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What is YOUR top 10 list of all time best video games?
    • Suikoden 2
    • Final Fantasy 7 (original)
    • Dark Souls
    • Resident Evil 1
    • Castlevania SOTN
    • D&D Warriors of the Eternal Sun
    • Resident Evil 1 Remake (GC)
    • Gran Turismo 4
    • Road Rash 2
    • Oblivion

    Big shout out to SFA2, FFT:A/2, BOF series, Roadwarden.

    10 feels too little to condense 40 years of games.

  • Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining
  • It saddens me as Windows 8 was absolutely awful and the first step towards the mess we have now. Windows 10 was better but still inconsistent in loads of areas and still felt faffy to use.

    If you ignore the ads and bloat ware in Windows 11 it's not that much better than 10, the UI feels more consistent but still more painful to use than Windows 7.

    We have no "good" versions of Windows to use, they are all bad and getting worse, I would love to jump to Linux but that has its own raft of inconsistencies and issues, just different ones.

  • I tried, I really did
  • I think a lot of us are just sick of Windows being eroded into garbage spyware, unless we want to run mac hardware there is no other alternative really.

    Linux is really the only alternative, and I would love it to do everything better than the other OS' rather than being content with it just being good for specific use cases.

  • I tried, I really did
  • Every 5 years or so Windows annoys me so much with its nonsense that I salt the earth and install a Linux distro.

    The last time I did this was Ubuntu (tried manjaro or whatever its called before too) and every time I find a problem that requires hours of trawling the Internet just to find I need to basically rebuild/test/maintain my own version of the library/component.

    It gets to the point where I can't really be productive and I begrudgingly go back to windows as it's less faff and more productive for me. Then the timer starts again for I get too annoyed with windows.

    I want to love Linux, but its not as simple as "just using it." (unless you are using a steam deck, that is brilliant for its use case).

    Part of the problem for me I feel is that the Linux eco system is so wide and vast that we don't have a singular collective agreement on where to share effort to get something as stable and easy to use as Windows etc. From this thread alone people seem to hate Ubuntu, and sur maybe it's bad, but most non Linux people only know of that Linux distro.

    The sheer vastness of the eco system is it's downfall, if there was 1 main shell everyone got behind and was used by companies and end users then we would have a huge knowledge base of problems and fixes as well as a concerted effort in a shared direction. As it stands at the moment most companies using Linux don't have a shell layer, then end users are probably all using various different shells and related components etc, so effort and support is not consolidated as everyone is pulling in their own directions.

    I get this is one of the things that draws in the current Linux userbase, but for those of us who just want to do same stuff we do on windows/mac we don't really care about being able to mix and match stuff, we just want to get behind something that gets out of our way and let's us use the computer, not faff in the infrastructure of the OS.

  • Tangara is a portable, open-source music player based on an ESP32 MCU
  • I've tried them and they were hit and miss, also to make things more niche most of my music is a mix of video game music and film/anime music, which Spotify is quite short on.

    Spotify and other services are trying to make you discover new music. While that's useful I just want it to analyse my local music and work out what to play.

    Its a shame the tech exists but as its patented (I think) you can't simply make an open source version, I believe really it's just a 2d graph plot against tempo and some other metric derived from analysis.

  • Tangara is a portable, open-source music player based on an ESP32 MCU
  • I just want an mp3 player to replace my Walkman with sensme, they killed sensme and nothing has replaced it so to date the best mp3 player I own is that little thing, I tell it what mood I am in and it always delivers, I dread the day it dies.

    I've tried cloud based music services like Spotify etc they are not really same thing as it's just global playlists for a mood/genre, not something tailored to your tastes in a set catalogue.

  • Amazon's humanoid warehouse robots will eventually cost only $3 per hour to operate. That won't calm workers' fears of being replaced.
  • Maybe but I don't know how they can realistically do anything worthwhile. As forcing companies to keep staff on and not automate isn't a good outcome and isn't fixing the societal issues that make this a problematic scenario.

    If a robot/ai/machine can do a job safer, more efficiently, quicker than a person, it should 1000000% be automated by the given thing. This has been happening for hundreds of years in all industries.

  • Amazon's humanoid warehouse robots will eventually cost only $3 per hour to operate. That won't calm workers' fears of being replaced.
  • In isolation the automation of roles is a great thing, but the way society is currently run your entire quality of existence is tied to your job, and retraining and getting a new job is harder than ever and costs a lot.

    If society made it easier for people to retrain and get better jobs and slowly replaced all those bad jobs with an automated workforce it would be better for everyone.

    Can't see it happening though...

  • Does anyone still use MP3 Players?
  • It sounds like it may build some playlists like what I would want but depends on how it builds the metadata, as sensme worked off tempo and beats etc to classify music into moods etc.

    Also for me personally it seems like plexamp would be more geared for people who's devices are always online, which is another reason the mp3 player is great as I don't need the Internet to access all my music etc.

  • Does anyone still use MP3 Players?
  • I still have a Sony Walkman with sensme. I loved being able to set a mood and set it going.

    These days you can no longer get sensme in any way, there are no android/ios music players with that functionality and cloud based music services offer a sort of skewed version of it but it isn't really constrained in what music YOU like and tbh most of my local stuff is a mix of game/tv/film music and chip tune stuff which you don't really get on cloud music services anyway.

    I really wish there was an android app that did same thing as nothing fills that niche and I've tried making complex playlists etc but it's a massive pita when you have gigs and gigs of music.

  • Gamers who have gamed for a long time
  • Same as above, as a kid (80s) games were new and interesting, even shovelware games you would get for free on C64 mags were interesting.

    Over the years games have just become more and more streamlined, and action focused, it's basically like Hollywood now where they just churn out nice looking mediocre films to make money.

    The 2nd point though js why I responded as I really agree with the point on something new being what makes games interesting now. They don't even have to be amazing, just offer a new experience.

    For example when Dayz came out, that was a nice breath of fresh air, every time I loaded up the game with friends I never knew what was going to happen. Same sort of thing with Phasmophobia, was genuinely amazing for the first week we played it, just nothing else like it. Now you can't move for DayZ style games or Phasmo ripoffs.

    I am bored of playing the same sort of stuff, like I'm bored watching super hero movies, I want new experiences (VR has some good experiences).

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