Obviously reporting transphobic comments to a transphobic mod isn't going to result in any action, so I'm wondering if the admins are going to do anything about it?
(if someone needs an image description, please ask)
OK that's the last straw for me. I am willing to give the benefit of a doubt to people, but this is the third strike for this person. So I've asked them to move their comm to another instance as they don't align with our instance values.
You know what? As a woman who’s had a sex change, I am so tired. I could not give a shit about this mods opinions or any of this topic from anybody.
It’s quite simply a topic that loses us support for emotional gut vibe reasons that have nothing to do with rationality. And for what?
I’ve never played women’s sports. Nobody trans I’ve ever met plays women’s sports because we’re all fucking afraid of it and always have been.
We are less than 1% of the population and of that 1% maybe 1% is anywhere near ballsy enough to even begin to try in this environment let alone having the resources to try competing on top of much more pressing matters like surgeries and hormones.
Are these people ignorant and on the wrong side of history here? Absolutely.
Have transsex people been playing sports for decades without issue and without dominating even one out of hundreds of different sports? Absolutely.
Are they just making shit up about transsex bodies based off nothing but unchecked stereotypes and ignorance because they only ever notice the most visible and non-passing ones and have no idea how many of us are stealth? 1000% you betcha.
Could whatever nuanced future issues be resolved by simply introducing additional classes according to measurable biological traits like weight or shoulder span in the few cases where perhaps one day there will be reason to? Yepppp.
Is this whole conversation actually just misogynistic control over women’s bodies that will ultimately harm quantitatively more cis women than trans women? Yep!! And they are better poised to tackle that than us when it does.
And yet? I want everybody to shut up about it because we have far more pressing issues at hand. When it comes to women’s sports the public has made up their mind and the facts don’t matter.
We’re losing access to life saving medical care, being deplatformed, and criminalized for existing in public and y’all still think this is about pointless debates over sports. The public does not have much bandwidth in their minds to spare on us & it’s imperative we get off this topic.
If someone thinks I’m a “biological male” who shouldn’t play women’s sports I don’t frankly care. As long as they don’t interfere with us building robust community organizations to ensure everybody has means to survive the Nazis in coming years, it’s fine.
Frankly they can call me a biological male all day if they want to deliver some hormones to a girl who needs them. They’d still be stupid and wrong but at least useful then.
And yet? I want everybody to shut up about it because we have far more pressing issues at hand. When it comes to women’s sports the public has made up their mind and the facts don’t matter.
So do I, which is why I reported those comments to be removed, but then realised that the only mod in the community agrees, and so they wouldn't only not be removed, but more of them would be encouraged, which I think is unacceptable, especially if the instance hosting them has rules against bigotry, which is what this is.
If that were true you would have replied by ignoring their red herring (women’s sports) and brought the attention back to the real issues—lack of access to medical care, criminalization of trans legal status, etc.
Instead you decided to debate them over nitpicky “biological advantage” arguments which just reinforces the myth in the minds of readers that the only thing we have to lose here are silly games for entertainment and fun. That’s exactly what they want and you fell for it.
I wound up revising that part out on my second read. But for anyone reading this quote yes I did that in my OG post. And it’s true I just didn’t feel it flowed with the rest of what I wrote
I think the trans women who are passionate about their sport disagree with you. Why would you just be okay with letting someone literally lose their hobby or even career over their gender? It's dehumanizing.
I don't see what harm this conversation has. People who aren't terrible will be better educated and people who are terrible weren't trans allies in the first place. What have we lost?
Frankly they can call me a biological male all day if they want to deliver some hormones to a girl who needs them.
You know they're going to stop that, right? They're not going to allow people to transition at all if they get their way.
Uh huh. As if this 1% of 1% are only ones of us who have lost our hobbies in the wake of having our life saving medical care revoked. So we should all make the conversation about them.
Do you have any idea how much losing access to HRT and surgeries disrupts a persons life and hobbies? How much a sex change in general does that? There isn’t a single one of us among us who hasn’t had their life knocked off course by a sex change it’s not that special.
Sports is a losing issue that sucks up all the air in the conversation and leaves the rest of us dehumanized. Conservatives know it that’s why they chose it.
Response to your edit: THEY HAVE ALREADY STOPPED DOING THAT AND YOU STILL THINK ITS ABOUT SPORTS. That’s the entire point. Stop fighting on their terms. Every time they try to make it about sports change the subject to what matters.
Is it transphobic or just woefully ignorant? (I have a point to asking that, bear with me)
I've not seen them talk about trans issues before, and haven't looked yet to see. Edit: I went to look and see. Jfc, they're an idiot. May or may not be a transphobe, but they are talking about shit that is so far off of reality in multiple places that I don't even know how to unpack it all. Don't go brigading, don't go fucking with them, but holy fuck. I can't even. It makes it impossible to tell them apart from a transphobe because damn, there is some serious lack of thinking going on.
But, believe it or not, some people are just stupid, rather than bigoted. It's impossible to tell the difference most of the time, but with user histories, you can check and see if they're consistent on lemmy.
That's the whole problem with propaganda. It works. You get enough people parroting inaccurate, or outright made up information, it spreads, and not everyone has the background to recognize how dumb it actually is.
Now, for anyone reading this that holds the opinion stated in the screen shot based on supposed facts, it is simply bullshit. Once someone begins hormone treatment, the changes begin. Those changes functionally erase the "advantages" that are claimed. It is utter tripe. The younger the person is when they begin hormonal treatment, the less time it takes for the supposed advantages to go away.
Now, here's something else interesting. If the person is an athlete before hormones, and after, the changes from that tend to stay in place. But, and this is the key part, someone born with a functionally female endocrine system and is an athlete before and during puberty has those same advantages.
That's right. The way bodies change from sustained athletic training are more significant than those from hormones alone.
Muscle attachment points, as a primary example. They form from using one's body, and that doesn't play favourites. You lift more, you get bigger attachments. You work harder, you get more.
Now, having bigger muscles does increase that. But even that changes post transition. The bones still shift and reshape. You lose that advantage over time.
So, anyone arguing that having previously been exposed to testosterone is a permanent advantage is wrong.
At most there might be a period of time where the body changes that there may be a temporary advantage. But it will go away.
You know how we know it'll go away? Records. Go look up the world records for some sports and athletic endeavors. Trans women have competed alongside cis women plenty. There's no trend of trans women dominating any sport. It isn't there. Go look at weightlifting in specific, the sport where having lifted while having high testosterone is the biggest advantage possible. Where's the trans women wrecking those records?
Yeah. Exactly. Despite there being trans lifters men and women, trans athletes simply don't perform better as a group. Trans women lifters lose muscle mass and drop their maxes. It isn't immediately, it does take time. But you'll see it start in a matter of a month or two of starting anti-androgens, much less the rest of hormonal treatment.
But, and I think it important to say, I know this because I have a background as a lifter, and low level medical training. Not everyone would know this. Someone without that advantage might not immediately see the claims of advantages and not know it's bullshit. They'd have to actually fact check the claims instead of swallowing them whole. Which is why it could be stupidity instead of bigotry.
Also, there are top level cis female athletes that have way higher testosterone naturally than other cis women, and definitely higher than trans women. So, if anything, a trans athlete up against one of them would be disadvantaged. Mind you, having higher testosterone isn't a gimme for gold medals. Those women, even with that hormonal boost lose to women without it. So, you know, an even bigger hole in the propaganda.
Since nobody that whines about trans athletes ever bothers to suggest waiting periods before competing as their confirmed gender, you can tell they're either an idiot, or a bigot. The issue is figuring out which, since they look the same.
Yes. But a transphobe is different from a transphobic idea.
The post wasn't about someone saying something transphobic, it was about someone being a transphobe. Those are not inherently the same, which was the entire point of my comment.
After reviewing the situation between myself and the admin team, we have decided that the actions taken by the mod in question do not align with how we expect moderators in particular to conduct themselves in the wider fediverse. We will be taking action against the user in question and locking this thread. For any additional concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to me either here or on Matrix.
Ugh. I've been sensing a shift in tone on this instance. And the bowing out of the head admin really didn't assuage my unease. Now this. I get the feeling I'm going to be changing instances again, which is a shame. This was a good instance for a while.
ETA: Looking into it, it appears this occurred on dbzer0. Probably worth bringing it up there, as well.
I posted here because this is the instance the mod uses, but you're absolutely right, I missed that it wasn't hosted on that instance, and will be making a relevant post in our own meta community, thanks
If it makes you feel any better Sunaurus is still around and works on the technical stack, he is just not involved directly with day to day moderation and administration.
I reported the comments, but the sole mod openly saying they agree with them is why I made this post, assuming the reports go to them ,and they will blatantly just ignore them
E: I have now also after realising the mod is from lmmy.ee but the community is hosted on db0, crossposted to our own meta
Maybe sports shouldn't be the barometer for who gets to particiate in society? Sports are the most acceptable right to strip away from a group, as the right to play a sport isn't a civil/human right, its particiation in a game. Conpetition is the secondary motivation compared to the primary motivation that people like social games where they can roughhouse.
For a country that loves sports so much people really are being two faced snakes pretending not to grasp the significance of that. No sports today, back of the bus tomorrow. We don't want to play games with you = We don't see you as human.