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Did your basic education (i.e. pre-college/university) cover proper research skills and media literacy?
  • Yes. In highschool (Australia) I took Modern History in years 11-12, which was taught by a teacher who really cared about the subject. With a subject like that of course media literacy, arguments, hypothesis's, source accuracy, claims, bias, and everything related to research skills was relevant. It was essentially a practice run for any political science course you would take at university, as the class revolved around submitting one big assessment item each term which was thoroughly researched. I chose the easy route every time and just wrote essays, but if you were the creative type you could make something else to showcase understanding.

    During one semester we did a small trip to a university campus in the city so we could gather resources for one of our projects while not hitting any paywalls.

    Of course being an elective senior subject in rural Queensland it was only about 15 of us in my class, where my cohort at large was 100 students in total (once people dropped out in Year 10).

  • When was the last time you cried?
  • Anxiety and depression. I've gone from Lexapro to Venlafaxine to Prozac. Hard to tell if I should switch again or if I just have to feel this way until I'm employed.

  • When was the last time you cried?
  • 7 years ago, before the day my first dog was euthanized at the vet.

    Either I've had it alright so far or my medication is keeping it in at this point...

  • What types of physical exercise do you enjoy the most?
  • I enjoy things when I have a sense of progression I think. So I most enjoy lifting because of that, and when I could, the novelty of strongman was great to mix in.

    I used to swim all the time but I burned out on it. I was just adding mileage and I think the only thing that kept me going was the whole body exhaustion/relaxation afterwards. As well as buying myself some bone conducting earphones so I had something to listen to instead of my own thoughts!

    Alongside lifting I walk and run around with my dog for nearly an hour a day. I love my dog but we go on the same tracks around the property all the time, so it would be even more monotonous without all the podcast I listen to. Right now she's a bit puppy-crazy, so training new things isn't as effective, which could make it more interesting. Plus there's no heel/agility training I can work on until she literally grows her joints.

    I also kayak once or twice a month for a few days. I like it for both the adventure and the people I paddle with, even if it can feel a bit tiring being in a social situation for an extended amount of time. It's probably my most enjoyed activity quite easily.

  • How long have you had your current water bottle?
  • I go kayak-camping often, so I've got about 12-ish liters of water bottles. My oldest thermos is probably about 3 years though.

  • What is the best "climate change" clothing?
  • Return to monkey.

  • does anyone else feel enslaved?
  • It's always the people you most expect.

  • Unemployment has caused suicide in Australia, new research finds
  • My mental health is already bad enough right now with my post-grad existential crisis. Having to worry about, as of all hour ago, being "halfway through your points reporting period" certainly doesn't help.

    Being forced into the "Employability Skills Training" in January with Sarina Russo was also degrading...but that's part of the point of the whole exercise.

  • How a plan to recognize Australia's indigenous people became the country's latest culture war
  • Despite their opposing views, Foley, Mayo, Finlay and Grayl agreed that a majority “no” vote on the referendum would be irreversibly harmful for Indigenous rights.

    This is my reasoning for voting 'Yes'. The Overton Window is too far to the right in this country and the racists shouldn't get another win. There's nothing to lose and something to gain by at least ensuring that the Indigenous get an official, non-binding say on policy.

  • Is therapy worthwhile?
  • I wanted to point out that some health plans seem to be offering CBT (computer-based therapy)

    Not to be confused with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

  • Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone?
  • It's the only way I could have typed anything of substance for the past 2 months with a fractured elbow.

  • How do you enjoy listening to digital content? Speakers? Headphones? Earbuds?
  • I have a pair of Phillips Fidelio X2HR for my PC where I listen to most things; an unexpected brand compared to the likes of Sony or Sennheiser. I'm considering an upgrade to a close-backed pair of headphones since I don't live alone and my PC space is nearby to the kitchen, so I would like to block sound out.

    In the gym out back I use a Google Mini. Living where I am now I haven't needed earbuds for public transport so I don't have any. I will eventually buy a pair for when I go camping and want to watch something on my phone.

  • Does anyone else struggle with silence, particularly when trying to sleep?
  • I fixed that problem...I never hear silence!

    All I hear is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......

  • Are teeth considered healthcare in your country?
  • It's a miracle the emergency department is still free with the way our country has been going.

  • TIL that 80% of Australian homes are colder than is recommended by the WHO safety standards for indoor air temperature.
  • I have the OG Oodie, but there's some cheaper versions around.

    A hot water bottle is also essential. Buy another for pre-heating the bed at night.

  • Former ministers and officials brace for robo-debt judgment day
  • I know it must be hyperbole... I would just be happy with a few years in prison as a deterrent and some long community service to bring them back to reality.

  • 0
    The lack of ads!
  • Eh, it's the same as paying for a third-party app for the other place and not being shown ads. On desktop Ublock is always keeping my eyes safe.

  • What Fast Food do you love?
  • In Australia the main chains are total garbage. If you want takeout it's better to buy from some local places. What I end up buying consistently is usually fish 'n chips when I'm by the seaside.

  • The Voice and the Noise - Michael West Media

    I really liked that clip from wilstracke. It can be found here as well:

    Gaming Gabbro
    Gabbro Gabbro
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    Comments 43