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What are your favourite controllers?
  • Given that the only console games I play are old Nintendo platformers, I'm gonna have to go with the NES Controller.

    Trying to play Megaman 2 with analog sticks is an exercise in anger management. XD

  • How to get good at FPS with a controller, coming from a PC gamer?
  • Tell me you mean that you have played 1 & 2, just not on the steam deck.

    Anything otherwise would be a shame.

  • he's a little late but plz be nice
  • Pretty sure I saw an animated short of a Game Grumps bit about this.

  • The issue of bugs/glitches and people not caring or accepting they're a thing.
  • Though I can't say I've felt dismissed by the Warframe community when it comes to bugs and glitches, I have definitely experienced it in other gaming communities.

    "Bugframe" is a common term seen around, so I'd say there's a certain consesus about it.

    As a general rule, however, you want submit a proper ticket if you want to report a bug. The various social media platforms official channels are just for advertisement. So you can't rely on the actual Developers seeing anything there. This goes for all non-indie games, movies and music.

    But I'm guessing you know that.

    Other than that, I guess it's luck of the draw who sees and responds to a post/comment.

  • The Dough Knows
  • Religious people alive today do shit like this. Like Mormons "Soaking" and such.

  • Denmark | World’s first carbon tax on livestock will cost farmers $100 per cow
  • Cows were already on their way out. Being a Dairy Farmer in DK pays miserably and was already taxed to hell and back.

    This is unlikely to make a big difference other than further pissing off a bunch of people.

  • Julian Assange released from prison and has left UK, WikiLeaks says
  • I'm not calling anyone a coward.

    I'm just less sure it's the end of anything.

  • no ragrets
  • I just thought it would be funnier if there was anything to it.

  • Donald Trump Endorses Louisiana Law Requiring Ten Commandments in Classrooms
  • All of them I'd imagine. Not that I think he killed anyone with his own hands. But I can definitely see people dying as a direct consequense of one of his decisions.

  • no ragrets
  • So they just pulled the Harry Potter specific part out of their ass?

    The article in the link you provided seem to indicate that most of the Tattoos people regret are tied to other people and beliefs. Like ex-lovers names and swastikas.

  • Julian Assange released from prison and has left UK, WikiLeaks says
  • "If I was him, I'd keep my head down and try to get to know my kids."

    Wouldn't that just mean that the threats worked? The corrupt won?

    I mean, the point of whistleblowing is to do so in spite of the threat of punishment, right?

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • Isn't the entire point of the newer versions of Windows just to force the engagement with applications you normally wouldn't use?

  • My Windows Computer Just Doesn't Feel Like Mine Anymore
  • I just started dual booting to see what Linux could do nowadays. And yes, there's a few games I have trouble playing, but it's mostly games like Subnautica that gives me trouble. And in all honesty, that game barely works in Windows as it is.

    I haven't had problems with anti-cheats at all. Like, Helldivers 2 runs as well on Linux as in Windows.

  • This company is the laughing stock of gaming right now
  • Well, they aren't alone. Blizzard and Activision is on my blacklist. As well as pretty much any studio own by Microsoft at this point... Oh, and Sony! Can't forget about them.

    The list is long.

  • Grandma’s church says Trump is all of us. She liked and shared. #LIBSinPRISON
  • I don't think most Christian Americans have read it.

    It's easier to just make up your own stuff as you see fit.

  • Sea Of Thieves Was The Most Downloaded PlayStation 5 Game In May
  • I don't understand when they shorten the time in which they calculate sales numbers to such small periods.

    I get year, and even half-year. But it gets a bit weird with months and weeks.

    It's doesn't seem like a good indicator of a game's popularity. A bit too forced.

  • For the dudes here... What "girl" song you secretly love?
  • Being insecure isn't teenager exclusive, I guess.

    I think OP is just asking the age-old question of "what is you guilty pleasure pop-song". Just very poorly worded. I'm not gonna hold that against 'em.

  • For the dudes here... What "girl" song you secretly love?
  • Speaking of Heavy Metal and Natalie Imbruglia. I really liked Steve Welsh's "If Korn wrote Torn"

  • For the dudes here... What "girl" song you secretly love?
  • Meh, there's a ton of songs written strictly from female perspectives or with a female audience in mind. From Peggy Lee to the Spice Girls and so on.

    I feel like they apply as "Girl Songs".

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 9th
  • Well, just finished it.

    And although it didn't match the first game, it's still a nice chill game in the same vain as the first. Same feeling and all that.

    As suspected, it's tough to attempt a continuation of the first story. They dipped a bit much into a few themes that really didn't seem to fit very well and there's a distinct lack of interaction with other NPCs. There's a few random characters you talk to over the radio, but not anything that has any impact on anything.

    So it's a fine enough game if you just want a bit more of the Oxenfree flavor, but don't expect too much from it.

  • (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

    As the title says. I severely dislike having to make accounts for every game publisher that wants to send me advertisements, collect data or whatever.

    It's usually an instant dealbreaker for me at this point

    Publishers needing their own launcher already puts them on shaky grounds with me.

    But I really liked the original BG 1 & 2, so I'm willing to not just refund it immediately and actually ask around first for solutions.

    Today I finally joined the Ranks of the True Masters

    I finally reached Rank 30 in this lovely game and I couldn't be happier. I just needed to share with someone as it has been quite a ride.

    2328 hours played and now there's only One Steam Achievement left to conquer: The dreaded "K-Driven" Achievement. XD

    The Warframe Community has been absolutely fantastic and is one of, if not the, most helpful communities I've been a part of.

    So here's a big Thank You to all of you who take the time help Newbies get their footing.


    It took 2245 hours of playtime... Hate

    Hate is a scythe with a cruel blade, wielded by The Stalker. Hate is a deadly scythe wielded by the Stalker. This weapon can be sold for 5,000 Credits  5,000. This weapon deals primarily  Slash damage.  Stance slot has polarity, matching  Reaping Spiral and  Shadow Harvest (Conclave only) stance. Ad...


    But Stalker finally dropped Hate for me.

    I swear this game has it out for me.

    Faydaikin Feydaikin
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