was because we were mostly high the entire time, but we agreed that we tend to over analyze things because we value nuance

    But that rabbit hole goes so damn deep

    Honestly still trying to figure out whether this is a human inquiry thing or ND thing. What say you

    Like, we were able to design so many simple solutions to problems using the rules of capital but from a need-distribution perspective. We didn’t quite touch the resource exploitation from the 3rd world aspect though.

    But I do this shit all the time with all of the situations that make me uncertain, so maybe it is a ND thing.

    neurodiverse Hohsia [he/him]
    ADHD peeps

    Do you ever find that vyvanse doesn’t fully slow your thoughts, it kind of just gives you a way to notice those fast-paced/random thoughts

    At least it does for me. Like, I still think about what I usually think about but I’m able to compartmentalize them and make them less erratic

    neurodiverse Hohsia [he/him]
    When people get mad at you for pointing out the fact that you know you are behaving awkwardly in relation to other NTs

    It’s just something they like to ignore. You and I both know that my mannerisms/behavior is odd and that I have quirks , but I would prefer to be perceived in spite of those quirks and not solely because of them

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Hohsia [he/him]
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