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Summit is looking fantastic!

Sup' y'all? Just here to say thanks idunnololz for this awesome app!!!

About the default sort option.
  • Ok nvm I saw idunnololz already put this on the roadmap.

  • About the default sort option.
  • I'm on android but thank you for the suggestion anyway.

  • About the default sort option.

    Hi! Can we get the ability to choose the default sort option for posts and comments please? Eg. sort the comments by hot by default.

    7 updated to 0.18.1-rc
  • Amazing! Thank you ruud and everyone who helped you push through it.

  • [Megathread] List of lemmy apps
  • Thunder is quite nice! It has a minimalist design and very smooth animations. The swipe feature to upvote/downvote comments is very neat.

  • GwilliamSP GwilliamSP

    It's all a matter of perspective.

    Posts 2
    Comments 5