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Why do wet dogs shake themselves dry? Neuroscience [finally] has an answer
  • My intention was to make fun of the other comments saying "the dog shakes because it's wet" to paraphrase. I was not seriously asking why dogs don't shake when submerged. I tried to convey that by using improper language that imparts an innocent tone.

    I know some good parks if you need any recommendations on some good places to touch grass to help out with your dommer mentality btw

  • Acting more Australian to foreigners for a laugh only to realise I'm being less Australian than I would be with other Australians.

    Sometimes I try to play up the Australian accent/stereotype to foreigners for a bit of a laugh, only to then get in to a conversation with other Australians and realise I was actually playing it down.

    Can you "grow" a human from 2 sets of same sex parent DNA?

    Idk if this makes sense.

    Obviously not via sexual reproduction but could a person's genetic parents be of the same sex and that person be genetically indistinguishable from the rest of the population?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    I'm Fleur, feminine guy trying out lemmy. Pronouns don't bother me use whatever you're comfortable with :)

    My dream is to have a full body mirror that reflects a better background than gym equipment.

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