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Godot 4: Raymarching, part 1 (tutorial)

Hi everybody! Let's try something a little different today - an introduction to creating complete 3D scenes using shaders. Yes, I know - this technology, called ray marching, has been described many times in other tutorials, and it's hard to come up with something entirely new. Still, I think it wouldn't hurt to add such a video to our collection because I plan to expand on this topic in a new series, and it would be good to have a reference for the absolute basics.

Godot 4: Trail of ellipses (tutorial)

Hi everyone! Let's use the Godot shading language to recreate an effect that falls into the category of a large number of small objects following a trajectory. It consists of simple elements, in this case, ellipses, that orbit along certain curves and together create interesting-looking patterns. So, let's get started.

Godot 4: Dynamic fog shader (tutorial)

Hi everyone! In this video, we will take a look at a technique that allows us to create very interesting pseudo-random patterns using functions we know from previous tutorials, such as plasma, plexus, or lightning. This time, we will use a method called domain warping or domain distortion, and the result will be this infinitely changing fog that we can see in the background right now.

Godot 4: LCD monitor shader (tutorial)

Hey everybody! Do you remember the simulation of an old CRT monitor I created about a year ago? We had programmed various issues and imperfections characteristic of these devices, such as white noise, rounded corners, ghosting, and so on. This time, we’ll simulate a more modern device: an LCD with its typical pixel grid and less vibrant colors. Unlike CRT, such a shader is elementary, as we’ll see right away.

Godot 4: Triangular tunnel shader (tutorial)

Hi everybody! Do you remember the 3D tunnel created using a texture mapped onto the inside of a cylinder? I think the result looked quite decent, especially when the camera was set in motion, giving us the impression of flying through an endless tube that disappears into distant darkness. This time, let's try something similar, but without textures and with a triangular shape.

Godot 4: Rainy window shader (tutorial)
  • Thanks! The offset of UV coordinates works like refraction, localized to the corresponding cell of the defined grid. Without using a noise texture, such light refraction would be circular, similar to the magnifying glass effect. However, this approach creates slightly irregular shapes, which better simulate droplets on a window pane. If you reduce the drop_layer function to its absolute minimum, you should see the mentioned grid before the shaping and movement of the droplets.

    Like this:

    vec2 drop_layer(vec2 uv, float time) {
    	vec2 grid = vec2(grid_x, grid_y);
    	vec2 drop_uv = fract(uv * grid);
    	drop_uv = 2.0 * drop_uv - 1.0;
    	vec2 drop_size = drop_uv / grid;
    	return drop_size;
  • Godot 4: Rainy window shader (tutorial)

    Hi everyone! I think that a simulation of a raindrop trickling down a window is a very nice effect, and if there are more of them, they can be both highly useful and visually striking in games. So, let’s explore how this shader works from a programming perspective.

    Godot 4: Digital clock shader (tutorial)

    Hello everyone! This is the first video I'm recording in 2025, so I hope it turns out well. This time, I’d like to show how we can use a shader to create a digital clock, which we will then control using a script. So, let’s get started.

    Godot 4: Blob shader (metaballs tutorial)

    Hey everybody! And welcome to the last tutorial of this year. Of course, this is definitely not the absolutely final tutorial, as I will continue with a new batch of learning materials in January. So, how are we ending the year 2024? We will be implementing blobby objects, also known as metaballs. Yes, exactly what you see on the screen right now. So, let's get started.

    Godot 4: Another video glitch shader (tutorial)

    Hi everyone! Let's add a simple effect simulating a TV signal disturbance to our collection. It actually resembles typical artifacts when playing recordings from a low-quality VHS tape, but it's up to each programmer to find a suitable use for it. And because it's a very simple algorithm with just a few lines of code, this video will be relatively short as well. So let's create it.

    Godot 4: Wet painting shader (tutorial)

    Hey everyone! The end of 2024 is slowly approaching, so I thought it would be good to add at least one more post-processing effect before diving into something more complex next year. This time, it’s again about layering, with each layer shifted differently using a noise texture and rotation. With a bit of imagination, the result can resemble a painting where the colors have blurred and blended together slightly. Let’s take a look at how this algorithm works.

    Godot 4: Earthquake shader (tutorial)

    Hey everyone! Let’s create a simple shader that will shake our screen or an element on the screen as if an earthquake has occurred. This could be quite useful in various platformers, right? And, in fact, it’s very easy to implement. Let’s get coding.

    Godot 4: Radial blur shader (tutorial)

    Hey everyone! I would say that there are never enough post-processing effects, and it’s good to have as many options as possible when deciding which would fit best for our game. This time, I’ve prepared something simple again that fits into a few lines, yet the result can be quite interesting, especially if we’re not averse to some psychedelic effects. Let’s take a look at how we can implement a simple radial blur.

    Godot 4: Texture filters (shader tutorial)

    Hi everyone! I recorded this video outside my usual weekly schedule because it doesn't focus on any specific shader. However, it's a topic that's useful to explain, as not all details may be clear from the official documentation. The video will cover working with images in shaders, particularly different types of filtering.

    Godot 4: Yet Another Artistic Filter (shader tutorial)

    Hey everybody! There are many ways we can adjust or enhance what we want the player to see on the screen while playing our game. I’ve already discussed several post-processing algorithms in previous videos, and this time I’d like to add another to the collection, which is quite computationally inexpensive and is something between edge detection and converting a color image into a monochromatic sketch. Let’s take a look at it.

    More shaders in Godot 4: Add stunning visual effects to your games

    I have just finished and released the sequel to the book "Shaders in Godot 4". The new book is titled "More shaders in Godot 4". 😀

    The book is a comprehensive guide on creating 33 spectacular shaders in Godot 4, including thorough explanations of their algorithms and parameter settings. Each example comes with complete source code that you can use in your projects without restrictions.

    This time, it also includes a b and an elaborate introduction to ray marching.


    Please visit for more information and a free sample (50 pages out of 311).

    Thank you for reading this. Good luck with your games. 😎

    Godot 4: Liquid ribbon shader (shader tutorial)

    Hi everyone! Do you remember the shader I unoriginally called the Line Effect Shader and published a tutorial on creating it about nine months ago? Today's effect will be somewhat similar, with some horizontal structures twisting around and creating the impression of something liquid or almost plasma-like. Let’s take a look at how it’s programmed.

    Godot 4: Hexagonal tile shift (shader tutorial)

    Hello everyone! We continue the series of effects that we can apply to a selected texture or even the entire screen. This time, we will create a simple effect of breaking an image into hexagons, shifting the crop in each of these tiles, and the final composition of the entire image or, conversely, the decomposition, which can be quite a useful function.

    Godot 4: Stream of circles (shader tutorial)

    Hey everybody! This time, let's try something really simple, something that works more as a one-time effect, or an exercise for understanding some of the algorithms we often use in shaders. And who knows, maybe even such an unusual effect could find a place in some extravagant game.

    Godot 4: Snow shader (tutorial)

    Hey everybody! As a complement to the shaders we used to generate rain or a star field, we will create some nice snowfall. It's true that I have already programmed snow once, but that was in a 3D scene and with particles. This time, I'll use a 2D shader, but with a nice spatial effect using several layers, as you can see in the background right now. Let's get to it.

    Godot 4: Warp speed shader (tutorial)

    Hi everyone! Let's improve the Vertical Drops shader. As I promised at the end of the corresponding video, we can achieve an entirely different effect if we convert the algorithm into polar coordinates and make a few minor adjustments. Yes, we will create exactly what you now see on the screen, which can be used in the game as a hyperspace jump or warp speed acceleration. Let's get to it.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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