German federal state migrates 30.000 PCs to LibreOffice 4 0
Good luck with it. Hope it doesn't fail like the LiMux project back then.
France rolls out plan to prepare for 4C temperature rise by end of century 4 0
France again preparing correctly. Like with most things in the last decades.
THE LIFE OF CHUCK - Official Teaser Trailer - In Theaters June 3 0
Well, I like to know what the movie is roughly about. Just show me something from the first 10 Minutes.
I don't like the trailer.
Schleswig-Holstein's Bold Open Source Leap: A Model for Digital Sovereignty? | EuroStack 3 0
Munich tried it - called it project LiMux. It was stopped in 2017.
Maybe this time it will go better, although the reasons for switching back to Microsoft clients were fragmentation, no compatibility with other software and bad interdepartmental communication.
- Which I bet hasn't changed at all in Germany.
FIFA’s double standards: While FIFA swiftly banned Russia from competition, it continues to delay action on Israel—revealing the politics behind football’s so-called neutrality. 13 0
I assume that is part of "Don't bite the hand that feeds you"... It's always about the money.
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