I guess the theory is if people sit it out, handing it to the Republicans, the Dems will get shocked into moving left in the future? Seems like a gamble to me. Wouldn't it make more sense to do that during primary season?
I don't see why both those statements can't be true.
The left cuts down their candidates and elected officials over any faults, while the right uplifts them regardless of any faults. Is it any surprise the Dems always look bad in comparison to an uninformed voter.
If you had a choice between 2 cars and one explodes when you turn it on, are you really thinking about the merit of the other one's adaptive cruise control?
I get what you're saying but even if someone getting struck by lightning is extraordinary, we don't say they're lucky, we say they are unlucky.
It's not a toggle switch, both can take it.
I take it everyone's pretending Fukushima didn't happen as well.
I'll say, look how much money they're making.
I envy you never heard any morons talking like a toddler trying to be cute. Sadly, that day has come for you too now.
Hmm, could I interest you in a little Amores Perros and La Femme Nakita?
Probably saw shows like House and Sherlock and thought "if I act like this it'll mean I'm special too!"
This is the reason I suspect too. As a full size enjoyer, building custom is painful. Two sets of high end switches to frankenstein and custom caps is so ridiculously expensive... and then you need to nearly double that. If I were ever to sell custom boards, I'd only ever make 60%.
It seems like a clever qoute when you first hear it, but stealing a rental or a lease is still stealing.
There's two now; two branches no one cares about.
Yeah, I imagine the rest know exactly what they're doing.
What's the point of redaction if everyone can so easily figure out it's Steve Rogers?
15 minutes? To bake the baking soda maybe
Sure, but we're talking about a job application.. I don't think the difference matters there.
Haven't looked it up, but I'd be shocked if there is a single state where rural outnumbered urban.