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  • You can arrange things in your ship??

  • Use desktop to self-host?
  • RGB and all.

    Proper server

  • Random daily meme n°4
  • This is brilliant

  • What do you use to backup all your photos and documents, cloud or external drive or both?
  • There is a 3-2-1 tactic for backups, which should be pretty safe. Lots of articles if you search for it. Basically I backup all my data to two SSDs and one HDD. And once more to cloud, which is iCloud in my case.

  • any low hanging fruit?
  • Not low hanging. But hanging non the less.

  • Czech Music Recommendations?
  • I agree with Chaotic here. Lucie and maybe wanastowi vjecy may be good for you here. I would say it’s soft rock, but it’s slow and may be understandable for you.

  • How to burn thousands of calories
  • Don’t start playing with your food, when your cat is on the stove.

  • Too much storage
  • As in showing false values? Or wrong cache management or something?

  • The Timer in watchOS 10
  • I’m also not a fan of the redesign, but you can always voice activate/dismiss it? Which is perfect scenario for when your hands are dirty.

    Maybe I missed something in the article and this option is not viable for the writer.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • No, sharp as on Lock Screen. And I’m also seeing it sharply on external monitors. If you’re seeing your UI sharply, then you should be also seeing your wallpapers sharply. If not, then you’ve probably encounter a bug and I advise you to report it.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • No way to do it. At least not for now. It just stops whenever you unlock.

  • Having show read posts in Lemmy settings and hide read posts in Avelon causes infinite load with message failed to load more posts
  • I'm not sure if I understand you. But if you uncheck show read posts in lemmy, then by default, all read posts will be hidden everywhere.

    Means if you check your profile, you will not be able to see your posts. Or example in avelon, even if you check to show read posts in communities, it will still be overwritten by lemmy and you will not be able to see old posts.

  • Having show read posts in Lemmy settings and hide read posts in Avelon causes infinite load with message failed to load more posts

    If I set “show read posts” in Lemmy UI and “hide read posts in Avelon”, then only recent unread posts are shown in feed and when trying to scroll down, a message appears with “failed to load more posts. Retry?”.

    If I unset show read posts in Lemmy UI and keep hide read posts in Avelon, then all is fine and even x months old posts are loaded.

    iPhone 15 Pro/Max more fragile than previous iPhones
  • Could be, but also maybe isn't. AFAIK there is just single test, and that is just not enough data to make a conclusion.

  • Settings are lost on quitting application

    Some settings are lost when killing the application, for example default sorting options.

    Hide read posts toggle not working if disabled for community
  • If I set to show read posts in lemmy ui, then my home feed does not load at at all, if I toggle hide read posts on home feed. Settings seems to be reverted after quitting the app.

  • Hide read posts toggle not working if disabled for community

    I noticed that if I set to not hide posts in communities, this setting is ignored and posts are still hidden.

    Also the default sorting keeps sometimes reverting, and after some time they even revert instantly after going away from the menu, basically disabling the functionality altogether.

    For your consideration: Bean Stroganoff
  • I don’t think so, no.

  • Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose
  • that would be perfect, maybe a vehicle with scanner and some mining tool so you could analyse and collect few minerals along the way. would be great QOL improvement.

  • Anyone primarly use their xbox series x with a monitor?
  • that's weird, if you hook the 3.5mm jack from controller to speaker, it should work fine. Worked for me in the past few times on lan parties

  • Is there no option to show comment score?

    I’m not sure if I’m missing something, or if it’s just not implemented yet.

    Web app optimized for monitors with marking posts as read on scroll

    Is there currently any lemmy web application that is marking posts as read on scroll, and also is optimised for larger screens? I know that wefwef does it, but I don't like how it looks on large screens.

    Lemmy Support HangingFruit
    For some reason, my comment score has been reset to 0

    Is there a way to force recalculation? I'm an admin on my instance.

    Cesky HangingFruit
    r/place vypadá přesně tak jak se dalo čekat

    Vybrali si asi nejhorší dobu kdy to znova otevřít. Podle mě museli vědět že to takhle dopadne, a úplně nechápu kam tím mířili.

    So today my camel back burst

    I cannot describe the relief when I discovered that I didn't just uncontrollably soiled myself.

    The bag lasted for 3 years, so I guess it's time to buy a new one.

    Cesky HangingFruit
    Last Train Home, RTS hra ze studia českách vývojářů Last Train Home - Official Game Site

    Manage the resources of your armored train and command soldiers desperately trying to get back home after the Great War.

    Last Train Home - Official Game Site

    Last Train Home, RTS hra z českého studia Ashborne Games pod THQ Nordic. Teď jsem slyšel rozhovor v podcastu Quest se zakladatelem Petrem Kolářem. Z rozhovoru a z materiálu co jsou na internetu musím říct, že hra vypadá velice dobře, a rád bych ji někdy vyzkoušel. Bohužel nemám PC, tak jedině že čase bude nějaký port.

    [Feature request] Hide read posts only in feed

    I liked this feature in Apollo. The read posts were hidden only in feed, but when I opened specific subreddit, all posts were visible.

    Also mark posts as read on scroll would be perfect.

    How are you dealing with the heat waves?

    Are you decreasing the distance, while maintaining usual tempo, or the other way around?

    I personally rather decrease the speed to keep my usual distance. Pack a camel back and keep on trucking.

    Can’t wait for fall.

    [Bug] This post with inline images is completely messed up [Megathread] List of lemmy apps -

    Do not ask questions on this thread, as most likely nobody will see it, so you will not get your answer. Instead if you have any questions or need recommendations, make a new post. It is still fine to suggest changes to the list in this thread. # Android * ##### [

    Lemmy Support HangingFruit
    How to remove community I’m already linked with?

    I once searched for memes, and now All feed is cluttered with memes on my instance. Is there a way to unlink this instance besides blocking? I don’t want it, but if other user on my instance wants it, then I’m fine with it.

    Cesky HangingFruit
    Jak se vypořádáváte s těmito horky?

    Už jste sáhli po klimatizaci? Nebo máte doma příjemně i bez?

    Každý rok v létě si říkám, že si přes zimu nechám nainstalovat plnotučnou klimu. Pak příjde zima, a pro změnu si řeknu že to nebylo tak strašné. Příjde léto, a zase na novo. Nakonec jsem si musel koupit aspoň mobilní klimatizaci, abych měl aspoň při práci komfort.

    [Feature Request] Long press actions

    It would be great to have some long press actions on the bottom bar. For example what I would really love to see is:

    • Long press on Feed to switch between All/Subscribed/Local
    • Long press on Profile to switch Profiles

    In my opinion this would drastically improve ergonomics.

    Cesky HangingFruit
    Doporučení jak na duplikované komunity ve fediverse.

    Všiml jsem si, že hodně lidí se ptá, jak optimálně nakládat s komunitami se stejnými názvy napříč různými instancemi.

    Neexistuje jednoduché řešení na tento problém, ale můžu vám říct jak s tím nakládám já, třeba se to někomu bude hodit. Na vyhledávání komunit napříč fediverse používám Lemmy Explorer.

    Pokud vyhledávám nějakou vtipnou komunitu (memes, ProgrammerHummor apod.), tak si najdu tu, která má nejvíce subscriberů, protože ta bude nejvíce aktivní. Už předem vím že tady prakticky nenajdu nic zajímavého, tak nemusím nic zkoumat.

    Jestli chci nějakou specifickou komunitu, kde chci získávat zajímavé informace, tak tady už to je horší. Většinou projdu rychle všechny které mi Lemmy Explorer ukázal, vyberu si ty které mají pro mě nejzajímavější content, a přihlásím se k odběru. Časem jak přibývají příspěvky, tak je postupně odebírám, až mi zůstanou jenom ty, které mi sedí.

    Ne všechny komunity budou mít styl který vám vyhovuje, a to si myslím že je na fediverse super, můžete si vyfiltrovat přesně to, co vám sedí.

    Cesky HangingFruit
    Používate Linux? Jaký je váš postoj k tomu, že IBM zakoupil RedHat? Red Hat officially acquired by IBM

    Red Hat and IBM join forces to foster open source innovation and simplify IT through a complete open hybrid cloud.

    Red Hat officially acquired by IBM
    Be careful where you share your runs guys! Russian Commander Shot Dead After Posting Runs on Strava Running App - LemmyWorld

    One of only four accounts on Monday evening that had liked post about Rzhytsky’s last run shares the name of Major General Kyrylo Budanov – the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence.

    Lemmy Support HangingFruit
    Why do I have multiple banned users on my instance, when I never blocked anyone?

    I started to notice that I have multiple banned users on my instance, even though I have never banned anyone. And that number is increasing.

    Cesky HangingFruit
    Dopravní situace v ČR

    Co si myslíte o dopravní situaci v čr? Nevím jestli jsem jenom pruda, ale přijde mi že to je rok od roku horší. Nemyslím si, že za všechno můžou mladí s čerstvým řidičákem, pokud vidím někoho udělat pořádnou botu, tak to jsou vždy lidé 30+. A nejhorší je léto a zima, kdy mi přijde že řidiči absolutně neví který pedál je který.
