I wish. It would mean that this genocidal freak would feel his sins crawling on his back.
Right. Sure. Keep shilling for daddy Putin, you'll get your promotion for sure if you keep it up.
Fuck you, Russia STARTED this fight. Imperialism and capitalism are the god damn problem, and here you are enabling them both.
Low-key, the fact that that skit is no longer funny and is nothing but straight facts is absolutely paralyzing.
Monty Python's Flying Circus was terrifyingly, utterly lucid. That was the straightest skit they ever wrote.
It's funny because it is, in fact, completely true.
My ancestors beheaded kings. One of the only good things they ever fucking did, imho.
Oh my GOD, the dude on the far right looks like he had his face turned inside out and stuffed like a third grader's first ever sewing project. Somebody at Build-A-Fash forgot to do QA.
Please, God, if you're listening, do something really really funny with this.
Ooh, a Russian troll! Quick, whack him with the hammer, they're worth extra bonus points!
Do you like cancer research? How about fighting forest fires? Averting mid-air plane collisions?
DOGE sure hates all of those.
I think we're headed for balkanization. We're seeing the breakup of the USSR all over again.
Homie, mountain lions range from Mexico to Alaska!
DecentralEyes is deprecated, LocalCDN is actively maintained.
I appreciate that you are standing for moral dignities like personal privacy. But understand, Google's entire business model IS surveillance capitalism.
Profits aren't infinite if the resource is finite. Eventually, they would have to dig the mineshaft deeper, take more material to sell more product. This is what happens when capital is left laissez-faire, it grows more tentacles.
American here. Fantastic job, guys! Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Don't break this boycott, you have more power than the fascists want the world to think!
You can do this. I believe in you!
Never, ever get into an argument with a moose.
Forget pumas, those fuckers are the real apex predator of The North. 😨
Some author openly claims to be a terf. If she calls herself a bigot, then call her a bigot. 🤷