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In over my head
  • Yes, the VM is Ubuntu 22.04.

    Edit: Replied out of context. Fixed.

  • Television Gamera8ID Raylan Givens Returns in an Uneven but Still Enjoyable Justified: City Primeval

    Timothy Olyphant returns in Justified: City Primeval, a limited series revival that takes everyone's favorite modern day cowboy to Detroit.

    Raylan Givens Returns in an Uneven but Still Enjoyable Justified: City Primeval
    In over my head
  • Good tip. Thanks!

  • In over my head
  • Now I feel dumb.

    That didn't work earlier.

    I just went to copy the error message I saw before and... it's working.

    Maybe because I switched back to Namecheap's nameserver? Or maybe because I cleared my cache again? Or maybe because I game it some more propagation time?

    Or maybe magic?

    Each potential reason seems equally likely to me.


  • In over my head
  • Lemmy Easy Deploy. I didn't know where to find any tutorials for using an Oracle Cloud VM. Did the official have that?

  • In over my head

    Today I decided to get an inexpensive custom domain from Namecheap and try self-hosting Lemmy. A few bucks later I was thinking, "Hey, this is going to be cake."

    I'd read some of the warnings about Oracle Cloud free tier, but figured I'd still give it a shot for hosting. I found a simple how-to for quickly getting an Ubuntu instance spun up with Docker and Portainer. A few minutes later I'm thinking, "This is so easy!"

    Then I try to access Portainer using HTTPS and see my first "Your connection is not private," warning. "No worries," I think. "Advanced>Proceed. I'm in."

    So I run Lemmy Easy Deploy. "The lights are green, the trap is clean! Boom. Here we go!"


    Ports seem to be open on Oracle, but no Lemmy at either 80 or 443.

    "Maybe Lemmy is more particular about SSL certificates and such?" I think, for the first time getting worried.

    "Err, I think that if I change my nameserver to Cloudflare I can destroy my Lemmy containers, re-run Lemmy Easy Deploy with a Cloudflare API token, and maybe fix it?

    Four hours later, after repeatedly starting over, clearing my browser cache every 5 minutes, switching back and forth between nameservers, even deleting the whole Oracle Cloud VM and starting from scratch, I realize that an HTTP connection to port 443 is returning "Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server."

    "Were you there before, message?" I wonder.

    Lemmy friends, can you help me? Or am I better off just deleting the VM and giving up the whole idea?

    What file-sharing and media organizing software do you wish that existed?
  • readarr

    I thought it was ebooks-only. I didn't realize was for audiobooks also. Thanks!

  • What file-sharing and media organizing software do you wish that existed?
  • Something Overseer-like for requesting audiobooks for Plex.

  • What is the planned solution for cross-host link sharing?
  • ChatGPT and I came up with this bookmarklet which I'm using until this is resolved.

    You set your home instance, then just click it when on a post on another instance. It grabs the post title and the author, redirects to a post search of the title on your home instance, and copies the author to your clipboard to Ctrl-F if there are too many results.

    You have to be pretty quick on the draw to be able to enable clipboard access when using it on a new instance for the first time. So it's like a game, too.

      let instance = "";
      const personListing = document.querySelector('.person-listing');
      const author = personListing.getAttribute('title');
      alert("Post author copied to clipboard.\n\nCtrl-F + Crtl-V when redirected, if necessary.");
      var title = document.title;
      var lastDashIndex = title.lastIndexOf(" - ");
      if (lastDashIndex !== -1) {
        title = title.substr(0, lastDashIndex);
      var encodedTitle = encodeURIComponent(title);
      let search = "https://" + instance + "/search?q=" + encodedTitle + "&type=Posts";
      window.location.href = search
  • What's the best Android/iPhone app for Lemmy?
  • There's a comprehensive list of Lemmy apps being curated here.

    Right now I'm using Liftoff on Android.

  • Subscribed communities copyer
  • You might also want to check out this Python script which syncs profiles, communities, and blocks between multiple Lemmy accounts.

  • Wrote a Python script to sync your accounts across instances.
  • That was it exactly. Thank you.

    This was a journey, so I'm documenting it here for anyone who might run into a similar situation.

    I'm using a Chromebook with Linux enabled.

    To confirm my version of Python I ran python --version:

    Python 3.9.2

    OK! Getting somewhere. So I have to check what distribution of Linux is installed with grep '^PRETTY_NAME' /etc/os-release

    PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"

    Alright. Google says if I want to upgrade Python on Debian 11 I have to compile it from source. Yikes! But, wait, there's a PPA - Yay! But the PPA is for Ubuntu - Boo.

    There isn't an active community for ChromeOS on Lemmy yet, but that other website has directions for replacing Debian with Ubuntu.

    I'm lazy so I'm not doing that. I'm just going to spin up a temporary Ubuntu container that I can delete later, so my directions are much simpler:

    Ctr-Alt-T to enter crosh, the ChromeOS developer shell.

    vmc start termina
    lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 ubuntu
    lxc exec ubuntu -- bash
    apt update && apt -y upgrade
    add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
    apt update
    apt install -y python3.11 python3.11-venv
    python3.11 -m ensurepip
    git clone
    cd lemmy_account_sync/
    pip3.11 install -r requirements.txt
    cp exampleconfig.ini src/myconfig.ini
    nano src/myconfig.ini
    python3.11 src/

    Success! I had to escape some special characters in my passwords, but that's easily Google-able.

    I'll be keeping the container around for a little while to do some periodic syncs. Then I'll remove it using crosh.

    vmc start termina
    lxc delete ubuntu --force
  • Is there a major difference between Lemmy and Beehaw (or other federated instances)?
  • You might want to check out I stumbled upon it. Beehaw defederated (info.) This section on defederating may help you understand that if it's unclear.

    Most of us are also new to the Fediverse, but learning every day. Welcome!

  • Wrote a Python script to sync your accounts across instances.
  • I'm getting a TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'type' and 'NoneType' when I do:

    git clone
    cd lemmy_account_sync/
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    cp exampleconfig.ini src/myconfig.ini
    nano src/myconfig.ini
    python3 src/

    I've confirmed that my [Main Account] and [Account 2] details are correct in myconfig.ini, but beyond that I don't really know what I'm doing.

  • Anyone else listening to Hard Fork from NYT? Hard Fork

    The future is already here.

    Hard Fork

    Lots of AI news, which suits me.

    While UnderUnderstood feels more like the spiritual successor to Gimlet's Reply All, the co-hosts of Hard Fork (Kevin Roose and Casey Newton) banter in a way that reminds me of P. J. Vogt and Alex Goldman.

    What would cause a large swarm of wasps to fly through a neighborhood?
  • TIL wasps swarm, and now I have a new fear.

    According to this site wasps might swarm if their nest is disturbed, at a change of season, or to establish a new colony (like said.)

  • Open primary ballot initiative supporters to legally challenge ballot titles assigned by Idaho AG

    Idaho's Republican establishment have assigned misleading and biased ballot titles to an initiative that would allow all voters to participate in primary elections, regardless of their party affiliation. The initiative would also require candidates to disclose their party preference, but not be bound by it. Supporters have filed a lawsuit to challenge the ballot titles.

    An Enormous Gravity ‘Hum’ Moves Through the Universe
  • Always there. Here's an ELI5 from Bing:

    The article is about a very quiet sound that comes from space. The sound is made by things that are very big and heavy, like giant balls of fire or holes that suck everything in. The sound is so quiet that we can't hear it, but we can use special machines to find it.

    The article says that this sound is all around us, and it comes from different places in space. Some places are very far away, like other stars or other worlds. Some places are closer, like our big family of stars. The article also says that this sound can help us learn more about space and how it works.

    The article is very cool because it shows that there are many things in space that we don't see, but we can find them by listening to the sounds they make.

  • is there a simple way to determine who is federated with/defederated from who?
  • I've seen this site suggested in posts like this:


    I'm using the spoiler tag because elsewhere I've seen this warning about the site:

    run by people from kiwifarms (a known bad actor on the fediverse).

    I'm unfamiliar with "kiwifarms" but the site currently does has some offensive language at the bottom that's associated with 4chan, so be warned.

    That said, it appears to be the only site currently available to see which instances in the fediverse have blocked/defederated your instance. (The reverse of <instance domain>/instances, which only shows which instances your instance has blocked/defederated.)

  • Suggestion/Feature Request
  • You might want to open this as a "Feature Request" on the Liftoff repository on GitHub.

  • What is this button for?
  • A Google image search of the icon wasn't super helpful, but did return a similar-looking image named "style" among the results.

    Knowing that Liftoff is written in Flutter, I confirmed that it is called the "style" icon.

    A search of the Liftoff code on GitHub for the "style" icon turned up a match with the comment:

    // TODO: change styles?

    So the answer is that it does nothing now, but appears like it might be used in the future to "change styles." Maybe as a shortcut to the "Post Style" screen in "Settings."

  • JS Bookmarklet for Switching to
  • Tried this with a throwaway, but it's broken.

    Subscription location has changed.

    When corrected, it asks to visit to request access. Despite doing so, it never gets past that point.

    When/if you fix it, you might give some context about how you're handling user credentials.