MONTRÉAL – Le CF Montréal a annoncé mercredi avoir fait l’acquisition de l’attaquant Kwadwo « Mahala » Opoku du LAFC en retour d’un montant d’allocation générale de 1 650 000$ en 2023 et d’un montant d’allocation générale de 100 000$ en 2024. Le Club a aussi fait l’acquisition d’un montant
WE JUST GOT OURSELVES A FORWARD, FOLKS! Quite the expensive buy, but can't be worse than hoping Offor can find the net right in front of him.
Même si le club reste sur une défaite subie samedi, le CF Montréal peut se réjouir : Samuel Piette devrait bientôt revenir dans l’alignement, après trois mois d’absence. « C’est énorme », pense le défenseur Joel Waterman.
Même si le club reste sur une défaite subie samedi, le CF Montréal peut se réjouir : Samuel Piette devrait bientôt revenir dans l’alignement, après trois mois d’absence. « C’est énorme », pense le défenseur Joel Waterman.
They still have a readership, unfortunately.
The New York Post had a huge "Blame Canada" headline on June 8th, so... Yep, very literally.
Le trou financier des sociétés de transport n’est pas près de se résorber à moins d’un sérieux coup de barre. Il faudra en effet une décennie avant que l’achalandage du transport collectif ne retrouve son niveau d’avant la pandémie, estime le ministère des Transports.
Les refuges pour femmes en itinérance de Montréal lancent un cri d’alarme : ils voient défiler de plus en plus de femmes aînées en perte d’autonomie, comme Nicole, poussées à la rue par la crise du logement qui sévit maintenant toute l’année. Ces femmes qui auraient besoin de soins particuliers doiv...
Doesn't solve the small hands ergonomics aspect, but yeah, bigger pockets would be nice. I'll take whichever quality of life improvements I can get, though.
I'm a woman with small hands and unfortunately smaller pockets. I don't need a thinner phone - I need a shorter, narrower phone that's comfortable to hold and that won't peek out halfway from my jeans.
So for me, the flip phone format makes a lot of sense, because companies seem intent on offering me Large or XXL Max Extra only in terms of candybar phones.
That said, I don't think it should be the mainstream, never mind the silly hyperbole that "every smartphone should be a flip phone". We just generally need more size/format variety in the market.
La qualité de l’air est de plus en plus souvent mauvaise à Montréal depuis la relance postpandémique, une situation attribuable principalement à l’augmentation du nombre de voitures sur les routes et… au retour des grands feux d’artifice de La Ronde.
I checked in on the trash fire yesterday, and the smaller hobby-oriented subs I'm on were heavily targeted, possibly to keep up the illusion of engagement during the blackout. I didn't dive into what's happening on the comments side, but sorting by New was a trip. But outside of the blackout, yeah, usually I steer clear of the big communities and life isn't too full of bots.
As an adult with strong ADHD, I concur. I lock up my phone and keep it far away when working because it's kryptonite for my already minimal ability to focus on the task at hand.
But cellphones became common-ish when I was in school, and the rule of the time was "it stays in your locker". People were wary of theft and would usually bring them in turned off so teachers wouldn't confiscate them, but it did the job of keeping phones out of hands in class.
I know parents want to have access to their kids 24/7, but that's such a new mindset and I can't imagine it does much good for kids' development, either.
That's my daily driver! Same colour, same nib. A year on, it's aged really well, too. Hope you like it as much as I do mine! :D
What do you think of the ink? My current favourite to ink this pen is Herbin's Poussière de Lune, but I could use something a tad darker and this one looks like it might be right.