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Or that doesn't try to kill you
  • Why the fuck would someone be deluded enough to think this attribute of a vehicle is important enough for any established manufacturer to even give it the courtesy of a thought.

    Adding something nobody asked for, for no reason, that nobody would ever be in a situation to find it useful only underscores just how impulsive and idiotic of a poseur Musk is. Though, I guess if I was some Nazi cunt, I might add "bullet-resistant transportation" to my list of requirements too.

  • Cuban MAGA and scammer gets what he voted for.
  • The difference being that democrats largely recognize the deficiencies of their party. You also don't see the party rallying behind the Menendez/Weiner/Blagojevich types. This is the advantage the Republicans have - blind, unquestionable allegiance, for better or worse.

  • RFK Jr. Misrepresented Data To Claim Bernie Sanders Accepted Millions from Pharmaceutical Industry
  • I mean, from East Bay Ray himself - "Our name is actually homage to the American Dream." After the high profile assassinations of that time, the idea of the American dream died with them.

    But I do love them, I'm pickin' up what you are layin' down, and I urge people to check Jello's WWJD youtube channel.

    ... Oh, and DMBFK Jr. can jog on. Pthhhhbbbbb.

  • Hundreds of Washington Post staffers send letter to Jeff Bezos sounding alarm over paper’s direction
  • Three years is probably generous. He isn't exactly a prime example of health and fitness. That said, I am not sure this is a guy that would suffer the type of stress that a normally balanced person would in the situations he has found himself in. His personality may have shielded him from it all. Who knows? Nothing makes sense to me anymore after this last election.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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